Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 57 The New Essence of the Celestial Demigod

Chapter 57 The New Essence of the Celestial Demigod
When Owens and Zhang Zihang crossed the portal and came to the cave of the headquarters, they were not shocked by the magnificent scenery for too long.

Soon, the two came back to their senses.

They looked at Chen Sheng eagerly, trying to get to know Chaofan immediately.

However, Chen Sheng skillfully directed Bai Yu who came to report on the work, and asked her to take the two new members to familiarize themselves with the headquarters cave.

Bai Yu naturally took over the job enthusiastically, and left with the two new members excitedly.

Chen Sheng, who was a little curious, twitched his mouth subconsciously after listening to a few sentences from a distance.

Sure enough, Bai Yu, who had become more intelligent, started her excited Amway again. While introducing Dongtian, the headquarters, she told the two new members about the thick and stalwart history of the organization that she guessed.

Owens and Zhang Zihang were obviously taken aback by what she said, and they couldn't help but nodded in deep agreement.

Among them, Zhang Zihang, who has done a little research on ancient mythology and history, put forward some opinions in a serious way, and supplemented Bai Yu's thoughts on Dihua.

The three of them seemed to be more and more speculative as they chatted.

A genius girl suddenly became a loyal organization believer who triggered the fanaticism of the converts, and also turned the two people around her into fanatics of the converts.

And looking at this posture, she will consciously carry the banner of promoting the greatness of Yongzhou in the organization in the future, saving Chen Sheng a lot of spiritual construction work.

The organizational history that this group of guys slowly digested and thought about will sooner or later be bound into a textbook and distributed to every new member of the organization.

Seeing the continuous micro-increasing organizational experience, Chen Sheng suddenly felt that he would not need to contribute to the maintenance of the organization's internal personnel.

Relieved to look away, he didn't look any more.

Next, Chen Sheng was going to take a little look at the harvest this time. As for the mysterious disappearance of these two people, there was no need to cover up it later.

Owens' base is abroad, and Zhang Zihang is an orphan. Even if the two disappear mysteriously, it will not have any impact, and no relatives will mourn.

In the next two lives, they probably basically did not train in the cave, or were sent to other places by Chen Sheng to perform tasks, and the country was completely unable to find them and find any clues.

So the most important thing right now is naturally to take stock of the harvest.

Chen Sheng pondered, and slowly opened the system panel.

[Urgent Mission: Erosion Across Timelines]

[Mission description: The will of the abyss discovered that the eroded cracks were frequently erased, and began to try to erode the upstream timeline of this world. 】

[Task Requirement: System assists to cross the timeline and suppress the cracks that existed in the past. (Note: You need to be cautious in your words and deeds in the past timeline, too much impact time and space will be sent back to the current time and space)]

[Status: Completed, do you want to receive the reward? 】

Chen Sheng immediately received the reward for performing the task across the timeline.

He was curious about what he would gain.

[Congratulations on obtaining: organization experience * 100, secret realm · cave * 1]

The rewards are very good, similar to the rewards of the previous initial welfare tasks.

Needless to say, 100 points of organizational experience, I have never received so much money at once.

In addition to the small amount of experience gained from maintaining the organization's personality design, conquering abyssal monsters, and absorbing talents these days, the organization experience reached about 350 points at once.

The progress bar of the organization's re-upgrade was completed by one-third, which made Chen Sheng very satisfied.

As for the secret land cave, it is another excellent reward.

The cave is an organization territory hidden in another space, and only authorized personnel are eligible to enter.It will have a relatively well-preserved core function of the mission, which can be directly used as the base of the organization.

The background of the organization has been improved again.

"One cave is enough for the time being, and there are no cracks in the abyss to be erased. It would be too wasteful to place this new cave at will. I don't plan to place this new cave for the time being."

"Can I choose the core function of this new cave before placing it?"

Chen Sheng asked the system curiously.

At the beginning, the core function of Yongtian Headquarters Dongtian was to let him choose between Fusang tree and Suolongjing, and finally he chose Fusang tree.

Then, the hibiscus tree, which is the core function of the headquarters cave, really brought him a great surprise. It can allow Chen Sheng to mass-produce superhumans, and it can also be associated with Chen Sheng's power, and it can also increase electromagnetic signals...

In short, it is very useful.

Therefore, he is also full of curiosity about the core functions attached to Xindongtian.

The system did not give a corresponding answer to Chen Sheng's curiosity.

There was a moment of silence in the air.

long silence.

Chen Sheng reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​knowing the function in advance.

"Then the next step is this demigod essence."

Chen Sheng showed a smile, and took out the purple-black gemstone.

The system will be cold, but he will not.

His harvest this time is not just a mission reward.

Since we can't know the function in advance, we can now think about the function of this demigod essence.

As a demigod who has comprehended a bit of the essence of the fourth level after reaching the peak of the third level, the essence condensed from his whole body is naturally infinitely useful.

It's too advanced for low-level psykers, but for third-level psykers, you can try to absorb the power to become stronger quickly.

In addition, demigod essence is also excellent as a material.

Whether it is used as a formation eye or used for refining weapons, it has a good effect.

It has excellent spiritual power circulation and spiritual power accommodation functions, and also has a ray of immortality that touches part of the essence of the true god.

It can participate in the process of making most things.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Sheng suddenly realized that he didn't know what to do with this gem.

If you absorb it directly, it is too low-level for yourself, and it is rather tasteless.It is too advanced for these few members of the organization to absorb.

I don't know what to build as a material, and there is nothing missing in the organization right now.

After all, what the organization lacks the most is undoubtedly people, and there are not many other needs...

"Yes! We are short of people!"

Chen Sheng slapped his head and suddenly realized.

If you know that you are short of people, then you can clarify the direction of the ultimate use of this demigod essence.

"Create a mind-testing formation to screen new members in large quantities in the future? It's like the questioning formation in many fairy tale novels?"

"Or try to make something that increases the learning speed? Prepare for the future Yongsun Education Department."

"Or to create a combat training platform? It can simulate the phantom and future new members for actual combat training."

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and Chen Sheng suddenly felt more entangled.

What should such a good thing like essential oil be used for?

(End of this chapter)

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