Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 72 Divine Soldier descends from heaven

Chapter 72 Divine Soldier descends from heaven
Polaria Aquarium.

An all-round introduction to the creatures, animals and the formation of the aurora that grow in the Arctic region. In the aquarium, you can also get close to seals and other animals.

Evelyn Popov is an employee of the aquarium. After the hard work of the day, he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Popov, let's see who gets to the tavern first, and remember to treat the loser." A voice full of vigor rang in Popov's ear.

Then the young man who made the sound rushed out quickly.

While changing his clothes, Popov helplessly rolled his eyes at the young man who rushed out of the locker room quickly leaving only his back.

That was Jerome Jeannet, the youngest intern at the aquarium and a student at the nearby Tromso University.

Because they often run into each other in the "Northern Tavern", the two are good drinking friends.

The beer in the northern tavern is full of a wonderful flavor, which soothes people's emotions and makes people forget their troubles.

Thinking of this, Popov subconsciously licked the corners of his mouth, and he couldn't help cleaning up a little faster.

Soon, after saying hello to several colleagues, he left the Polaria Aquarium and walked on a quiet street.

The scenery is genial and intoxicating.

There is no snow today, and the mountains in the distance can see continuous green forests.

Because it was in the extreme daylight, even though it was time to get off work, the sky was still bright.

He nodded politely with a few acquaintances he occasionally met in this small town, and Popov stepped a little faster.

Jeanne's appetite is not small. In order to avoid being emptied by that kid, Popov chose a shorter path today.

"It's kind of bullying Renei, a young man who came to school from other places."

Popov said so, but the movements of his feet didn't stop at all.

As long as we turn another corner and turn over the corner of this dead end, we can save a lot of distance, and then we will have to give that kid to...

Just after turning the corner, Popov stopped abruptly.

Cold sweat instantly overflowed and wet his back, and Popov froze in place.

All thoughts in his mind were instantly emptied, as if he was too shocked by the scene in front of him.

Breathing is also stagnant.

I saw it in a dark dead end.

A three-meter-tall brown humanoid monster was squatting on the ground, almost filling the dead end.

There are raised spikes on his back, shaking as the monster lowers its head from time to time.

This picture that fills the entire field of vision gives people a strong visual impact.

In front of the monster, Popov could vaguely see the torn pieces of clothes, and bits of blood splashed everywhere.

Although the monster's size blocked his sight, Popov immediately understood what was going on from the strong smell of blood around him and the sound of chewing that seemed to be ringing in his ears.

This monster is... eating people? !

The suddenly dilated pupils explained the fear in his heart at the moment.

Although reason told him that such a monster does not exist in this world.

But Popov didn't dare to bet on what kind of prank show this is, after all, there is only one life.

He was breathing slowly, not panicking.

Then calmly and slowly backed away, not wanting to disturb the eating monster.

With every slight movement, Popov seemed to have exhausted all his strength, for fear of disturbing the monster with any movement.

His trembling body was controlled by his clenched teeth, and he was about to leave this dead end.

But the next moment, the chilling chewing sound suddenly stopped.

Popov saw the monster that had been staring at him turn his head.

Its compound eyes are like insects, and it has an unknown number of split mouths, and each mouth is inlaid with a row of teeth.

Enough to cause intense physical discomfort to anyone who sees it.

Swallowing, Popov ran away decisively, ignoring any quiet movement.

The monster shook its head slightly, and countless figures of Popov were reflected in its compound eyes.

The next moment, the three-meter-high monster stood up abruptly, bursting out at an astonishing speed.

Even though Popov had reacted in time and ran away, he was still caught up by the monster in an instant.

A huge force erupted from behind.

Popov couldn't control his body in an instant, was thrown into the wall by this force, and then lay on the ground with a bounce.

Popov, who fell to the ground, tried to get up.

But he had already lost consciousness in his back, and there were bursts of pain in other places all over his body, and he couldn't pull up any strength at all.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"Ahhh! Is there anyone?! Is there anyone?! Help!!!"

Popov, who couldn't move at all, cried out in despair.

But there was no response.

The small town of Tromso was originally a small place, not to mention that he took a small road, and there were not many people passing by around.

Popov, who was hoarse, looked at the slowly approaching monster.

For some reason, Popov seemed to see the joke in the compound eyes of the monster.

The monster didn't approach at the same speed as before, obviously trying to play with him.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the hollowed-out broken body in the dead end, and Popov couldn't help feeling his scalp tingling.

He wanted to close his eyes and wait for death.

But he couldn't really close his eyes calmly.


He hadn't even had a drink before he died, so it would be nice to let him treat him.

Popov looked desperately at the approaching monster, and the complicated thoughts in his mind had begun to diverge indiscriminately.

The next moment, a white afterimage suddenly appeared in front of him.

The figure that descended from the sky landed on one foot.

The ground suddenly sank a footprint, and then cracked a circle of cracks around it.

Then, the other leg that hadn't landed was lifted up instantly.

The air was torn apart by the sharp kick, and the monster was kicked back to the dead end by the swift kick.

Accompanied by a loud noise, the monster was directly embedded in the wall of the dead end, as if it couldn't even be buckled down.

And Popov's thoughts seemed to be stunned by this kick, watching the man in the white battle suit fall into silence.

Just... what happened?
Popov was a little messy.

He didn't see the process clearly, it seemed that this person appeared suddenly.

While cracking the ground, kick that terrifying monster into the wall? !
Is this power and speed reasonable?

Popov swallowed hard.

What the hell is going on today?
First a man-eating monster, then a superhero-like guy.

The mental shock and physical trauma made Popov completely messed up.

Could it be... that he hasn't woken up yet?
(End of this chapter)

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