Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 330: Multiple Human Union and Level 9 Spiritual Power

Looking into the endless parallel universes.

Chen Sheng's thoughts were projected in every possible parallel universe in an instant, and all the development of the earth in these worlds came into view.

When he came to the former orphanage, everything was no different from the main world where he was. The only difference was that he was not there.

Arriving at the place where the Bai Group's headquarters should have been in the main world, it was an office building. Because without Bai Jingjing from a thousand years ago, the Bai family did not prosper.

That's right.

The development of any world is somewhat different from that of the main world, but in terms of general trends, there is almost no difference.

Human beings are at the top of the food chain.

A world structure with one superpower and multiple powers.

It is no different from the main world Earth before the disaster.


The biggest difference is:

He was nowhere to be seen.

Because Chen Sheng has arrived on the other side.

Truly the only one.

Looking at the real parallel universe that he can reach at will in the other side realm.

A trace of thought flashed in Chen Sheng's eyes.

Aren’t these many human civilizations on earth the source of excellent experience?

If united to become a whole.

Let Yong Zhou's reputation spread indefinitely.

The next experience growth will only be faster!

Most importantly, it looks really cool.

Chen Sheng thought this way.

He left a thought clone to preside over various affairs of the main world forever, and urged his subordinates to accelerate the integration and unification of human civilization on the entire earth.

After all, he wants to unify all humans.

At least all the humans in the main world must be unified first.

Only then can we do the next integration work.

If the humans in the main world have not yet united.

How can we talk about building a diverse human union?

That can only be nonsense!

and so.

The most important thing Chen Sheng left behind was to promote the unification of human civilization on earth.

And himself.

It takes thousands of incarnations and travels to many parallel universes.


Since then.

Human beings all over the earth have begun to enter an era of accelerated unification into a federation.

Under the supervision of Yong Zhou.

This process is extremely rapid and irreversible.

After all, anyone who dares to object must ask themselves with conscience: Are they afraid of the moon in the sky being transformed into a war weapon? Are they afraid of the terrifying power that turns the Milky Way into a virtual reality game?

And if they want to object.

All survivors in the world must be the first to refuse.

The survivors clearly see who can give everyone a better life.

In short.

This is how human civilization on Earth began to unite.

Based on the global united front, an initial political department was quickly established.

And build an iconic city for it.

At the same time, Yong Zhou also began to build large teleportation arrays between various survivor bases around the world, trying to restore the human civilization on Earth in the post-order era to the global village it once was.

Human civilization possesses controllable nuclear fusion technology.

It is also growing, recovering, and recuperating at an extremely fast speed.

Fast forward ten years.

Except for part of the restricted area that belongs to the eternal sun, the earth already belongs to human civilization.

With the help of Yong Zhou.

The construction of a large extraterrestrial space station was completed to accommodate the skyrocketing human population.

There are many space battleships parked at the port on the edge of the space station.

The entire human civilization.

Clearly beginning a steady progression toward the space age.

Chen Sheng is in a state of fugue.

Also returning at this moment.

He has incarnated into billions and spent many decades in many parallel universes.

The experience growth rate is due to his special status.

And it was stagnant for ten years.

But Chen Sheng did not regret this.

In the past ten years, he has gained a lot of insights through his countless incarnations.

This kind of gain.

Not to mention that it gave him the capital to reach level nine.

At least it made him stop for a while.

He hadn't stopped to look at the bustling fireworks in this world for a long time, but he had enjoyed living different lives in the past ten years.

He was content with that.

Other than that.

In the past ten years, he has also discovered some extremely interesting things.

The final gate of Antares in the main world.

Not just in the overworld.

Among those parallel universes that are difficult to discover and reach without the eighth level of spiritual power, there is also a door to the end in Antares.

It’s not like there are countless doors to the end.

Chen Sheng, who is in the eighth level of the Other Shore Realm, understands that this is the Gate of Ending that exists in these time and spaces at the same time.

As the core of the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

The Gate of Ending has an essence beyond imagination, and it can indeed be regarded as one of Yong Zhou's back-up men.

After years of studying the Gate of Finality from afar, Chen Sheng has finally understood and mastered the general level of the eighth level of the Other Side Realm.

And now he returns to the main world.

It is precisely because the humans in the main world not only united under the supervision of Yong Zhou, but also developed into a very powerful state.


It is also time to start the work of building a diverse human union.

A decade of stagnant experience growth.

It’s time to start making rapid progress now.

Just thinking about it.

Chen Sheng, who had thousands of thoughts unified, saw that the experience bar on the system panel that had been stagnant for ten years began to grow rapidly.

It's even more exaggerated than a wild horse running wild.

After all, it was a full decade of accumulated experience that exploded like a flood in an instant.

Nowadays, when humans are building bases and space battleships in orbit around the earth, it is incredible to what extent the experience has been accumulated.

Almost just for a moment.

Chen Sheng saw that the experience value was filled directly.

Ninth level of spiritual power - transcendence.

It’s done now!

This is a state on the road to transcendence.

Standing somewhere on the earth, Chen Sheng felt that he was infinitely grand, but nothing special.

A glance at the physical universe.

My current specifications seem to be similar to them.

Worthy of this moment.

The physical universe itself sent congratulations.

Everyone in the world chants His true name.

Countless frequency bands of sound waves, electromagnetic waves, and gravitational waves turned into regular vibrations.

You can find it if you read it carefully.

Everything, with or without wisdom.

At this moment, everyone is chanting: Chen Sheng! Chen Sheng! Chen Sheng! Chen Sheng!

This kind of arrangement is extremely exaggerated.

All matter in the universe is chanting the true name to Chen Sheng. Chen Sheng understood this.

After all, who I am now.

It has finally grown to a point where it is almost side by side with the material universe.

The material universe is only half a level higher than what he is today.

If it were the original multi-dimensional worm that came back to cause trouble.

With Chen Sheng's current strength.

There is absolutely no need to borrow money from the system. You can just go up and fight the multi-dimensional worms that are tens of billions of light-years in size one-on-one.

Don’t say you can win.

But you definitely can’t lose.

Everyone is at the ninth level of spiritual power.

Who is afraid of whom?

But compared to the abyss...

Chen Sheng was still a little scared.

ponder for a moment.

Chen Sheng chose to open the system panel to view the changes in the past ten years.

[Organization name: Yongzhou]

[Organization leader: Chen Sheng (leader privilege: psychic level = organization level + 3)]


[Organization level: 6]

[Experience: 10000000/? ? ? 】

[Organization Secret Realm: Mountain and Sea Realm (Enhancement +3.5), Relics·Then Become Spark, Cave Sky·Morning Academy, Relics·The Time of Farewell has Come, Relics·Last Guard, Relics·Moon Palace, World Fragments·Dwarf Crypt (name changed) Damocles Sky Island), Cave Sky·Shambhala, Advanced Ruins·Starry Sky Ancient Road·Zhoutian Star Formation (Enhancement +1), Spiritual World·Yuktra Hill, Humanoid Secret Realm·Chi You's Power (1 /6), Beast-shaped Secret Realm·Shadow Monster (Dead)]

[Functional accessories: Fuso tree, Sea of ​​Learning, Gate to the Secret Realm, Spark (already integrated into the starry sky), Body Refining Tower (self-made), Abyss Crack Stabilizer (finished product*3), Large-scale spiritual power sensing equipment (already assembled into a spiritual net) ), [Yuktrassil·Minimal Version], Boundary Monument*1 (in another world), Boundary Monument*1 (entity), Eternal Spear, Water of Rebirth, Gaia Intelligence, Boundary Monument Fragments]

[Heroic spirits have been recalled: Erlang (level 4 true god), Yue Chang'e (level 4 true god), Chang (level 4 true god), Shoumin (level 4 true god)]

[Senior talents of the organization: Ge Aya (level 5), Xin Xuanzang (level 5), Bai Jingjing (demigod), Derif (third level), Poseidon (level 4 true god)]

[Mythical beasts: Gosla (Planet Consciousness Level 5), Kun (currently the second batch of students - Demigod), Xiao Baize (Level 6)]

[Leader Messengers: Chen Yidian (level 7), Chen Tiya (level 7, boundary monument status increased by half a level)]

[Organizational departments: Headquarters, Morningside Academy (Affiliated Organization: Academy City), Lunar Research Department; Six major branches, three major rapid response forces; Foreign Affairs Department (Affiliated Organization: Committee for Care of Mythical Beasts, Eternal Communications Office in China), Discipline and Law Department (Affiliated Departments: Human Ethics and Safety Committee, Employee Care Committee.), Palace of the Past, Supernumerary Force·Xinqin]

The changes in these ten years are not small.

First of all.

After reaching the ninth level of spiritual power, his status became a series of question marks.


This is already difficult to describe.

After all, he is now equivalent to the personality of a single universe.

It elevates the concept of [star] to an unimaginable height.


The experience required to advance to the next level has now become a series of question marks.


Between the ninth level of spiritual power and higher levels.

That's a chasm-like gap.

The difficulty of upgrading is beyond imagination.

after all······

As we all know, the ninth level of spiritual power is already the limit for sea creatures in the entire multidimensional world.

Except for the will of the abyss, the material universe itself with multiple parallel structures, and a few people from the legendary ancient world in the sea of ​​multiple worlds.

No existence has ever touched the realm above this.

And even these existences that have vaguely reached the realm beyond the ninth level are only slightly above the ninth level.

For the road ahead.

They still feel confused.

Although the abyss that traveled the farthest was much more powerful than the others, they still failed to escape.

There is no existence that has truly achieved a realm above level nine. After all, existence above level nine means the multi-dimensional ocean itself that is equal to the true [infinite] level.

It means true detachment.

The ninth level of detachment is actually far from the true sense of detachment.

and so.

It’s no surprise that the next experience needed is a question mark.

There is a high probability that it will be a more difficult road than Chen Sheng's growth to the ninth level of spiritual power.


Chen Sheng found that experience seems to be rising.

The already ten million experience is increasing bit by bit in front of him.

This seems to be saying that the system actually has a way to make him transcend?

Thus becoming a being above level nine!

after all······

Although I don’t know what the upper limit of the experience bar is, at least the experience bar can still move.

It's just the cost.

Maybe it's ridiculously big.

in silence.

Chen Sheng decided to continue working on experience silently.

Just after he came back.

We can continue to work on the idea of ​​a multi-human union.

Wait until the vision of a pluralistic human union is established.

Every human civilization in multiple parallel universes thrives because of eternal daylight.

That amount of experience must be unimaginable.

When hundreds of millions, billions, or tens of billions of experience are poured in, we will know whether the system can send him to a realm above level nine.

In this regard.

Chen Sheng kept looking forward to it.

After all, if you cannot achieve a being above the ninth level of spiritual power, you will always feel inferior when facing the abyss.

Think so.

Chen Sheng continued to look down.

Judging from the simple data on the system panel.

Since these ten years.

Members in the organization have made their own progress more or less.

Bai Jingjing finally became a demigod.

It was somewhat reassuring to Chen Sheng.

This disciple of his has at least reached the state of simply possessing immortality.

Gesila, Xuanzang and Aya also achieved the fifth level of spiritual power.

The latter two have lived up to the expectations of his master. Since the former has reached this level of karma, Chen Sheng naturally decided to make him the new sage who will inherit the title of [Star].

After all, no one is more suitable for this title than Gosela.

Other than that.

The most promising one is Bai Ze.

In the past ten years, he has actually achieved the sixth level of spiritual power.

That's the sixth level of spiritual power!

A certain Kun worked hard for thousands of years to become a demigod, while Bai Ze only spent ten years to achieve the sixth level of spiritual power.

That is only one step away from the true top supernatural power user of the multi-realm sea.

As Chen Sheng's scheduled deputy.

It is still very good, and it has preliminary qualifications.

At last.

Chen Yidian and Chen Tiya have also achieved the seventh level of spiritual power.

It can be said that Yong Zhou has a real strong person besides him.

Chen Sheng is quite satisfied with these developments.

These are all the team members who will go to other parallel universes to work hard in their careers.

The goal of realizing the dream of a diverse human union depends on these lovely men.

As for himself.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged near the Gate of Ending.

Quietly experience the power in the body that is comparable to the level of a single universe. (End of chapter)

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