Chapter 58

When Owens and Zhang Zihang came back after browsing around the cave at the headquarters, Chen Sheng was trying to fuse the demigod essence with the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda.

Around the palm-sized purple-black gemstone and the Qibao Linglong Pagoda, which is more than ten meters high, there is a dreamy and misty spiritual energy.

Owens and Zhang Zihang were just ordinary people, so they only thought that such a scene seemed dreamy.

But Bai Yu, who had already acquired spirituality and became a psychic, had a completely different feeling.

The increasingly proficient spiritual perception ability allowed her to clearly perceive the aura permeating the two items in front of her.

From the jade pagoda, Bai Yu felt the traces of time passing.And from that purple-black gemstone, she felt the mighty power and the extremely manic and terrifying aura.

Look at the leader who easily plays with these two items in the palm of his hand.

While Bai Yu was in awe, he also signaled to the two people around him to keep silent and not to disturb.

Soon, Chen Sheng's busy life ended.

The Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, which was originally pure white with some green light, now turned into a smooth and reflective jet black, which looked completely different.

This is Chen Sheng incorporating the demigod essence into it.

When the three of them went to familiarize themselves with the cave at the headquarters, Chen Sheng received the task reward and thought about how to use the demigod essence along the way.

After thinking hard for a long time.

Considering the organization's extremely short-sufficient needs in the future, I finally decided to make such a thing that is useful for absorbing and cultivating talents.

Integrating it with the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, using the two best materials currently in Chen Sheng's hands, he made a good thing that can use the energy of the abyss to hone the body.

As long as you stay around this tower, you can use the abyss energy to polish your body.

The Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda will extract the continuous abyss energy from the demigod essence, dilute and weaken it and use it to temper the people around it, and at the same time absorb spiritual power to heal the tempered people at all times.

Compared with the effect of Chen Sheng personally using a special method to train Bai Yu and Russell's body in the name of making trouble, it is almost the same.

And this remodeled Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda can naturally change its name.

"Let's call it the Body Refining Tower, it's worthy of the name."

Chen Sheng nodded, and looked at Bai Yu and the others who stood beside him for a while.

"Are you interested in trying this new thing? It will be moved to Yongzhou's education department in the future to teach new members."

Chen Sheng asked with a smile.

But Bai Yu understood that the leader who seemed to be asking the three people in front of him was actually asking her.

After all, the two new members next to him haven't eaten mulberry to start their spirituality, so naturally they won't let them try something new, lest there will be any problems.

Now she is most fanatical about leaders and organizations.With almost no hesitation, Bai Yu straightened her chest forward.

Chen Sheng watched Bai Yu enter the coverage area of ​​the body training tower, and was instantly enveloped by the power of the abyss. Grinning his teeth in pain, he couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

It's painful, but it works well.Chen Sheng could clearly perceive the strength of Bai Yu's slow growth under the painful training.

Moreover, this body training tower can also liberate Chen Sheng's labor force, so he doesn't need to help those new members train their bodies one by one in the future.

Thinking, Chen Sheng looked at Owens and Zhang Zihang.

"Next, you are going to stay here for a period of time that may be painful, are you mentally prepared?"

As Chen Sheng said, two mulberries that were as red as fire and exuded heat appeared in his hand.

As long as one eats mulberries to open one's spirituality, one becomes a potential member of the organization.

Hearing this, Owens and Zhang Zihang just looked at each other, and then they both showed eager eyes.

When they visited the headquarters led by Senior Bai Yu, they didn't just get together and think about it, they also learned about the general process for new members to join.

After eating the mulberries to open up spirituality, one has to accept Chen Sheng's precepts and deeds for a period of time, and it is very common to be used for fooling around.

In the future, learning all kinds of monster information and spiritual power knowledge will be inseparable every day.Even the few seniors who are far away in Europe are learning remotely every day at this moment, and their learning results are randomly checked by the leaders from time to time.

But no matter how painful and difficult it is, this is a necessary learning process.

Both Owens and Zhang Zihang understood that a newcomer to an extraordinary organization must undergo a certain amount of learning and training.

Especially the first batch of members after the rebirth of the fourth generation of Eternal Day, under the personal teaching and supervision of the leader, the requirements will only become stricter.

Such pain is also a kind of growth.They are mentally prepared.

There is no one who is not crazy, but it is all hard work.

How often are normal people hanged up and tortured by society?
With supernatural powers as incentives.

Pain only makes people grow.

Thinking of this, Owens and Zhang Zihang nodded firmly.

Embark on a new journey from now on!

Damn it!

Seeing the firm eyes and nodding movements of the two, Chen Sheng also smiled.

The fiery red mulberries in their hands appeared in the hands of the two people in front of them without anyone noticing.

"Experience it well, this process of transformation, at least now, you won't feel pain."

After Chen Sheng finished speaking, he looked at Bai Yu who was grinning around the Body Training Tower not far away.

"Bai Yu, come with me."

As Chen Sheng spoke, he waved his hand, and Bai Yu's figure disappeared in place together with him.Then it appeared in the antique building under the hibiscus tree.

Next, he wanted to discuss the organization's future plans with Bai Yu.

As the first recruited member, Bai Yu is also the chief steward and deputy in charge of the organization's internal affairs management in his future plans.

Chen Sheng needed Bai Yu to come over and make records, and make overall plans for the actions to be executed around his series of ideas.

As for Owens and Zhang Zihang who were still in place, they looked at each other, with complicated lights shining in their eyes.

Neither of them swallowed the mulberries with high calories in their hands.

"You first?"

Owens looked at Zhang Zihang and pouted.

"It's not just one mulberry, why are we humbly here?"

Zhang Zihang rolled his eyes helplessly, and pointed to the hibiscus tree covering the sky not far away.

At a glance, it is impossible to count how many red mulberries are on the tree.

The atmosphere then fell into silence.

The hesitation of the two of them is naturally because their mood is still a little complicated, and they feel that all these things are developing too fast.

After a long time.

"Eat, I was so excited when I heard Bai Yu talking to the leader just now, but now I'm hesitant."

Zhang Zihang spoke first.

Then, he swallowed the mulberry decisively.

In an instant, I felt that it turned into a warm current after the entrance, and it didn't take long to spread directly to every corner of the body along the throat.

Owens followed suit and swallowed the mulberries.

Opening spirituality from scratch, the most important transformation in the field of spiritual energy quietly began.

 Don't worry, it will look better in the future.I won't keep repeating the routine of monsters appearing and protagonists appearing on the stage. After all, this book is positioned as a group portrait essay.At present, the basic layout of the organization has not yet been rolled out. After more than a dozen chapters, the organization will have a rudimentary form, and the content will be richer.

(End of this chapter)

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