Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 52 Time to meet and you are not allowed to die!

Chapter 52 Time to meet and you are not allowed to die!

After Chen Sheng disappeared, the sealed jade and the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda he threw out worked as usual.

Although the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda does not have the power to seal monsters, with Chen Sheng's permission, it can cross the barriers of different space levels, and spare some of its spare power to supply energy for this hastily built sealing jade.

After receiving the energy supply, golden energy chains shot out from the jade, fixing the monster's whole body.

Then, the monster bound by the golden energy chain disappeared and merged into the sealed space of jade.

The jade stone fell straight into the canyon.

As the years passed, it was gradually buried by wind and sand and earth and rocks.

Some wild beasts stumbled and fell into the canyon, and their bodies decayed and disappeared under the erosion of years.

There are tenacious seeds falling into the canyon wall, prying away an inch of rock to gain their own living space.

Woodcutters and hunters seldom pass by here, and they are impressed by the steepness and smoothness of the canyon.

There are also natural forces such as sunshine, breeze, rain, frost and snow changing constantly on the canyon.

Time leaves traces in every corner.

Then a full 600 years passed in a flash, and after Zhu Zhanji passed away, Daming began to decline forever.

The times are developing rapidly, ranging from the change of dynasties and the prosperity of science and technology, to the endangerment of brown swallows.

History itself continues to write its irreversible process, except for some insignificant historical processes that have undergone insignificant changes,
Until the present year 2023 AD.

This uninhabited mountain range 600 years ago gradually began to come alive.

A village named Anqing was settled in the surrounding area. The Shudi military region and the Shudi jade mine were built near this mountain range. Farther away, there were larger settlements and many cities built outside the mountain range.

The canyon has its own name - the ax cut valley.

There are also hardworking volunteers on the edge of the canyon, and they have been planting trees for six years.

When Owens dug up the soil with a shovel, the two characters of eternal day buried for 600 years came to light again.

The light shines through the canyon, through the soil and gravel, and shines on the jade that was dug out with the shovel.

Time finally converges at this moment.


Qi Weiguo originally thought that the golden energy chain might last for a while.

Enough for him to evacuate the villagers of Anqing Village first.

But things don't always go as expected.

The helicopter formation on the left screen hadn't even reached Anqing Village yet.

The village cadres in Anqing Village haven't gathered everyone yet. It is said that there is a support teacher and a foreign volunteer who haven't gathered yet.

But time is running out.

Most of the golden energy chains were broken inch by inch, turning into golden shards of light all over the sky.

That monster as huge as Godzilla was roaring and stretching out its two forelimbs to grab the sides of the axe-cut valley, as if about to crawl out of it.

The only remaining golden energy chain around its waist seemed to be on the verge of falling during its struggles, and it seemed that it would not be able to support it.

Seeing this, Qi Weiguo no longer hesitated.

"Missile troops, execute your plan immediately."

"The support of the air force is also requested to arrive immediately."

He decided so decisively.

It seems that the means of restraining the monster can't last long, and the best way now is naturally to attack the monster as soon as possible.

The closer the monster gets to the people, the easier it is for them to be restrained.

It is the most correct choice to take action as soon as possible now and act with thunder.

To deal with this kind of monster that looks outrageous, it is naturally more practical to directly launch missiles. In reality, it is not possible to level up the enemy a little bit, and the right answer is to open up the big face at the first time.

As Qi Weiguo's voice fell, the missile base closest to Fuzhuu Valley began to move.

In the case of early preparations, two intercontinental missiles without strategic special warheads were quickly launched into the air, raised to a very high altitude, and then began to accurately locate the axe and go away.

Although it is not equipped with the ultimate weapon because it is fighting on the mainland, the special armor-piercing warhead and blasting warhead can fully guarantee its power.

At the same time, fighter jets and bombers of the Air Force are about to arrive in the vicinity of the Hammer Valley.


On the rugged mountain road, Zhang Zihang and Owens were running towards Anqing Village.

The huge roar sounded again not long ago.

When they looked back, the monster's huge size had gradually crossed the valley, and the only remaining golden energy chain was about to break.

This makes their escape faster.


"Owens, I can't run anymore."

Zhang Zihang stopped suddenly, holding his knees and panting heavily.

In terms of physical fitness, he, a support teacher who has been in the mountains for a long time, is naturally not bad, but he is definitely not as good as Owens who plants trees every day.

So after running on this rugged mountain road for a while, Zhang Zihang's physical strength was exhausted one step ahead of Owens.

The burning pain in his lungs and the gradually weakening soreness in his limbs made him feel that he had reached his limit.

"Let's go, the monster is coming anytime. Those students of yours in Anqing Village are still waiting for you to go back and teach them how to read."

Owens stopped, panting heavily, and looked at Zhang Zihang beside him.

He is naturally a little tired, but he has not reached his limit yet.

"So, maybe you have to take care of them for me."

"You have the resources to help them find better teachers and help these children get out of the mountains."

"but me……"

Zhang Zihang said with a wry smile.

If there is an afterlife, he must exercise well.For the rest of my life, let it be like this.

"Don't be such a fart!"

Owens spoke authentic Chinese without hesitation, and Zhang Zihang was taken aback by the anger in this curse.

He had never seen Owens so angry.

Even when some kind of flu killed half of the brown swallows he had worked so hard to raise two years ago, he was not as angry as he is now.

"You know, when I was a child, I saw the overturned oil tanker and how much damage it caused to countless sea fish and sea birds. My father placed great hopes in me, but in the end he didn't make me the person he hoped for .”

"In the days to come, the eyes of those dying seabirds have been staring at me behind my back, deciding my future life."

"Finding a way for human beings to live in harmony with nature has become my lifelong goal. I thought that no matter how long I persisted, it would not be effective, so I almost gave up and stayed alone in Huaguo Shu to plant trees for six years."

"Now I see the extraordinary, and I also see the hope of achieving my ideal!"

After Owens finished speaking in one breath, he stretched out his hand to Zhang Zihang.

"As my best friend, you are not allowed to die!"

"Come with me to see the extraordinary existence, I have enough resources to try to find them."

"Don't you want to be a teacher forever? If you fall here, everything will really be over."

Zhang Zihang was silent for a long time upon hearing the words.

Looking at Owens' firm gaze and the palm extended to him.

He gritted his teeth fiercely and grabbed the palm that was offered.


Zhang Zihang roared angrily and moved his legs, squeezing his body to continue running.

Yes, he will definitely not fall here!

(End of this chapter)

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