Chapter 7 Mystery Realm: Cave Sky: Headquarters of Eternal Day
When everything is set up.

The system panel also sent a reminder.

[The advanced cave has been edited, and the cave is being created according to the existing parameter settings. 】

[The organization logo has been presented according to the purpose of Yongzhou]

The next moment, this pure white space began to change.

Areas emerged out of thin air according to Chen Sheng's previous ideas and settings.

Just like splashing ink on white paper, various colors are splashed on this space one after another.

The overall structure is surrounded by mountains on three sides and a vast lake.

The mountains are full of greenery, and various plants are arranged in an orderly manner.The nurseries selected from one piece to another are obviously planted with special and useful plants.

The lake is large and bright, like a mirror with sparkling waves.

Just like the blue sea, wide and narrow.

There are winding wooden bridges and pavilions in the lake, dotted on the transparent lake.

Standing by the edge of the lake is a stone tablet with a peculiar pattern on it, so that people can understand that it is the word "Yongri" when they see it, and a sun-like pattern is engraved under the word.

This is obviously the eternal day logo presented by the system.

It's rather visual.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides and surrounded by water on one side, there is a big tree in the middle.

At a height of 2000 meters, it covers this small valley surrounded by mountains and lakes.

Looking up, you can only see two thick trunks extending upwards, as if erecting a dense green umbrella leading to the sky.

The yellow-brown bark is slightly rough, the branches are winding and intricate, and the leaves are fist-shaped.

There are red mulberry fruits, which grow densely among the dense leaves.

Under the huge tree, there is a main hall in the center, with hundreds of antique pavilions scattered around.

As for the rest of the parts that Chen Sheng didn't think about, there is also a system to intelligently fill them in, and create them under a more reasonable premise.

"It's really...shocking enough!"

Chen Sheng swallowed.

Witnessing the pure white space with a radius of [-] kilometers, three mountains rose from the ground in an instant, forming a valley with the lake that emerged out of thin air.

Then I saw a small sapling, which grew to towering heights in the next second.

The entire cave was filled with light the moment the saplings appeared. In this cave without sun and moon, it seemed that every corner was illuminated by sunlight, and there was no longer any dark place.

Such a magnificent sight...

It is true that Sansheng was lucky enough to meet him once.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Sheng no longer floated in the air.

He lowered to the ground, ready to take a closer look one by one, and see what could be obtained in this own territory in the future.

First of all, needless to say, the terrain is surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on the other, with a large tree standing in the center of the valley.He had already witnessed the whole process of the birth of this terrain in the air.

Secondly, there are several important functions of the future Yongzhou headquarters.

There are nurseries on the three mountains. Those are the basic functions of the high-level cave, and the spiritual soil there can be used to grow medicinal materials.

At this moment, there are already many relatively basic medicinal materials in those nurseries.

After careful perception, it can be found that there seems to be infinite spiritual power in the lake, which is always distributed to this small space, maintaining the total amount of spiritual power inside.The seemingly inexhaustible water in the lake can also be called a spiritual water.

Only the spiritual soil and spiritual water make this huge space a blessed place.

In addition to the special features of mountains and lakes, the most special thing is the big tree in the middle of the valley.

Chen Sheng could find out that this tree was 2000 meters high.

This is probably the main function configuration mentioned by the system before - the hibiscus tree.

Chen Sheng did not see the legendary ten suns on the tree, so it must be the youthful version of the hibiscus tree.

But Chen Sheng could sense it.

The feeling of facing the big day itself came continuously from the hibiscus tree.

The burst of power within this tree can definitely rival the stars in the sky for a short time.

Using a scientific explanation, this is exactly a plant that undergoes nuclear fusion all the time.

According to spiritual mechanics, this hibiscus tree has the same essence as the sun.

When Chen Sheng touched the surface of the hibiscus tree lightly, the function of the hibiscus tree was immediately clear to his mind.

As long as the hibiscus tree is still there, he will never be exhausted.

This is equivalent to the hibiscus tree of the second sun, which can always provide energy for him, the leader of the organization.

"It's amazing, it seems to be turned on."

Chen Sheng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

And the second function of the hibiscus tree is a function that is quite beneficial to the Yongzhou organization itself.

Every mulberry on the tree is a seed that can enable people to open up their spirituality and embark on the road of extraordinaryness.

Although it can only open the path of the extraordinary and make people officially become psykers, it cannot give abnormal spiritual abilities similar to the power of Xihe.

But in this material universe where the rules of spiritual power are obscure, it is a precious treasure to be able to stably make people walk on the path of transcendence.

This will be the cornerstone of this extraordinary organization called Yongri.

Chen Sheng thought about it and looked around.

With extraordinary perception, he felt that the strong will of the hibiscus tree itself was subconsciously obstructing his detection.

However, after the fusion of wills, Fusangshu's consciousness clearly recognized his identity as the leader, so he put down his resistance and let Chen Sheng perceive it.

In just a split second, Chen Sheng roughly perceived the number of mulberries.

It can't be used up, it can't be used up at all!
A lush mulberry tree can produce about 50 catties, and there are probably thousands of mulberries.

Then this 2000-meter-high Fusang...

Chen Sheng understood that this amount was completely enough for him to use casually.

After passing the assessment of xinxing (morality and will) and potential (wisdom and cultivation talent), the meeting gift for new members of the organization will be this fiery red mulberry.

Send it directly to the extraordinary road.

This will be the greatest background of the extraordinary organization he fabricated: Yongri.

After watching the spiritual soil medicine garden in the mountains, the infinite spiritual water in the lake, and the enlightening mulberry in the hibiscus tree, you can basically see the general functions of this high-level cave.

There is no need to go into detail about the halls and pavilions located in the valley and under the Fusang.

Those are just ordinary buildings.

Although it is full of spiritual patterns such as dust removal, water avoidance, fire prevention, and temperature control, there are no other important functions worth mentioning.


After reading all the functions in person, Chen Sheng couldn't help but let out a long breath of excitement.

He stood at the place where the eternal day symbol stele stood, and this was also the entrance where he teleported in.

In the front is a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides and covered with hibiscus, and in the back is a vast and narrow lake like a blue sea.

Chen Sheng couldn't help feeling a surge of pride in his heart.

This is all his world!
And in the future, this will only get bigger and bigger.

Human elites from all over the world will join the organization for the noble cause of saving mankind, and then they will be busy running in this headquarters.

Yongzhou will really change from a lie to a reality, and become an ancient and mysterious salvation organization for which countless elites are willing to dedicate their lives.

And such a future is not too far away.

Chen Sheng is so convinced.

(End of this chapter)

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