Chapter 70
After realizing that the entire handling process of this incident was a test and exercise, and realizing that the leader has actually been watching.

The spirits of Bai Yu and the other seven people were clearly elevated.

In order to do a good job in this incident, they each performed their duties and performed their respective tasks seriously and seriously.

Martha, Bai Yu, and Owens were in charge of relocating the children in the lair, and along the way, the lair executives who controlled the captives faked the illusion that the lair was still there.

Under the unified arrangement of Martha and others, the many injured and unharmed children rescued in the lair received extraordinary psychological and physical treatments one by one.

Then there is a unified investigation of background information, and based on the general wishes of these children after completing the psychological evaluation, decide whether to send them back to their families.

Those children who don't want to go back and have not gone back to the place are arranged by the organization's peripheral forces through various means.

After combining supernatural means such as invisibility and hypnosis with the connections of peripheral forces, the children were quickly sent to various parts of the world to settle down without anyone noticing.

Of course, all the children had their memories slightly affected before they left, making their memories of everything that happened here as vague as possible.

As for Russell, Romero, John, and Zhang Zihang, they continued to follow the information obtained through various personal connections and information technology means, and followed the criminal network distributed by the lair to eradicate the past.

After all, although the criminal network in the northern part of Europa has been eradicated, its wings have not been cut off.

Whether it is the umbrella at the top or the criminal network that has not been cleaned up, they are all among the goals of the four of Russell.

Time flies by in this process.

The experience of the seven people in all aspects has continued to increase, and the cooperation and exchanges between them have gradually deepened.

Heal victims, investigate, lurk, fight, deal with politicians and people from all walks of life, use extraordinary means to act with real resources...

Visible growth emerges in all human beings as various experiences increase.

Two weeks passed quickly.

The child's placement was basically over, and the nest did not continue to maintain the illusion that it still existed.

The living captives left in the lair were destroyed along with the ignited and destroyed lair, and these members of Eternal Day did not hesitate at all.

Doing so is weeding out the scum, and it's also good for the goal of saving the world.

The lair in the snow-capped mountain was silently burning, and the flames sustained by spiritual power burned all traces of it.

Since then, there are no more nests.

Except for Yong Zhou, no one knew the truth about the destruction of the lair.

However, there is still a lot of work to be done to cut off the wings of the criminal network. The three Baiyu also joined the ranks of the four Russell after finishing their children's work.

Another two weeks.

They traveled among the various countries in the northern region of Europa, and carried out highly targeted investigations and eliminations of some high-level official officials and branch networks of criminal forces that served as umbrellas in various places.

For these guys who are in high positions but indulge in crime and use power for personal gain; for these guys who build the backbone of criminal networks.

Russell and others will send them out of this world without hesitation.

And Chen Sheng was also in the process, while following the subordinates who acted collectively from a distance, he led Gurme, who was contemplating all day long, for a good stroll around the many countries in Norba.


Tromso, one of the northernmost cities.

The location at 69 degrees 39 minutes north latitude gives it the title of the Gate of the North Pole.

"Whether the behavior is correct depends first on whether the thoughts and opinions are correct. Only when the thoughts are correct can we do the right thing."

"I have to straighten my mind before I can be qualified to have power!"

In the "Northernmost Cafe" on the street, Gu Ermei said seriously to Chen Sheng in front of him.

But Chen Sheng just nodded at this, and then said with a smile: "Think again."

Hearing this, Guermei frowned and fell into deep thought again.

And Chen Sheng smiled silently in his heart.

These days, following in the footsteps of Bai Yu and the others, it can be regarded as a two-week tour of Europa, enjoying a lot of scenery in the northern part of Europa.

And during these days, Gurme never stopped thinking, and tried to talk to Chen Sheng a lot of what he thought was reasonable, trying to figure out what he needed to understand before gaining power.

Chen Sheng just nodded and smiled at his various remarks, and then asked him to think again.

If anyone insists on saying that he deliberately left Gourmet alone...indeed, he did it on purpose.

Things that are easily obtained are always not cherished.

Chen Sheng is now often thinking about how to strengthen the spiritual construction and psychological assessment of the first batch of members that Yongzhou hastily recruited.

Although Bai Yu, who has a brilliant mind, admires the greatness of Yong Zhou among the members, the rest of the members are also very proud of the organization.

But countless experiences tell us that the work of ideological construction naturally cannot rely solely on self-awareness.

In the future, after the official completion of the Yongsun Education Department, the invitation and screening process for new members will inevitably be much stricter than the current situation.

The course of ideological construction will also be the top priority of the daily assessment of Yongzhou Education Department. It is very necessary to come to Yongzhou New Generation to study every day.

Thinking about it, Chen Sheng also looked at Bai Yu and the others who were also in this small town.

Tromso is just a university town.

But there's still the same criminal network they're chasing that spreads here.

Through John's increasingly powerful hacking methods, and the effective hypnotic interrogation of various parties involved by Martha and others with spiritual power.

Bai Yu and the others can be sure that in this small town located inside the Arctic Circle, there is indeed a high-ranking Europa who has sheltered the lair for a long time.

At this moment, the umbrella is staying at the whaling station in the north of Tromso to experience life, and is going to experience the process of catching minke whales with the crew.

Bai Yu and the others were already lurking in the whaling station, pretending to be staff members, looking around the umbrella to find out if anyone was secretly protecting them, and ready to strike as fast as lightning at any time.

Looking at the general situation there, Chen Sheng nodded in satisfaction.

From the current point of view, since he took action in the lair, these first members of Yongzhou have been acting cautiously, and strive to perfectly handle all the situations encountered in this incident.

"When these things are settled, if there is no crack in the abyss, then it's time to put out the unused secret cave, so that Yongzhou's education department can be built as soon as possible."

Chen Sheng thought so in his heart.

For the next development of the organization, the education department is already a necessary existence that cannot be bypassed.

If there is no crack in the abyss yet, maybe the cave can be used first...

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Sheng's thoughts suddenly stopped.

The hand holding the coffee cup also stopped in the air.

His eyes looked into the distance, and a touch of horror hidden in the depths of his eyes flashed past.

This breath!

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao will be there? !

An unprecedentedly strong abyssal atmosphere enveloped an abandoned train station not far away.

The horror of this aura is even stronger than the demigod level monsters that he dealt with across time.

The crack in the abyss... seems to have hit the face?

(End of this chapter)

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