Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 73 Eternal day, stand here!

Chapter 73 Eternal day, stand here!
Popov's experience is not an exception.

The spatial disturbance brought about by the cracks in the abyss caused more than one monster to appear in this remote northern town of Tromso.

"I'm really not joking with you, hurry up and support me!"

"Hello?! Hello?!"

Hearing the beep of the phone being hung up on the other side, the young police officer couldn't help showing despair.

The old man on patrol with him had been devoured by the slimy jelly-like monster, and he ran for a long time before he had time to make a phone call.

But the police officer who answered the phone on the other side obviously thought he was joking.

After all, the police station in the small town of Tromso rarely encounters a few theft cases a year, and the few cases are caused by foreign tourists.

The operator probably thought he was a police officer who was bored and joking.

But only the young police officer in front of him knew that he and his senior had indeed encountered a monster while patrolling at the foot of the mountain.

It was a transparent and slimy green monster like jelly, and its fuzzy facial features didn't look scary, just like slimes in many works.

But through its transparent body, looking at the corpses of animals being corroded and digested in its body, one can understand that it is definitely not a vegetarian.

The monster moved very fast, and when it found the two of them, it rushed over immediately.Their firearms have a certain degree of effect on it, but it seems that the effect is not too great.

Holding the mentality of vowing to protect everyone when he was a policeman, the old policeman resolutely took out his pistol to delay the time for the young policeman to ask for support.

However, the slime monster is obviously not simple, and a few jets of green slime melted an arm of the old policeman almost instantly.

The old police officer's screams did not last long.

When the young policeman was hung up, the old policeman had already been swallowed by the slime monster.

It can be clearly seen through the monster's transparent body that the old policeman stopped after struggling a few times, and his torso was gradually disintegrated by some kind of liquid.

The young police officer was stunned for a moment, even when he wanted to call again.

It all happened so fast that he didn't realize what happened for a moment.

Looking at the slime monster that seemed to be still because it was digesting, the young police officer swallowed, and had no time to grieve.

It's useless to call for support now, and when the support comes, he can only collect his body.

He forced himself to calm down in his heart.

The movement speed and long-range attack methods shown by the slime monster just now showed that it is useless to patronize escape.

He had to think calmly now.

First of all, there are no traces of slime left by the slime monster when it moves around. It can be inferred that the monster stayed in place until it was discovered.

Secondly, the monster seems to have identified him, even if it is staying in place and busy digesting, it will change the direction of its face with his slight movement.

While thinking, the young police officer probably sorted out some thoughts.

The perception ability of this monster is probably not strong, so when they were discovered by the two of them, they stayed where they were and did not move!
It only acts when a creature comes within close range.

But this discovery does not break the news.

No matter how bad the monster's perception is, it has already set its sights on him.

Although he didn't move because he was digesting, the young police officer was sure that as long as he dared to run, the monster would never remain still like this.

With the speed shown by the monster just now, there is a high probability that I can't get out of the monster's perception range.

This moment is a dead end, there is no solution!
Silently looking at the body of the slime monster, only the dead bones are still decomposing in the body, and the appearance of the senior has long been completely indistinguishable.

Looking at the police badge that was gradually corroded and flattened in the monster's body, the young policeman fell silent.

I still remember that my senior still has a child who is just one month old and a gentle wife, who is waiting at home every day for my senior to return home from get off work.

The senior would brag to himself about his happy life when he patrolled every day.

That made him envious, and he couldn't help but bless him.

But now, there is no chance to listen to senior bragging.

Feeling his wandering thoughts, the young police officer slowly took out his gun with firm eyes.

"If I die here directly, after you lose your hatred, you will be as motionless as before because of the limitation of your perception ability."

"Fortunately, this is the foot of the mountain with few people. If you stay here, it will be the best result for the residents of the small town."

As he said that, the young policeman aimed his gun at his temple.

"Since even if I run, there is a high probability that I won't be able to get far, even if I get away by chance, I will bring this scourge to other places."

"Then, I won't run."

The young police officer said, looking firmly at the slowly corroding police badge in the monster's stomach.

Kill itself, eliminate the monster's hatred, and let it be confined here with its low perception ability.

This is what he thought of doing.

Although it cannot break the game, it may be able to minimize some casualties.

Closing his eyes, he shot without hesitation.

After a loud noise, except for the strange collision sound.

It seems that nothing has changed.

There is no pain, and I can still feel the cold wind blowing on my face.

The young police officer opened his eyes suspiciously.

The pistol in his hand disappeared at some point.

A man in a white battle suit with sharp edges stood in front of him, and casually threw the pistol he had snatched from the policeman on the ground.

"You did a good job, now it's my turn."

Hearing the words of the white figure, and looking at the monster that landed in the distance and smashed through several trees at some point, the young police officer swallowed.

This is... what happened? ? ?
When the young police officer was in a daze.Romero looked seriously at the green slime monster that was punched flying in front of him.

The corroded remains in his body made him frown.Although one was saved, it was still a bit late.

But there was no time to mourn just yet.

After a moment of silence, he retrieved and thought about the monster information he had recently recited in his mind, and quickly recalled the general information about this monster.

Rot monster: weak in perception, the body composed of corrosive liquid can reduce a lot of physical damage, and has the ability to spray corrosive liquid remotely.

There are not many points worth noting. The monster's racial potential can reach the peak of the 0-level spiritual power level at most, and the one in front of him is only a 0-level spiritual power level.

For people without spiritual power, it may be difficult to deal with this kind of monster that is immune to a lot of physical damage.

But for him, it is not difficult to solve.

There is spiritual power attached to his fist.

The punch just now was a real injury to this monster, and it directly sent the monster flying into the distance.

Seeing that the monster seemed to be about to move again, Romero slowly walked over with a stern expression.

"Don't think about doing anything else."


"Yong Zhou, stand here!"

(End of this chapter)

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