Chapter 8 Are You Enlightened?

"Sister, maybe father didn't mean it... maybe the poison in that cup of tea..."

Before Bai Tao finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bai Yu's cold eyes.

Even though he was staying in this courtyard, which is warm in winter and cool in summer, Bai Tao couldn't help feeling the chills that shrouded his trembling body.

There is no way, my younger sister Bai Yu has been a genius since she was a child.

The genius is that the old man handed over the family business to her to take care of it very early on.

As the elder brother who has always been suppressed, he couldn't bear to go to a foreign country to pursue his favorite medicine for a while, trying to stay away from this sister.

But no matter how long he stayed in a foreign country, his fear of his genius sister did not dissipate.

Just a look from Bai Yu can make him subconsciously shut up.

Even though he knew that the cold eyes were not because of him, he still felt fear.

"The purchase records of that bag of powder, the chat records with competitors, and the secret bribery to win over the company's executives... I found out all the ironclad evidence, and none of them could be done cleanly."

"Do you believe he didn't intentionally harm Grandpa?"

As Bai Yu spoke, he sighed helplessly at his elder brother who dared not accept the truth.

The father resented the fact that the grandfather did not give the power to his eldest son, but gave it to a girl with a broken leg. Even if the girl with the broken leg was the father's own flesh and blood, he still hated it.

So, he couldn't bear it and murdered the old man.

Bai Yu knew that the idiot brother would not be able to accept this for a while.

But she can't take care of comforting this brother now.

When Bai Tao heard his sister's remarks, he just lowered his head without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"Go and see grandpa, his body just needs to rest for a while."

Bai Yu waved his hand and sent Bai Tao away.

And after Bai Tao left, her expression turned from cold to serious.

After returning from the hospital yesterday, she realized that the man had something to say, so she went directly to investigate the secret of her grandfather's illness.

After this well-known genius in Zhong Hai used his means against his own people, he found out the conspiracy of her useless father almost without any effort.

anger?Indeed there are.

However, when her grandfather was well and had encountered extraordinary events, she didn't pay much attention to this dirty father.

After controlling him and handing it over to the judiciary and ordering him to take good care of him, she began to investigate the mysterious man.

Even though she knew that the investigation of the extraordinary event might cause trouble, she still couldn't help it.

Although the hospital's camera did not have any images of that man at all, the scenes she saw in the hospital still echoed clearly in her heart.

With a brand new world view laid out in front of her self-proclaimed genius, how can she restrain herself?

It didn't take long for the general information about the man to be sent to her.

But the more you look at it, the harder it is to find any doubts.

Growing up in an orphanage in a third-tier city in the neighboring province, it was completely an ordinary life for an ordinary person.

Even now, she took out the materials from the drawer to browse again, but she still had no clue.

"Was that man..."

Bai Yu rubbed her forehead, feeling that she had been challenged like never before.

"Are you curious?"

The calm male voice sounded again, startling Bai Yu who was seriously reading the materials.

But Bai Yu quickly reacted.

She followed the prestige calmly, only to see the man she saw in the hospital that day reappeared in front of her.

This private study that belonged to her alone was just randomly walked in by the man in front of her without alarming anyone outside the study.

"Yes, I'm curious."

With hope on his face, Bai Yu looked at this ordinary man seriously.

The more genius you are, the more you have an irrepressible curiosity about Chaofan.

"Knowing all this requires awareness."

"Are you enlightened?"

Chen Sheng wore a mysterious smile.

Relying on Xihe's ability of "memory of the past is witnessed by the stars", Chen Sheng was able to obtain all kinds of information out of thin air as if he had been cheated on.

After placing the secret realm, he was eating spiritual fruit and singing in the secret realm, and "heard" Bai Yu, the guy he paid special attention to, talking about him.

So, he followed the light and quietly appeared in this study.


"What kind of awareness?"

Bai Yu narrowed her eyes, but didn't directly answer whether she was enlightened or not.

"The consciousness of dedicating oneself to the future of all mankind."

"Giving light to mankind is like the sun always rising the next day."

Chen Sheng talked about the organizational purpose that he had made up in 60 seconds before, and stared at Bai Yu with special effects and shining eyes.

Looking into Chen Sheng's eyes, Bai Yu felt as if he was looking directly at the sun.

Bai Yu avoided looking at each other and fell into a long silence.

Seeing this, Chen Sheng also started the speech he had prepared long ago.

"The abyss coveted, monsters invaded. Such things have been reincarnated repeatedly in history. Since we discovered the possible use of spiritual power, we have never stopped fighting back."

"Time after time, humans have never been a race to kill."

"When monsters invade, we fight for the survival of humanity."

"The farmer put down his hoe and rushed to the battlefield in order to prevent the monster from harming his wife and children behind him; the child woke up in the fire and embarked on a journey to avenge the burning of the whole village..."

"Either because of hatred, or because of faith, or because of relatives, or for the continuation of human beings who actively sacrifice themselves...humanity has never stopped fighting back."

"When the world was peaceful, the invasion of the abyss was repelled again. During the long period of peace, the soldiers disarmed and returned to the fields, without seeking fame and fortune, and returned to their original lives, hidden behind the thick human history."

Chen Sheng paused when he said this, and looked at Bai Yu who was listening intently, showing a satisfied smile.

In order to match this long-prepared speech, he simultaneously used Xi He's power to manipulate light, projecting scenes in the air with touching plots and explosive special effects.

The various scenes in the projected screen, coupled with the emotional contagion ability derived from the use of the power of Xi He by the persuasive Chen Sheng, made Bai Yu deeply shocked by it.

Most people would believe the words in Chen Sheng's past few days when he was pretending to be mysterious, fooling around, and showing a lot of extraordinary evidence.

Bai Yu was no exception, she was directly taken aback by Chen Sheng.

She didn't expect that there was such an organization hidden in history that did not seek fame and fortune, but was willing to give.

Such an ancient and lawful extraordinary organization really shocked her and she didn't know what to say.

She wanted to doubt the authenticity of Chen Sheng's words.

But Bai Yu also understands that it is actually not difficult for an extraordinary organization to hide its history from ordinary people.

Erase memories, modify history books...

There are too many means.

"Then you are..."

Bai Yu pondered and asked.

"Eternal day."

"We appear in times of crisis, and hide in times of peace."

"I don't care about fame and wealth, I just want to give light to mankind."

Chen Sheng's acting skills were overwhelming, and he stared at Bai Yu with solemn eyes.

As his voice fell, the projection screen in the air also disappeared.

Staring at the projection slowly dissipating in the air, Bai Yu's thoughts were a little confused for a moment, obviously unable to react to the excessive information received.

(End of this chapter)

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