Chapter 5

Zhonghai Hospital.

The narrow corridor was empty.

Bai Yu was the only one sitting in the wheelchair, quietly feeling the sunshine coming in through the window.

Years of living in a wheelchair, which is difficult to move, has inevitably had some impact on Baiyu.

The physical restraint allowed her mind to fly on other levels.

I don't know when, Bai Yu always sat there habitually and fell into deep thought.

Thinking about the future of the family, thinking about the elderly grandpa, thinking about future plans...

The children in the family are always jumping up and down, but Bai Yu, who is of the same generation as them, is looking at the business map, sitting quietly in a wheelchair and planning the future of the family, looking a lot older.

Although she is only 20 years old, she is more stable than her 50-[-]-year-old uncles, and she can always think calmly when encountering things.

Perhaps it is precisely because of her willingness to think and prudence that grandpa can choose her as the grandson from among the many children to inherit the huge family business.

To be honest, all this was a bit too boring for her.

The family's business territory has expanded many times after she took over, without any difficulty at all.

There is no need for any dirty methods, and everything is played with the highest difficulty of fairness, but it is still not challenging.

If it weren't for her grandfather's entrustment and physical limitations, she would not have calmly dealt with the trivial matters of the family.

But today, she couldn't think calmly.

Grandpa, who was old but healthy all the time, suddenly fell into a coma when he came to the hospital for a routine physical examination.

Even if many famous doctors were invited with the energy of the family, even if the elder brother who specialized in medicine came back, it was still difficult to solve the current situation.

She, who has always been calm, can only stay quietly outside the operating room and wait for the verdict.

Staring at the door of the operating room, her hand unconsciously clenched the armrest of the wheelchair, and blue veins appeared faintly on Bai Nen's arm.

"Scared, aren't you?"

The calm man's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

Bai Yu froze for a moment, then looked aside when she heard the sound.

It was a man dressed in ordinary clothes, but she knew that ordinary men would not appear here.

She had already dismissed everyone, leaving only herself here.

So how did this ordinary man not alert the guards outside to come over?
Is there something wrong with my own people?Or do those subordinates dare to neglect their duties at such a time?
Bai Yu couldn't help feeling suspicious.

After thinking for a moment, she silently pressed the switch under the armrest of the wheelchair, waiting for her more trusted subordinates to arrive.

Before she could continue to think about it, the man standing beside him bowed slightly, leaned on the wheelchair and approached her ear and said:

"Your thoughts are like wrinkled pool water. It is difficult to be clear and clear when touched by the outside world."

The man's gentle voice made the vigilant Bai Yu listen subconsciously.

"But if the pool of water is allowed to calm down, the answer becomes clear immediately."

The man said, pointing to the closed door of the operating room.

After hearing the man's words, Bai Yu only felt that his mood had become calmer than ever before, and the thoughts that were chaotic because of his grandfather's coma also calmed down.

Look in the direction the man is pointing.

The metal operating room door seemed to be empty, allowing Bai Yu's line of sight to directly touch the inside of the operating room.

She saw grandpa lying on the hospital bed.

Between the furrowed brows, wrinkles interpreted his pain.

I saw the doctors busy around the hospital bed.

Under the cold light, they were doing rescue work non-stop.

I saw my elder brother who had achieved success in medical studies.

He was staying by the hospital bed at a loss, handing tools to the specialist beside him in a daze.

She also saw...

A lump of meat!

A lump of rotten and disgusting green meat floated above Grandpa.

Just looking at it makes people feel extremely uncomfortable, as if the source of all kinds of mess can be found in this rotten lump of meat.

Just looking at it, Bai Yu seemed to feel the endless stench rushing into his nose.

The entire operating room ceiling was filled with this weird thing.

It's just that no one noticed.

It seemed that no one could see the rotten object.

"When the plague monsters invaded and needed a seriously ill person nearby, it happened that this poisoned old man appeared nearby by coincidence."

"So, cross-boundary erosion and the arrival of entities have become a logical process."

After speaking, the man waved his hand.

Bai Yu saw that among the sunlight coming in from the windows on both sides, a ray of sunlight moved and shot directly towards the hole in the operating room.

Under the brilliant sun, there is no obstacle.

Like a hot knife cutting butter, the green and rotten plague monster disappeared under the sizzling sound.

Bai Yu stared straight at him, there were too many thoughts in his heart to say, but at this moment, he controlled himself and didn't say anything.

The warm sunshine was like a sharp sword, and at the same time it killed the plague monster, it also seemed to hit the motionless electrocardiogram beside the grandfather's hospital bed.

Under the sharp "sword".

The straight and gentle line suddenly had ups and downs.

Bai Yu was stunned.

No one seemed to notice it except her.

She was about to say something, but she couldn't see anyone when she turned her head.

That man, I don't know when he disappeared.

When she turned her head back again, the door of the operating room was still closed, and she couldn't see through the door.

However, she could vaguely hear a few familiar cheers coming from the door of the operating room, which was probably her brother who was studying medicine hard.


Standing on the roof of Zhonghai Hospital where ordinary people cannot go up, Chen Sheng smiled with satisfaction.

Today is the fourth day after three months of closed-door training, and three monsters from the abyss have officially appeared.

Chen Sheng, who has the power of Xihe, is currently able to connect with the sun to roughly perceive the half of the earth illuminated by the sun.

Although this kind of perception made his cpu almost burnt out, so that he couldn't perceive the details in place, but it was clear where the cracks in the abyss appeared.

The so-called cracks in the abyss are the prototype of the entrance to the abyss in the real world. The cracks that have not yet officially become the entrance exist in a higher-dimensional level, which cannot be seen or touched.

But the space around the cracks in the abyss will be affected, and some monsters in the abyss will randomly squeeze into the world through the turbulent space.

The first crack in the abyss appeared in Huaguo.

After finding Zhonghai City where the cracks in the abyss appeared, Chen Sheng was keenly aware of the arrival of these monsters, and eliminated them all before many people noticed.

The whole process of solving is easy and pleasant.

On the deserted coast, on the bustling streets.

He just casually glanced at the two ordinary monsters that weren't even at the first level of spiritual power, and let them be burned as soon as they squeezed into the real world.

They didn't have time to come completely, and they disappeared under the direct sight of the sun's essence and gentle power.

And the third only has some meaning.

According to the information of 200 million abyss monsters that Chen Sheng was familiar with.This monster is called the plague monster, and it is a relatively powerful one among the first-level abyssal monsters.

This time this one hasn't fully descended yet, but it didn't show much strength.

It is used to boarding the arrival of the seriously ill.

An old man who was poisoned by his parents and children became the target of this plague monster.

(End of this chapter)

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