Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 74 This is just aftermath!

Chapter 74 This is just aftermath!
After entering a higher level of space, all the hustle and bustle of the real world outside has been far away from Chen Sheng.

This is a position close to the ocean of spiritual rules. The existence at this level has been transformed into the most essential spirituality, which is the mixture of a series of complex components such as will, true spirit, wisdom, and heart.

Here, no physical form exists.

Therefore, only those who have reached the 4th level of spiritual power and understand that spirituality is the essence of the strong, are eligible to come to this space.

A crack full of rich abyssal atmosphere is in front of you.

It is not accurate to say that it is a crack, but it is very vivid.

In essence, the thing in front of Chen Sheng, which continuously flows out black spiritual power like a sewer mouth being torn apart, is the result of the collision and confrontation between the abyss and the material universe, and it is an instant blend of rules.

Under the guidance of the system, this force was directed towards the earth and became the so-called abyssal rift.

It is invisible and intangible, and exists in the high-level space close to the bottom layer of the rules, which is the embodiment of the erosion of the rules of the material universe.

But even so, its presence still has a profound impact on the reality of the physical universe.

It will interfere with the nearby space, making it gradually get closer to a certain space in the abyss.

In the case of being extremely close, monsters from the abyss may squeeze over.

At the beginning, there will not be too many monsters crowded over, and they will not be too strong.Because the process of the monsters from the abyss is sifting through the sieve, only some of the smaller ones will be sifted through.

But if you don't care about it, the erosive properties of the abyss will expand the cracks, eroding the rules of the material universe to be riddled with holes.

It will even be so serious that it will have a huge impact on the reality level of the material universe, and become a real space entrance that connects the abyss and the material universe through which large forces can pass.

But now, the will of the abyss has accumulated strength to do a wave of things, sending an apostle of the abyss to break through the crack of the abyss forcibly.

After all, the real invasion will not obstinately follow the law of gradual and orderly progress. It is also reasonable to change the method of the abyss will to find that the cracks in the abyss are always erased.


A not exaggerated monster stood in front of Chen Sheng.

Although it was only a two-meter-tall humanoid creature, its aura was extremely terrifying.

Although the abyss apostle who fully understands that spirituality is the essence, and the third-level demigod who has initially touched the essence of spirituality, both can be transformed into spirituality and directly sneak in from the entrance of the regular level of the crack in the abyss.

But the demigod-level monster that was dealt with across the timeline at the beginning was completely worthless in front of this abyssal apostle.

I saw that his pure black body was covered with a faint blue battle armor.

The metallic battle armor covered his face, making it difficult to see the appearance of the abyssal apostle.

At this moment, Chen Sheng really wanted to solve it as soon as possible, and then go to support his subordinates.

However, the abyssal apostle's dark aura, as huge as the abyss and the sea, locked him firmly, and it was obviously not a parallel importer that could be solved instantly.

Chen Sheng could only exude his aura like a bright sun all the time.

Stalemate with that terrifying momentum, looking for a suitable opportunity to make a move.

In this higher-level space close to the bottom of the rules, the aura of the two men turned into a knife full of blood and a tree with ten suns hanging on it.

This stalemate did not last long.

Soon, Chen Sheng was keenly aware of the high spirituality of the opponent, and immediately mobilized the terrifying power in the crack of the abyss behind him.

Like ink dripping into white water, the erosive power of the abyss spreads wildly around, forming streaks of pale black energy in this higher-level space.

The entire surrounding space seemed to be dyed black.

This is the erosiveness of the power of the abyss, rewriting the underlying rules and environments of the rest of the world, and making all features move closer to the abyss.

At that time, the eroded world will become exactly the same as the abyss, and it will become a part of the abyss.

In the manifestation of strength, the blood-stained knife is waving beside the big tree hanging from the sun, looking eager to try.

There is no doubt that the abyss apostle is ready to do it.

Naturally, Chen Sheng wasn't used to it at all, a hopeful power poured into the surrounding space, forcefully annihilating the power that was trying to erode bit by bit.

The light dispelled the darkness of this space once again.

There is a balance between the two forces.

Above this higher-level space, these two people exist in a spiritual rather than material form, and their every move sets off bursts of embodied characteristics in this space close to the bottom of the rules.

The power struggle between the two becomes a confrontation between extreme darkness and endless light in this space, a weeping blade that wants to cut down the stars and a tree of hope that carries the sun .


When Chen Sheng was engaged in a spiritual confrontation with the Abyss Apostle at a higher level.It also had a considerable impact on Tromso in the real world.

The aftermath of the overflowing spiritual collision stirs in the real material universe.

Almost in an instant, the small town of Tromso, which was in a state of extreme daylight, suddenly darkened.

You can clearly see the sun when you look up, but the whole sky is strangely dimmed, as if the transmission ability of the light has been weakened a lot.

As the sky suddenly darkened, almost everyone could feel a shudder from the bottom of their hearts.

It seems that the fear and anxiety from the depths of the soul suddenly rise.

Then, there was a sudden bright light.

In this dark sky, a piece of light was torn out in an instant.

At this moment, light and darkness compete with each other clearly.

Martha, who had just dealt with a compound-eyed monster, raised her head incredulously while treating the injured victim on the ground.

She was far more surprised by the sudden change of sky than Popov, who was beside him with wide eyes.

Because for ordinary people, this is just an abnormal celestial phenomenon.

Only people with spiritual perception ability can perceive what a terrifying power confrontation is nakedly displayed under such an extremely changing sky.

What kind of stalwart is this?
The abyssal power, which is extremely sinister and evil, is fighting against a brilliant and righteous power.

Martha understood that this was the leader fighting against the existence from the abyss.

The key is.

Their main battlefield is not here, it is located in a higher level space.

It's just fallout!
But just the trace of overflowing power, which is insignificant compared to the main battlefield, is enough for people to clearly feel what stalwart is.

Martha has never felt so clearly her own insignificance at any moment, perhaps they are still only a hindrance to the leader.

The power of the abyss is as deep as the sea.

Let all the Everday members who are happy with the growth speed have a dignified face.

The strength of a leader is immeasurable.

The idea of ​​making all the members of the eternal day who are honored to be more determined to follow.

Taking a deep breath, Martha withdrew her spiritual perception and resisted the urge to look up.

Now there is no time to feel the stalwart of the leader.

What I should do most now is to deal with all the abyssal monsters that came due to the cracks in the abyss, and do what I can!
(End of this chapter)

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