Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 75 Holy shit, are you cheating? !

Chapter 75 Holy shit, are you cheating? !

Zhang Zihang covered his waist and abdomen, and grinned in pain.

On his waist and abdomen, there was a tearing wound bleeding out at this moment, and there were burn marks on the edge of the wound.

This is the Northern Tavern.

Zhang Zihang originally planned to come to this famous local bar to have a good drink after executing the execution umbrella Schweitzer in the small town of Tromso.

However, the plan obviously cannot keep up with the changes.

Facing the sudden erosion of the abyss, they, the new forces who have just joined Yongri, naturally have to go up.

The rest were scattered throughout the small town of Tromsø, destroying all kinds of monsters.

As the 0-level peak with the fastest cultivation progress, Zhang Zihang naturally took Owens and Russell to this northern tavern without hesitation.

Face the strongest aura that landed here, that monster that already has level 1 spiritual power!

It was a humanoid monster whose whole body was piled up of scorched earth, and its whole body was emitting a high temperature that made the air bend all the time.

Just getting closer, the tip of the nose is filled with the sulfur smell of the monster.

When they arrived, several people had been turned into coke on the ground by the monster, and the rest were hiding behind the bar counter of the bar, waiting to die motionless.

They naturally rushed forward to fight without saying a word.

The monster's resistance was fierce.

In the fierce battle, Zhang Zihang, as the strongest existence among the three, was targeted by the monster, and the opponent tried his best to injure him severely.

Especially at the moment when the sky was getting dark, the monster's strength increased by a notch.

Even with the boost and protection of the dawn battle suit, the monster's blow still made him a little bit unable to withstand it.

If it wasn't for feeling the leader's power emanating from the sky, the monster that had grown stronger would return to its original state.

I'm afraid they are dead by now.

But even if he is not dead, he can only fall powerlessly beside the bar at this moment.

He lifted the battle suit covering his waist and abdomen, and accepted the treatment of a man who ran out from the bar.

Looking at Russell and Owens who were fighting hard not far away, Zhang Zihang's eyes were a little urgent.

After missing him.

Even if the monster is no longer in the state of punching him hard just now.The response between Russell and Owens still seemed a bit dangerous.

The tables and chairs in the bar were all shattered under the destruction of two people and one monster.

The scorching breath passing over everyone's heads would occasionally cause a burst of exclamation.

Seeing the monster's fist pass by Owens' neck again, Zhang Zihang tensed his body uncontrollably and wanted to rush forward to fight together.

However, the scorching and poisonous spiritual power at the wound was destroying his self-healing, and it also made him unable to summon the strength to stand up again.

"My name is Jerome Jeannet, a recent freshman at the University of Tromso."

Rang Nei skillfully treated the wound on Zhang Zihang's waist and abdomen with the high-grade liquor at the bar, and at the same time took the initiative to speak to ease Zhang Zihang's tension.

He originally wanted to make an appointment with his friend Popov to come here for a drink, but before he could wait for Popov, a terrifying monster suddenly rushed in.

If the three people including the person in front of him hadn't appeared in time, the entire bar would have been completely slaughtered.

As a medical student, he chose to stand up and treat the wounds of this superhero-like mysterious guy in front of him.

"Aren't you afraid?"

Zhang Zihang also subconsciously answered when he heard Rangnei talking.

"I'm afraid it's useless."

Rangei shook his head calmly, and wrapped up Zhang Zihang's wound with the bandage he carried with him.

When the monster appeared before, everyone who tried to escape died, and anyone who dared to make such an abnormal move as taking out the phone died.

They all became ashes on the ground.

This intelligent monster is simply enjoying their fear.

In this situation of being absolutely crushed.

Fear is useless.

On the contrary, helping this group of mysterious people may be the most viable option.

Hearing this, Zhang Zihang didn't say anything.

He wanted to boast that Rennei was calm enough, but the dangerous situation now is beyond praise...

Halfway through Zhang Zihang's thoughts, he suddenly raised his head with his eyes wide open.

He could feel it through the ceiling of the bar.

A glorious and majestic force fully manifested its sense of existence at this time.


In the higher-level space, the pure spiritual collision and confrontation between Chen Sheng and the abyss apostle is not over yet.

Everyone is at the 4th level of spiritual power, and they have all achieved the achievement of entrusting their own spirituality in the ocean of spiritual rules, and they have all created a real body with the unity of soul and flesh, and spirituality as the essence.

Both of them can continuously mobilize the surrounding power by relying on the spirituality of sustenance.

Both also have limitations.

The Abyss Apostle relies on the ocean of spiritual rules of the abyss, and can only continuously draw the power from the abyss from the abyss crack behind him, and the efficiency of the draw is not high.

What Chen Sheng relied on was the ocean of spiritual rules of this material universe, but the spiritual rules of this material universe were obscure and suppressed, and the efficiency of deployment was not high.

Therefore, the power struggle between Chen Sheng and the abyss apostle has been deadlocked.

But Chen Sheng naturally wouldn't let the situation go on like this.

When the two forces were confronting each other, Chen Sheng had already quietly hooked up with the hibiscus tree.

When the headquarters cave was first built, it was said that the hibiscus tree has a function of opening and hanging.

As long as the hibiscus tree is still there, Chen Sheng will never be exhausted.This is equivalent to the hibiscus tree of the second sun, which can always provide energy for him, the leader of the organization.

Right now is a good time to use this feature.

Having no time to play any turn-based duel with the abyssal apostle, Chen Sheng silently connected the hibiscus tree in a way that ordinary people could not detect, accumulating strength.

The next moment, Chen Sheng's momentum suddenly rose.

With a nearly tenfold increase in power, the ten rounds of great sun behind Chen Sheng became even more radiant.

Although it only increased tenfold in an instant, it became a steady stream.

But the abyssal apostle in front of him was still being washed away by innumerable forces, and the scattered infinite light pierced through its body inch by inch.

The body that was sent to the material universe suffered an unimaginably powerful impact almost instantly.

The sudden increase in power obviously made the Abyssal Apostle, who was used to the situation just now, unable to react.

For the abyssal apostle, it is not uncommon to suddenly make a big move in the confrontation stage.

It's just that it really didn't expect Chen Sheng's power to suddenly skyrocket so much.

It is mentally prepared for 1 to 2, but it does not mean that it is also mentally prepared for Chen Sheng's 1 to 10.

Is this tenfold increase really reasonable?

Chen Sheng's power change from 1 to 10 in that instant was due to his mental preparation and nothing he could do about it.

Although the abyssal apostle didn't say anything, Chen Sheng could sense a strong emotion from his suddenly disturbed spirituality.

If it is translated in a language that humans can understand, then it is probably:
Fuck, are you cheating? !

In this universe where spiritual rules are obscure, everyone is not very free.

Even if you are playing at home, you can't suddenly burst out with such fierce power, right? !

But the reality no longer allowed the Abyss Apostle to think too much, and the scene in front of him went black instantly.

Chen Sheng, on the other hand, watched the Abyss Apostle who had vanished into nothingness and remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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