Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 43 Andrew began to doubt life

Chapter 43 Andrew began to doubt life

San Cristobal Mountains.

Andrew sat patiently in the tent at the foot of the mountain as a temporary command post, waiting for the results of the investigation on the mountain.

Most of the many troops that had been withdrawn had returned, and a third of them were stationed at various places at the foot of the mountain to prevent anyone from slipping in again.

One-third is cleaning up the large amount of gravel that fell when the bronze door on the mountain was opened, and strives to sort out a road that can allow a large number of professional teams and instruments to go up the mountain as soon as possible.

The last one-third of the troops followed some professionals who had just been transferred, and used instruments to investigate the various peaks in the San Cristobal Mountains to see if there were cavities in other mountains.

This is not a karst landform. If there is a cavity, there is a high probability that another mountain has been hollowed out to make a ruin.

As for dozens of the most elite soldiers of their Abnormal Countermeasure Bureau, they are currently conducting exploration and investigation in the ruins that suddenly appeared on the mountain with a few experts.

Soon, Andrew, who was sitting at the door of the tent, heard the sound of electricity from inside the tent.

He followed the sound and saw a picture appearing on the huge display screen after a while.


The soldier on the opposite side of the screen saluted first.

This soldier was Andrew's adjutant, and his whole body was being tightly wrapped in a silver fiber anti-radiation suit.

According to the discoverer, there may be radioactivity in the bronze door, so the whole process was directed by Adjutant Andrew who volunteered on his own behalf.

Andrew looked at the huge bronze door opened behind the adjutant and the surrounding wiring, frowned and said, "Let's start explaining the situation directly."


The adjutant nodded, and then walked towards the bronze door, the screen followed behind the soldier.

After entering the bronze gate, a passage made of jade is displayed in front of you.

Bulbs are glued to the surrounding walls, bringing light to the long jade passage.

"The appearance of this ancient ruin was due to a small-scale earthquake in the surrounding area, which shook the covered gravel and exposed the bronze door."

"However, although our troops at the foot of the mountain felt the vibration, the three witnesses of this ruin also felt the vibration. But we confirmed it, and the surrounding earthquake monitoring departments did not notice it."

The adjutant said, and slowly came to the wall of the jade passage.

"According to three eyewitnesses, the patterns on the jade wall are all in the style of the Olmec civilization, which means that the ruins are at least 3000 years old."

"For the sake of rigor, we have already chiseled a part of the jade, bronze, stone and other materials here as samples and sent them to professional departments for age identification. Then we will know the specific time."

As he said that, the adjutant had brought the camera footage to the part of the jade passage full of murals.

"Then let's assume that this place is indeed a relic thousands of years ago, let's talk about the key points."

Andrew's eyes lit up.

The three professors who were the first witnesses captured by the vanguard stayed in the isolation room not far from the temporary command post for radiological identification.

These guys told him some incredible news.

If it wasn't for the possible radioactivity in the ruins on the mountain, he couldn't wait to rush in.

But once things involve radioactivity, all his actions will naturally become stable.

"Here is the supernatural phenomenon that those witnesses said."

The adjutant came to a mural.

Here at this moment, many people in silver fiber radiation protection suits are recording with paper and video cameras.

Andrew didn't pay attention to the professionals who studied the records.

He stared dumbfounded at the mural facing the screen at this moment.

That's a string of characters.

Its size is inconspicuous on the murals.

But when his eyes caught it, he couldn't look away.

The spooky effect is shocking.

Just looking at the string of characters, Andrew felt that he had understood the meaning.

【They are coming】

Not only the meaning, Andrew felt that he could even feel some kind of heavy emotion contained in these words.

This is the supernatural phenomenon in the mouths of the three witnesses, a string of inexplicable characters.

"The current survey of radioactivity is not over yet, and the gravel at the foot of the mountain also hinders more of our professionals from coming in for exploration and research."

"But judging from the current situation, there are indeed supernatural phenomena here."

"Currently, there are not enough manpower for in-depth research. We just tried to re-engrave these characters as they are, but after re-engraving the obviously identical fonts, there is no such extraordinary effect."

"We are going to prepare for the time being..."

The adjutant's words continued, but Andrew was already distracted.

His thoughts recalled the interrogation of the three professors who sneaked into the San Cristobal Mountains ten minutes ago.

Now, after seeing supernatural characters.

The words spoken by the three professors can be regarded as true for the time being.

"Has it been silently guarding human organizations since ancient times?"

Andrew narrowed his eyes and murmured.

A complex sense of anxiety made him, the newly appointed director of the Abnormality Countermeasures Bureau, unable to resist wanting to eat a piece of milk candy to relieve his anxiety.

The supernatural events that have been happening around the San Cristobal Mountains these days can all be considered together, and a possible truth gradually becomes clear:

Eternal Sun is a supernatural organization that has appeared since the Yin and Shang Dynasties. They exist to deal with monsters and protect human beings.

After they disappeared for a long time.

They appeared here again, solved several raging monsters, and took back something in the ruins of their own organization.

It all ties together lately.

It's just that Andrew still couldn't help being a little puzzled.

This form of existence can be said to be a great and powerful salvation organization.

Why hide yourself?At the same time, how do they hide themselves?
Why has its existence never been found in human historical records and archaeological excavations.

In addition, since there are monsters in this world, why he never knew.

Has someone modified ordinary people's cognition?Or is there some kind of periodicity in the appearance of monsters?
All kinds of doubts flashed in Andrew's mind.

At this moment, he knows a lot, but there are also many questions born.

"Could it be that the real world I know has always been false?"

Andrew closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, his eyes became serious and serious.

No matter what, the next can't be messed up.

As the director of the Abnormal Countermeasures Bureau, his responsibility is to deal with such things that challenge the worldview.

All kinds of things that need to be done flowed through his mind.

The first is to study the few monster cells and the principles of supernatural writing. These two tasks of directly contacting extraordinary power are the most important tasks.

Then let professionals study the content of the murals, study the composition of jade to determine the possible source, re-examine and read human history, so as to investigate the possible past of the Yongzhou organization.

In the end, it is to investigate the intelligence of Yonghe that still exists, to explore their stronghold, their members, and their strength...

(End of this chapter)

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