Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 9 Bai Yu's Thoughts

Chapter 9 Bai Yu's Thoughts

After listening to what Chen Sheng said.

Bai Yu was still in a daze, and didn't have time to think about anything.

The projection screen in the air suddenly disappeared.

Then, just like his mysterious appearance, the man disappeared again without making a sound without Bai Yu noticing.

Still haven't found out how he sneaked in and out.

Only a piece of paper with the address left by the man on the table showed that the man had been here before.

Bai Yu clutched the note tightly, lowered her head and fell into deep thought.

The reappearance of the man and the bunch of words made her think deeply.

Turn on the camera record in the study room, which is the same as the surveillance record in the hospital that day.

In the empty study room, she was the only one talking to herself, as if everything was her own illusion.

It's just that the last time I found out about my father's conspiracy based on the man's reminder, this time I actually saw an extra note on the desk out of thin air during the surveillance.

All the evidence told her that this was not an illusion.

"Eternal day...?"

Bai Yu opened her eyes and began to think seriously.

If what the man said is true, then there is an ancient salvation organization hidden in history that has saved mankind from danger several times.

Even if this group of people can almost completely erase the traces of their own existence from history, make Yong Zhou's name never exist in the history books, and make the major events that have happened become ordinary events in the historical records, To amnesia or keep secrets from ordinary people in the know.

But does such a noble organization really exist?
This organization appeared in times of crisis and retired when the crisis was over.

Countless elites gathered together just for the lofty ideal of saving the world.

Twenty years of experience told her that such an organization is difficult to maintain.

But thinking of the extraordinary background of this organization, and thinking of the fact that many parties in the world were founded with passion in the beginning, Bai Yu felt that it was not impossible.

Perhaps under the background of extraordinary power, under the persecution of the common enemy of the abyss, under the blessing of faith and lofty dreams.
Such a noble and pure organization really can exist.

They have enemies from the same abyss.

They have the same high and holy ideals.

However, she still finds it hard to imagine that this kind of perfect organization that only exists in human fantasy actually exists.

After all...

Even after seeing so much, she still remained skeptical.

Doubt this organization, doubt the existence of extraordinary.

Maybe it's because geniuses are unwavering in their cognition of the world, or maybe it's because of some other reasons.

Thinking deeply, Bai Yu slowly turned on the computer on the desk.

While opening the search engine familiarly, countless thoughts flashed through her mind one by one.

After hesitating for a long time, she entered the word "Yongzhou" in the search box, and then hit the Enter key without hesitation.

In the search results that popped up, the entire text was a linked skin of the same name in a certain game.

Even with keywords such as "organization" and "history", the search results are all mysterious organizations that have existed in history such as Freemasonry*, *Knights**,*** Family, etc. Want to know something very different.

Silently, Bai Yu sent a message to his cronies, asking them to go to the major libraries to look up all the information about Yongri, maybe there will be traces of Yongri in those ancient books.

This investigation is bound to take a while. After all, it is never an easy and easy task to read and search for the vast ancient books.

Meanwhile, Bai Yu checked the address recorded on the note in his hand.

As the real power holder of a top group in Zhonghai City, it is not difficult to investigate this address in Zhonghai City.

Soon, she found detailed information from the secret database within the group.

That address was an old abandoned mountain house in the suburbs of Zhonghai City, and basically no one would go there.

The group originally planned to expand to the mountain village near the old house because of related business, but later abandoned the plan for various reasons, so it happened to have some information about this abandoned old house.

"The person who left this address must want me to go there."

Bai Yu pondered and made such a conclusion.

That person claimed to be a member of the mysterious Transcendental Organization, but he told her such a lot of information that should be called secret.

The inside and outside of the words are not separated from the introduction of the Yongzhou organization.

It competes with the corporate values ​​that she often instills with the group employees.

Bai Yu knew very well that this was a tendency to try to lure her into a gang.

As long as she goes there, it means that she wants to really understand Yong Zhou, and she is really curious about Chaofan.

Probably by then, there will really be a channel to learn about that organization.

In fact, she was genuinely curious.

That's extraordinary.

There are too many factors that prompted her to want to know, and even want to join.

Now she finally wants to understand the reason why she still maintains a suspicion even after seeing so many.

The reason why she doubts this organization, doubts the existence of extraordinary
Not only is the genius unwavering in his cognition of the world, but also because he is afraid that the new world that seems to be within reach, and the hope that seems to be close at hand, is just a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water.

Thinking, Bai Yu's slender hands drooped slowly.

Her fingertips ran across her unconscious thigh, and complex thoughts flashed in her eyes.

The sunlight climbs up the glass windows with carved patterns, and uses the Tyndall effect to depict the shape of light in the study.

Bai Yu skillfully pushed the wheelchair with her hands, from the desk to the window that opened at an unknown time.

Gently raising her hand, she opened the glass window specially designed for her who cannot be lifted.

Her long black hair was hung by her ears and the back of her neck by the soft breeze.

Outside the window is a courtyard planted with a peach tree, and countless pinks and whites are falling in all directions under the disturbance of the breeze.

In a daze, Bai Yu recalled the words he heard yesterday when he first saw that man in the hospital:

"Your thoughts are like pond water. It is difficult to be clear and clear when touched by the outside world."

"But if you let it be still, the answer becomes clear immediately."

At that time, this gentle and calm voice calmed her down.

Let her see the lump of green rotten flesh through the closed door of the operating room.

Now, she tried to calm down again, hoping to get that clear answer.

Her fingers gripped on the armrest of the wheelchair.

The strength was a little heavier at first, and the knuckles that were gripping the armrest were a little white.

Not long after, he let go again in relief.

It was as if a decision had finally been made.

Her gaze, which was staring at Peach Blossom in rapt attention, gradually became a little firmer.


Bai Yu murmured, whispering so softly to the peach blossoms in the courtyard through the carved window.

Only Taohua knows what decision Baiyu has made at this moment, which will undoubtedly affect her life in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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