Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 6 Abyss Cracks, Bright Sun

Chapter 6 Abyss Cracks, Bright Sun

Chen Sheng originally wanted to deal with the plague monsters from a distance at will, without appearing in front of anyone, so as to maintain the organization's ancient and mysterious personality.

But the girl in the wheelchair had eight large characters marked on her forehead by the system: [Senior talents, it is recommended to recruit. 】

Thus, Chen Sheng, the magic stick, came out.

He appeared quietly, seeing that different world from a girl's perspective.

He disappeared without a sound, coming and going freely without the girl noticing.

Chen Sheng was confident that the mysteriousness brought about by this casual appearance must have left a deep impression on the girl named Baiyu.

Relying on Xi He's ability to "memory of the past is witnessed by the stars".

Chen Sheng seemed to be hanging out, and he had a general understanding of the girl's past in an instant.

He knew that the girl had a good heart and met the requirements of joining an ancient lawful organization.

He also knew that she would not gossip about what she saw and heard today, and she would definitely come to him after dealing with her own affairs.

And before welcoming the first member of the organization other than him to join, Chen Sheng can do a very important business for the time being.


Suburbs of Zhonghai City.

There is an old house here, and everything around it looks peaceful and normal.

But Chen Sheng understood that it was not easy here.

He could feel the crack in the abyss here.

It was the crack in the abyss here that made the entire space around Zhonghai city faintly turbulent, causing the three abyssal monsters to squeeze into the real world.

Although the crack in the abyss cannot be touched or seen, it seems a bit bright to the psyker.

Evil, cold, and terrifying spiritual power gushes out from an invisible place here.

Almost all negative words imaginable can be used to describe the weird atmosphere here, just standing here has a feeling of blackening.

The evil spiritual power was provoking Chen Sheng's emotions, and it was also urging the surrounding creatures to mutate in a direction that was definitely not good.

Anyone who stays here for a few days will feel dizzy at the slightest, and seriously ill at the worst.In short, it will definitely fail.

Fortunately, no one lives here, it's just an abandoned house in the mountains.

The nearest human gathering place is a small village a few kilometers away at the foot of the mountain.

The evil forces that are constantly gathering and thickening here can only affect some flowers and plants near the house.

In Chen Sheng's eyes, although the appearance of these flowers and plants hadn't started to change drastically, they had a tendency to become strange plants.

"These plants contain a lot of abyssal atmosphere, which is a good material."

Chen Sheng nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he mobilized the gravitational force with Xi He's force, and pulled out all the plants that could be used around him from the soil.

After doing all this, Chen Sheng frowned and looked around, feeling the breath of the abyss.

"The crack in the abyss is the prototype of the entrance to the abyss. As long as it is still there, it will always affect the surrounding space, right? There will always be monsters appearing from time to time."

"Is there any way to completely solve it?"

Chen Sheng asked curiously.

He can naturally suppress it in Zhonghai City, and he can also send powerful organization members to suppress it in other places in the future when there are cracks in the abyss.

However, Abyssal Fissures will eventually grow into portals, causing massive invasions.

And even though there are no other people in the organization now, he can also foresee a situation: if the frequency of the cracks in the abyss is higher, the organization will definitely have a shortage of manpower due to suppression.

He needs a method that can seal or erase the cracks in the abyss once and for all.

[All secret realms, as part of the organization, have the function of erasing the cracks in the abyss. 】

[As long as it is placed, the abyss crack there can be eliminated, and the space can be stabilized to avoid the abyss crack appearing nearby again in the future. 】

"Is it also possible to use secret land and ruins?"

Chen Sheng asked.

[Yes, all secret realms. 】

Hearing this, Chen Sheng nodded.

If this is the case, then it is good news for the time being.

Ignoring the difficulty of obtaining the secret realm for the time being, at least now there is indeed a way to completely eliminate an abyss crack.

The future where cracks in the abyss are blooming everywhere, and the openings for the abyss to invade directly everywhere, the probability of appearing is much smaller at once.

"So now, let's solve this abyss crack first."

Chen Sheng smiled slightly and opened the system panel.

[Organization name: Yongzhou]

[Organization Leader: Chen Sheng (Leadership Privilege: Psionic Level = Organization Level + 3)]

[Organization Level: 0]

【Experience: 50.12/100】

【Organization Secret Realm: Advanced Cave · Unplaced】

The extra 0.12 experience is obviously following the principle of eliminating abyssal monsters, absorbing talents to build a salvation organization, and maintaining the ancient mysterious persona of the salvation organization, all of which can continue to gain a small amount of experience.

It came from the three eliminated abyss monsters.

"The next step is to place this high-level cave!"

Chen Sheng said so.

This small house happened to be the real entrance of the organization's first base, and the abyss crack here was directly erased by the way.

[The high-level cave is being placed, and within 200 meters of the host as the center becomes the entrance of the cave in this world. Those who have the qualification to enter the cave enter here, and can directly enter the cave across the space between thoughts]

After the system's reminder ended, Chen Sheng could feel a clear connection, and he had a connection with Chen Sheng from an inexplicable high place.

He tried to soar into the sky and leave the area within a radius of 200 meters, and the feeling of connection became much weaker in an instant.

When I returned to this area, the sense of connection suddenly became stronger, and I instinctively knew that I could use this "rope" of connection to go to a certain place directly across space.

Chen Sheng followed this feeling and responded.

The next moment, he entered a blank space with nothing in it.

I saw the infinitely high and distant sky, where the brilliant sun radiated infinite brilliance, turning a crack that looked extremely cold and terrifying into nothing.

Then, the surrounding space returned to pure white.

[The crack in the abyss has been erased. 】

[Please select the corresponding parameters. 】

[This cave is an advanced cave, and the specific adjustable parameters are as follows. 】

[Gravity: 1-10 times the gravity of the earth can be selected.Existence time: 1-10000 years can be selected...]

[Main function configuration: hibiscus tree or lock Longjing]

Chen Sheng chose the parameters for this cave with great interest.

Within a radius of [-] kilometers, the gravity of most areas was chosen to be equal to the gravity of the earth, but a small area was delineated and placed with different multiples of gravity step by step, as an area for physical exercise.

The existence time is directly drawn to more than 8000 years, which is almost full.

In addition, the appearance and terrain have been modified to a certain extent according to his wishes.

Then there is the most important main function configuration.

Although there is no function introduction, he still chose the hibiscus tree compared to Suolongjing.

The hibiscus tree is the place where the ten suns inhabit and settle down in mythology. It must not be easy to get this name.

No matter how you look at it, the sun should be a little more advanced than the dragon.

Besides, the place he intends to use as the headquarters of Yongzhou in the future should be closer to the style of the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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