Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 44 Future Organizational Strategies

Chapter 44 Future Organizational Strategies

As for the spectators who discovered the ruins in Carioca, Chen Sheng did not include them in the organization as before.

After all, Yongzhou is an ancient salvation organization, and it has to maintain its strong character, otherwise it will not be able to maintain the human design and experience.

Although there is a shortage of people, the talents recruited during this period are at least high-level talents, and they must also be people with excellent temperament.

Even so, some study and exercise are still essential.

Thinking, Chen Sheng looked at the few people standing in front of the airport gate.

This is Taos Airport in New Mexico, not too far from Taos Town.

The four of Russell, after studying at the headquarters cave for a period of time, returned to Taos Town through the gate of the secret realm, packed their luggage and prepared to leave in the usual way.

Just as they flew to Taos, so now they fly to Europe to leave their mark on the records of the real world.

Considering that Russell and the others mainly stayed in Europe when fighting human trafficking, Chen Sheng let them go back to their old places, and let them temporarily serve as the eyes of the organization there.

In addition to telling these people to always pay attention to whether there are monsters around them in Europe, Chen Sheng also took out four tablets and handed them to the people in front of him.

"Don't forget to study after you leave."

Chen Sheng said, showing a kind smile.

Every day, after studying, he would record some of the information about the monsters in the abyss in his mind, and then summarize and record them to the local area network that the headquarters will build for office use in the future.

Then, relying on the signal amplification of the hibiscus tree, the local area network used in the cave of the headquarters can directly transmit signals to designated equipment terminals at fixed points.

Members of the organization can use terminals to connect to the organization's intranet anywhere in the world, and the local area network directly becomes a very special wide area network.

The information of various abyssal monsters will be updated in real time on these four tablets.

And the four of Russell in front of them took the tablet, all of them couldn't help showing a wry smile.

These days, they have been studying all kinds of monster materials and basic knowledge of spiritual power in the cave of the headquarters, and by the way, they have been continuously exercising their physical strength under the training of Chen Sheng.

But now that they leave the headquarters, they still cannot escape the fate of learning.

"Go, don't forget to exercise, break through the first level of spiritual power as soon as possible, and become a full member of the organization. You are still a little too weak now."

Chen Sheng looked at the four of Russell and said seriously.

The first batch of members of these organizations seemed relaxed when they joined, but they would naturally have to go through more rigorous assessments if they wanted to become full members. Only those who achieved level 1 spiritual power were eligible to be promoted to full members.

At that time, you can give them the key to the secret realm, and let the organization officially blossom and develop all over the world.

"We will be serious, leader!"

Russell nodded, and roared out firmly and earnestly.

With Chen Sheng's shield, no matter how loud he shouted at the gate of the airport, he would not have a strong sense of presence in the eyes of the people around him.

"Then I'll send it here."

Chen Sheng nodded in satisfaction.

The next moment, his figure disappeared without a sound.

And Russell and the others instantly felt the noise of people coming and going around them, which kept pouring into their ears.

It was as if a few of them pushed the door from a room with excellent sound insulation and came to an extremely noisy construction site.

It was as if they had been stripped from reality just now, and they had returned to reality.

"Such ability..."

Russell murmured, and couldn't help feeling fascinated.

"Let's go."

Romero patted Russell on the shoulder.

Hearing this, Russell looked back at Romero with a smirk on his face, and at Martha and John with a smile on his face.

A surge of pride could not help but rise from my heart.

From now on, the upgraded versions of them are going back to Europe.It's time to use violence to reduce the dimensionality of those big cases that they followed for a long time but dared not take action.


After returning to the headquarters cave through the gate of the secret realm in Taos Town, Chen Sheng closed the gate casually.

Standing under the hibiscus tree, Chen Sheng closed his eyes and concentrated.

There are multiple considerations in agreeing with Russell and the others to go to Europe.

First of all, these people have almost learned some necessary basics of spiritual power, and then there is no need to stay at the headquarters for some written things.

Secondly, he also promised a few people that Yongzhou would support them in fighting human trafficking and would not be indifferent to the darkness in front of them.So they let their ability change greatly, and they returned to the familiar Europe to make a career.

Finally, it is to prepare them to gain a firm foothold in Europe. While combating human trafficking organizations, they can also smash and absorb the more useful residual value of those evil forces, and create some useful peripheral eyeliners and forces. , to prepare for the organization to establish a branch in Europe in the future.

As for the headquarters in Huaguo, Bai Yu is currently in charge of continuing to develop steadily.

In the organizational strategy Chen Sheng decided on now, every continent and even the uninhabited Antarctica must have an organized distribution of power. This kind of full-blown development is inevitable to deal with the abyss that invades everywhere.

In addition to the need for a wide geographical distribution, in the future, the organization of each continent's branch will also need someone to break into the local official high-level, at least one of the five major powers must have someone who organizes.

Never interfering with the secular regime, this approach is only to clarify the various decisions of those secular regimes, to avoid or eliminate the possibility of conflict with them, so that the great ideal of protecting human beings will not be blocked by human beings themselves.

However, if you want to achieve all this, the new organization is far from enough.

Chen Sheng's own strength is indeed enough to subvert the world and forcibly pull up a team.

However, after all, he is the leader of a mysterious and ancient salvation organization in name, and the system he owns is also a salvation organization system that is good at building power. Relying on personal might to forcibly build an organization does not conform to human design.

Developing Yong Zhou according to the existing personality is his basic foundation, and it is the foundation to ensure that his strength can be steadily improved to the point where he is not afraid of the abyss.

Just any behavior of developing the organization and maintaining the organizational personality can promote the improvement of organizational experience, which is a virtuous circle.

"So, our new organization is really short of people now."

"However, we must maintain the foundation of rather lack than excess."

Chen Sheng pinched his temples with a headache.

The new organization lacks everything, but what it lacks most is people. With talents, everything can be planned steadily, the education department that is currently eager to be established can be implemented as soon as possible, and the new organization can develop rapidly.

But just as he didn't open his mouth to ask Carioca and the others to join, Yong Zhou's employment standards cannot be lowered for the time being.

In the future, the standards may be gradually lowered, and different levels of talents are required at all levels.But at least the first batch of members who are the cornerstones must be rather queer than indiscriminate, they must be the top elites among human beings, and their temperament must meet the admission standards of the Salvation Organization.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Sheng opened the talent information database he had ordered Bai Yu to build.

In addition to the various talents selected by Bai Yu with his power, there are also talents listed by John and Russell.

(End of this chapter)

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