Chapter 53

After all, the behemoth broke free from the golden energy chain.

There was a continuous sound of cracking behind him.

It was the sound of the earth and rock forest being constantly destroyed as the giant beast climbed out of the axed valley and advanced.

Every sound seemed to hit directly between the hearts of Zhang Zihang and Owens, making the already tense heartstrings of these two people even more tense.

Zhang Zihang tried his best to extract strength from his trembling body, and Owens had gradually reached his limit.

The two of them didn't dare to look back, fearing that if they looked one more time, they would lose the courage to continue running away.

But the louder and closer voice behind them also ruthlessly told them that the monster was walking behind them.

Don't know how close though.

But sooner or later they will be overtaken before they go down the mountain.

They dare not stop.

"Huh...huh...I remembered something..."

While panting heavily, Owens said to Zhang Zihang beside him without turning his head.

The only response to him was Zhang Zihang's panting, after all Zhang Zihang didn't have the energy to answer.

Owens didn't expect Zhang Zihang to answer, he continued: "You said earlier that there are troops stationed in the nearby mountains... Huh... Huh... Then they should have found out what happened here."

"When a top power in the world finds a Godzilla in its hinterland, what will it do?"

As Owens said, a bad feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

Hearing this, Zhang Zihang's eyes also went dark.

He didn't have the strength to answer, but it wasn't that he didn't have the strength to think.

Do you still need to think about this question?
Facing monsters in reality, one must be close to the face and try to defeat the enemy with one blow.In the face of this kind of horror that has never been seen before, we must resort to foolproof measures.

Then the official weapon will be used...

Thinking, Zhang Zihang subconsciously looked up at the distant sky.

As if to cater to Zhang Zihang's conjecture, the trails of two objects breaking through the sky appeared in the distant sky.


Zhang Zihang gasped and stopped.

Owens also stopped without saying a word, and looked up solemnly at the sky.

Almost at the moment when the trail was seen, the two objects had already come to the top of the two of them from a distance, and then went straight behind them.

The sound of the huge sound barrier breaking through the air resounded in the minds of the two of them a few seconds later.

Without waiting for an unnecessary reaction, the two of them only had time to turn their heads subconsciously.

Flame and flash rose instantly.

Owens' body was one step faster than his brain's reaction, and he was about to pull Zhang Zihang down immediately.

But Zhang Zihang's speed was obviously faster than him.

The body that was supposed to have drained all its strength suddenly exploded at a speed that he couldn't react in an instant, and pushed him to the ground all at once.

Before it had time to resist, the shock wave following the flames and flashes swept past.

Even though it was far away, the surrounding trees were still crumbling under the shock wave.

The loud noise temporarily wiped out the hearing of the two, and countless rolled up dust covered them.

a long time.

Owens, who had lost consciousness for an unknown period of time, pushed everything in front of him with difficulty.

Dust and Zhang Zihang who were pressing on him were lifted off.

Looking at Zhang Zihang who fainted and didn't respond.

Owens hurriedly sat up Zhang Zihang, who was bleeding from his ear and nose, and tried to pinch him after shaking him a few times.

After seeing Zhang Zihang's eyes slowly open a crack, Owens finally laughed out of his serious expression.

"I'm not dead yet."

Zhang Zihang said so weakly, and then looked around.

Seeing that Zhang Zihang was awake, Owens subconsciously looked around.

I saw a large number of leaves falling to the ground, and pieces of trees were crushed and broken by the shock wave.

A mushroom cloud rises slowly in the distance.

There is a mess everywhere.

Next to the mushroom cloud, there was a monster with a hole in its forehead but it was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was already very close to the two of them.

Obviously, the aftermath of these two rounds almost killed the big guys of Owens and the two, and it had no effect on the giant beast at all.

"Can you still run?"

Owens said calmly.

Having reached this point, there is nothing to be afraid of.

It's just a pity that I just met Chaofan, and it was over before I had time to explore.

"What do you think?"

Zhang Zihang rolled his eyes angrily.

My eyes, nose, and mouth are bleeding now, and the picture in front of me is a bit unreal.

The viscera and the six internal organs may have also suffered a lot of concussion damage, so that they are still weak when they wake up, and can only lean on Owens' shoulder.

"I can't run anymore."

Owens smiled, and then supported Zhang Zihang to face the monster. He himself was sitting on the side facing the slowly approaching giant beast.

"Asshole, you still have the strength to pose for me here."

"Run for me!"

Zhang Zihang gave Owens a weak look.

"Let's not say whether he will be trampled to death by a monster right away. There is a high probability that the military, who doesn't know that there are still people here, may attack some big guys at any time."

"I am an ordinary person whose physical strength is almost exhausted. No matter how I think about it, I can't run away."

Owens paused at this point.

"Even if I run away, it won't be interesting if no one argues when I'm planting trees in the future."

Owens said, and stopped talking.

Hearing this, Zhang Zihang pursed his lips and said nothing more.

In a trance, the picture of the past flickered in front of my eyes.

It entered the memory like a revolving lantern.

A foreign son who came to Anqing Village alone to plant trees for the first time, a gifted educator who loves education and devotes himself to the cause of education in mountain villages.

The two people who seem to have different styles of painting are the two people who have the most common words in this mountain village.

Owens will talk about his experience of traveling around the world with his oil tycoon father, his experience of joining the environmental protection cause after inheriting his father's business, and his experience of spending a lot of money in Las Vegas...

Zhang Zihang will talk about his experience of proposing many advanced theories at the annual meeting of the education industry, his hard experience of joining the mountain village after contributing his hard work to the theory, and his interesting experience of giving lectures with those innocent and kind children...

Of course, in this process, the two people bickered non-stop.

At this moment, the two recalled peacefully.

Quietly waiting for the end of life that is close at hand.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Huge footsteps sounded in front of them, and the shadow of the monster enveloped the two of them.

Apparently, the monsters arrived before the big guys from the military.

At this moment, it is probably the end.

What remains in the minds of the two of them is only the deep regret for not being able to realize their ideals in life.

It's a pity that we can't continue to see the innocent faces of those children.

It is a pity that we cannot see the harmonious coexistence of human beings and nature on the same land.

As soon as the thought flashed through, both of them froze in place.

I saw that the soles of the feet that the monster stepped on without paying attention suddenly stayed in midair.

They saw the back of a man.

Raise one hand in front of their eyes, and hold up the sole of the giant beast's foot.

The sun is shining, and the picture freezes at this moment.

 Seeking to follow up, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass~
(End of this chapter)

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