Chapter 71 Abyss Apostle
Chen Sheng really wanted to deny that he had no ability to speak out.

But just when he was thinking about whether to place the unused secret cave if there were no more cracks in the abyss.

The abyss crack...appeared.

The surrounding space of the entire Tromsø town began to become unstable. In just a moment, Chen Sheng felt the breath fluctuations of monsters trying to squeeze into the real world in several places.

But Chen Sheng Wuxia didn't care about it.

Because at the crack in the abyss, there is a will that is firmly locking him at this moment.

The aura it exudes is simply unprecedentedly powerful and terrifying.

The abyss has not moved for almost four months, and it really is holding back a big move.

In the case that every time the cracks are opened and the erosion across the timeline is also prevented, the will of the abyss decided to resist the resistance of the material universe while spending time holding back a big move.

In this crack of the abyss, a powerful monster that shouldn't be able to squeeze into the real world is stuffed by the will of the abyss, and is trying to squeeze through the crack.

Its aura is stronger than that of the original demigod.

Obviously, this is an abyssal monster that has reached level 4 spiritual power.

In the ordinary world of spiritual power, existences of this level are called true gods.In the world view of the abyss, this level is called an apostle.

That is, the running dog of the will of the abyss.

He is the vanguard general when the abyss invades every world.

In the material universe with huge size, great rules, and obscure spiritual power, there is a strong suppressive force and stable space to restrain the power of the abyss, and the power of the abyss apostle level should not be able to invade so early.

However, the will of the abyss, which has failed to open several cracks with the rest of its strength against the material universe, is obviously accumulating strength in the past four months, trying to forcefully send such an abyssal apostle over when the material universe regains part of the rule domain. .

After being blocked several times, the will of the abyss was clearly targeting Chen Sheng this time.

But fortunately, Chen Sheng's own strength has reached level 4 early, and he also possesses the power of Xi He, which is extremely super-class.

Although it is far from being able to fight against the will of the abyss, it is still not a problem to deal with an abyss apostle.

Of course, as the first apostle-level monster encountered.No matter how confident Chen Sheng was, he would not take it lightly.

"Stay here and don't move."

Chen Sheng said so to Gu Ermei, leaving a defensive spirit pattern on his body, and then quietly dissipated in the light.

It is the strongest escapism technique developed by Chen Sheng by using the power of Xihe, which blends into the light to hide or move.

With Chen Sheng's full exertion, he reached the position of the crack in the abyss almost instantly.

At this moment, only he can deal with the Abyss Apostle!
He had to shove that monster back into the crack, or finish it off!
If the Abyss Apostle came to the real world, to the small town of Tromso, this small town with more than 6 people would surely be turned into scorched earth.

You apostle, your grandfather is here!

Chen Sheng looked solemnly at the crack in the abyss located at a higher level of space, and rushed in across the space without hesitation.


whaling station.

Schweitzer, who came to Tromso for a trip, waved his hand nonchalantly, and dismissed the staff who were still explaining to him how to use various items.

He just wanted to watch everyone whaling, take a couple of photos so he could go back and brag about it, he didn't really come to experience the whaling process.

But when he looked at the whaling ship that had been preparing for more than an hour at the port with his beer belly, Schweitzer couldn't help feeling a little bored.

Feeling the cold wind blowing against his face, Schweitzer felt that his freshness had gradually faded.

Instead of standing here waiting for the whaling ship to leave the port, it would be better to go back to his manor and have fun with the little girl that the gang sent just a few months ago.

However, since they were all here, Schweitzer still didn't leave directly, and simply returned to the room of the whaling station to rest for a while.

But what he didn't know was that there were seven people around him staring at him at the moment.

After noticing that he had returned to the room, the eyes of the seven people disguised as staff suddenly became sharp.

They communicated quietly in their minds in a way that no one else would notice.

"The dog has finally returned to the room. It's really tiring to solve these umbrellas quietly."

Zhang Zihang pursed his lips and complained.

The various tasks they have done during this period are really a test, and it is much more difficult than his going to the mountain village to teach.

It's nothing if it's just using force, but what they do most often recently is to quietly deal with the remnants of the umbrellas and criminal networks.

It is not an ordinary difficulty to achieve "quietness".

Fortunately, they all have extraordinary powers, and they basically did it.

Their mentality, experience, and ability have all grown significantly during this period of time.

"Okay, this guy is a big fish, so be careful not to make mistakes."

"Remember to do the tasks of assassination, cleaning up traces, and pretending to be a suicide scene that they are responsible for."

Russell, who has rich experience in fighting against the evil forces, acted as the commander of the seven without hesitation, giving orders in the spark chat group.

They naturally had a plan for this operation. After solving Schweitzer in the room, they immediately faked a suicide scene.

This is much easier than doing things in front of a certain Capitol a few days ago.

Everyone nodded when they heard the sound, and they all fell silent and prepared to get down to business.

But at the next moment, all of them suddenly froze in place.

An extremely sinister and dark atmosphere flashed past.

Terror, fear, adultery...

Countless negative emotions emerged along with that dark breath, impacting the spiritual perception of the seven of them.

The action they were about to do was interrupted.

Everyone present has been in contact with abyssal monsters, so they are naturally no strangers to this aura.

This is the breath of the abyss!
At this moment, a fissure in the abyss seems to be eroding into their vicinity, and the small town of Tromso has fallen into crisis.

During these nearly four months, they were so preoccupied with developing peripheral forces and resolving internal conflicts among humans that they almost forgot their responsibilities as members of Eternal Day.

Fight against the abyss and continue the future of mankind.

This is their most important responsibility.

Everyone stopped their movements and their faces became solemn.

The leader's order also appeared in the Xinghuo chat group in their minds when everyone was in a daze.

[Start fighting against the abyss now! 】

Without any hesitation, several people immediately rushed to the positions that the leader had mentioned in the spark chat group.

At this moment, the test is over.

A strong sense of responsibility and mission made them all eagerly rush in all directions with serious faces.

(End of this chapter)

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