Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 331 Toward Transcendence!

Post-order era, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years, three hundred and sixty-three days.

Universe No. 600001, Earth’s Mother Planet, and the Multi-Human Alliance Branch.

As the headquarters of humans in this parallel universe who have entered the interstellar age, this place looks similar to what it looked like two thousand years ago.

At first glance.

It does not deliberately show any high technology.

There are many office buildings located among the vast greenery.

Perhaps the materials of these buildings are new materials that can withstand planetary explosions, or perhaps there are a large number of defense and counterattack devices hidden inside the buildings that can be activated at any time.

But if you just look at the appearance.

Except for the large anti-gravity mechanical airports near the office buildings that are used to park aircraft from all over the world, there is nothing else that looks high-tech.

This is a branch of the diverse human union.

It is also the political center of humanity on parallel universe Earth No. 600001.

The policies from the headquarters of the multi-human federation of the main world have always been vigorously promoted here.

The ecological restoration habits developed by the main world Earth after experiencing disasters have been implemented on the earth in various parallel universes.

and so.

Office building here.

It is located in a large ecological ornamental green park.

Liu Xinyue turned off the holographic projection on the desk in front of her and let out a long sigh.

if you can.

It would be better to take on as few of these long-term overseas stationing missions as possible in the future.

She is a powerful person in the realm of fifth-level spiritual power.

In theory, it can have a relatively high degree of freedom, and most of the permanent residents of each universe are members from that universe.

However, it is Yongzhi's rule that every one hundred thousand universes need to have a true god or above stationed there.

After two thousand years of development.

Although Yongzhou has made great progress.

However, there are not enough existences of level four true gods and above to be able to station one in every 100,000 universes, and there can be many more.

At most, there are only more than four hundred.

With more than 30 million parallel universes in charge, I can only say that I can barely rotate some regularly and go back to their respective parallel universes for vacation.

and so.

Generally speaking, tasks assigned to Liu Xinyue cannot be refused.

Of course.

Liu Xinyue never thought of refusing.

Leave aside the mission, glory, rules, etc.

At least Yong Zhou's benefits are pretty good.

Various welfare benefits are just the basis.

The benefits of upgrading are:

The cross-universe portal has always been open and allowed to pass through for a long time for sages like them who are sent out to be responsible for a large number of parallel universes.

She can go back for a day or two every month or two.

If you encounter special personal circumstances, you will be treated as appropriate by Yongzhou after reporting them.

This can only be applied for by the branch of the multi-human union in each parallel universe.

In most cases, Yong Zhou's consent may not be obtained.

After all, the ability to transcend parallel universes relies on Chen Sheng, the only Eternal Day leader who has reached or even surpassed the eighth-level spiritual power level.

Apart from this, there is no other way to cross parallel universes.

After all, these parallel universes are not simply barriers of time and space, but existences transformed into certain possibilities hidden under the shadow of the main world.

Only Chen Sheng, the leader of Yongzhou, has the means to transcend.

and so.

Opening the passage to and from these sages at will is a benefit unique to Yongri.


For sages like them, who have endless lifespans, they can wait for a long rotational vacation after being stationed for hundreds of years.

It's still acceptable.

Maybe you will realize a new realm, and time will pass naturally.

"It will be two thousand years in a few days."

"The celebration should be about the same as the one thousand years ago, but you can go back to the main world to take a rest."

Liu Xinyue held her chin up.

There was more expectation on his face.

Although she still looks young, she is actually over 2,000 years old.

People get old.

It is inevitable that you will be a little homesick.

She still misses Lin Miao and others whom she hasn't seen for a long time.

After all, we were all Chenxi College students in the same batch and dormitory.

Moreover, among the first three batches of students recruited by Chenxi Academy, it is rare for them to be able to grow all the way to the current level of strength.

Unlike many members of Yongzhi who have been unable to make progress in their spiritual power level, they can only retreat to the Palace of the Past to take care of their old age in a way that prolongs their lives as much as possible.

for these companions.

Due to various work arrangement reasons.

She has fewer opportunities to see him now.

It is only during this celebration period that it is easier to have the opportunity to meet.

Although she has achieved immortality for nearly two thousand years, she is still not used to the concept of immortality.

Just thinking so.

She noticed that the projection on the dome in the sky began to change. It was no longer a picture of blue sky, white clouds, and sunny wind, but turned into a projection of an outer space scene.

It was a warm-up performance ceremony to celebrate the two thousand years of the post-order era of the multi-human union in this universe for the many humans who still live on the earth's mother planet in the interstellar era.

Such a scene.

At the same time, it is also projected on many other planets where humans are stationed.

Coming from the main world Earth's habit of commemorating and remembering times of disaster, many parallel universes are also being led to rejoice together at this moment.

Liu Xinyue looked up at the sky with interest.

The scene in the sky was immediately recognized as coming from the vicinity of the 2,000th habitable planet colonized by humans in the current parallel universe.

She still has some impressions of the binary star system there.

At this moment, I saw a huge [gravitational traction, floating, and separate Dyson sphere] wrapping this binary star system in an incredible way.

Well known.

Dyson Sphere is a means of covering the sun to obtain energy.

There is no shortage of such means for today's humans.

Most of the diverse human unions that share technology have explored and colonized extremely distant galaxies.

The manufacturing cost and technical content currently displayed far exceed the value of the two stars themselves. An upgraded version of the Dyson sphere.

Naturally, it was specially prepared for these few days.

I saw blocks one by one on the Dyson sphere starting to light up.

It's like forming an electronic screen.


A group of people [Multiple Human Federation Yongchang! Everlasting day and everlasting prosperity! 】The words were displayed on the huge Dyson ball screen.

Although it looks a bit earthy.

But the cost has still been reduced.

The branch of the multi-human union in this universe has hollowed out the resources of at least two star systems for this purpose.

In this regard.

Liu Xinyue nodded.

Didn't express any opinions.

In fact.

The diverse human union has now developed to an extremely powerful point, and the loss of these things is not a waste.

These sages of the True God level and above who are stationed in various worlds are all members of the [Eternal Day·Parallel Universe Supervision and Guidance Department].

They are stationed here to supervise the development of the diverse human union on behalf of Yong Zhou.

Instead of digging into such small and trivial problems.


The last thousand-year celebration was even more wasteful than this.

As if they had discussed it, each parallel universe lit up hundreds of stars in their respective universes. Relying on the light of the supernova explosion, they formed an icon of a diverse human union and an eternal day icon.

Later, Yong Zhou clicked on two sentences about the pluralistic human union.

As expected, this time the two-thousand-year celebration has restrained itself somewhat in terms of waste.

Looking at the dome that has returned to blue sky and white clouds.

Liu Xinyue also withdrew her gaze and continued to be immersed in understanding the new realm.


As just said on the Dyson sphere projection.

Humanity will prosper forever!

Everlasting day and everlasting prosperity!

The branch of the multi-human alliance in each parallel universe has basically explored the scope beyond the Milky Way.

Belong to a true interstellar empire.

The headquarters of the multi-human alliance in the main world has set the goal of the step-by-step future plan as the entire galaxy.

In a sense, the greater the scope of domination. The more powerful a civilization is, the more often it can be seen.

after all.

How could someone without strength be able to occupy and manage such a vast territory that is counted in light years?

If the power of the multiple human unions in various parallel universes is added up, it becomes an even more terrifying force.

Isn’t this the eternal prosperity of mankind?

And eternal day.

The development in the past two thousand years has been even more outrageous.

Not to mention the powers below demigods that pervade all parallel universes, there are countless powers below demigods in Eternal Day.

Just counting demigods, the number exceeds ten thousand.

The fourth-level true god and the fifth-level spiritual king realm combined.

The number reached around four hundred.

As for the existence of the sixth-level spiritual master level, there are also close to double digits.

As for the seventh-level spiritual power level creation realm that is comparable to the size of the Milky Way.

There are also three in total.

Let’s leave aside Chen Tiya and Chen Yidian.

The other one is Bai Ze, who has grown to the seventh level of creation in the past two thousand years.

Now as the leader's deputy.

Most things that are managed by Yongzhi will move towards the orderly management of diversified Yongzhi.


Humanity and Eternal Day.



In some unknown parallel universe.

Chen Sheng, who had been silent for a long time, slowly opened his eyes.

There was no movement at all.

Behind him is still the eternal door of the end.

Because of Chen Sheng's order, this place has been restricted for two thousand years in the cognition of the diverse human union.

Look up into the unknown distance.

Just for a moment.

Everything that happens in the material universe of multiple parallel universes comes into view.

In an instant he understood everything.

Just as expected and planned.

Humanity has become diverse.

and make continuous progress.

Now it has grown into a multidimensional interstellar empire that seems to rival science fiction novels.

Yong Zhou also made great progress during this period.

Under these blessings.

Chen Sheng looked at the system panel.

In the organizational experience column, a ridiculous amount of experience has been gained over the years.

[Organizational experience:? ? ? /? ? ? 】

Clicking on the clickable question mark in front, Chen Sheng saw a number with Jing as the suffix.

Chen Sheng didn't care what the specific number was.

He only knows that it has now become a question mark, which most likely means that the upgrade conditions have been met!

This made his calm mentality for two thousand years now have some ups and downs.

Although the Abyss has not invaded for two thousand years.

However, as a ninth-level spiritual being, Chen Sheng could still feel the endless erosion of the material universe itself by the abyss.

Abyss just didn’t send anyone in to deliver it.

But this does not mean that the abyss no longer covets the flesh of the material universe.

Chen Sheng has always been vaguely worried.

And now.

The experience should be enough when you see the system prompt.

Chen Sheng was still a little excited.

With mixed emotions, he chose to upgrade.

Change does not occur in the physical universe.

But Chen Sheng could feel that his vision was lifted to a very, very high realm in an instant.

His perception is covering the huge, almost infinite sea of ​​multiple realms.

this moment.

He is one! He is all!

he is currently······

Towards transcendence!

The physical universe and the abyss seem to be just ants.

Or just an ant.

He was instantly ignored by Chen Sheng at this moment.

I can't bring myself to care at all.

Moving towards transcendence, he is moving forward on the absolutely infinite road without blinking his eyes.


He is constantly climbing towards a realm above the ninth level of spiritual power.

That realm that does not exist in the sea of ​​multidimensional realms.

That supreme state.

It seems that it is gradually becoming clear at this moment.



The will of the abyss is steadily eroding the material universe, and it is planned to never send food into it again.

But at this moment.

A strange feeling arises spontaneously.

That feeling.

It made him feel extremely bad.

As the being who has gone furthest towards a realm above the ninth level of spiritual power.

He firmly believed that his feelings had a reason.

There must be some great terror that might threaten Him.

He tried to see clearly through countless fates and causes and effects, but could not see anything clearly.

He even said that he acted like this.

It seemed to have attracted the attention of someone.

Abyss Will only heard a soft "Huh?".

It felt like everything in the entire abyss was instantly reduced to nothing.

Those ninth-level pillar gods and countless abyss monsters all disappeared without a sound.

It's like it never happened.

And as the core, His abyssal will.

I clearly feel that everything about me has been wiped out by a completely imperceptible force. This force makes no sense at all.

The will of the abyss is now understood.

This is what I have been pursuing so hard, the realm above the ninth level of spiritual power.

He frantically wanted to see who was behind this power.

And that being seemed to know the thoughts of the Will of the Abyss, and cast a force that the Will of the Abyss could barely see clearly.

The last thought of the will of the abyss.

Climbing along this understandable power as a rope, I came to an infinitely noble realm.

it's here.

He saw a familiar figure.

The guy who inexplicably escaped from him almost two thousand years ago.


The Will of the Abyss looked at that existence and disappeared with complicated emotions.

In that emotion.

There is confusion and helplessness.


He didn't know that he had such a safe code of conduct, so why did he lose?


He also couldn't understand why someone could achieve a realm above level nine in two thousand years.


And it was Chen Sheng who created all of this.

Silently withdrew his gaze.

The will of the abyss is just an insignificant ant at the moment.

He just dealt with it.

There is absolutely no need for so-called back-up tricks such as the Gate of Ending and the Fruit of Time and Space.

It's really just random.

What I have to do next is to continue climbing towards that seemingly infinitely grander higher realm.

after all······

At this moment, in a sense, I have only seen the path to that realm.

We are far from truly setting foot. (End of chapter)

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