Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 76 What do you think of human beings? !

Chapter 76 What do you think of human beings? !

This is not a victory.

Chen Sheng could only say that he directly used his hole card in the first round of the confrontation, causing the Abyss Apostle to return home before he had time to react.

This only slightly prevails.

What's more, the abyss apostle is a level 4 spiritual power level. Its spirituality rests on the abyss spirituality and rules the ocean. It has a very strong immortality. It is not painful to destroy such a life. At this moment, it has probably returned to the abyss .

Now he is probably on the blacklist in the will of the abyss, and he doesn't know what kind of difficulties will arise next.

All-out war against the abyss...

This is just the beginning.

He still has a long way to go.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Sheng left this higher-level space in an instant.

YongZi's immature members need him.

Next, the leader came on the scene.


No amount of shock could describe Zhang Zihang's mood at this moment.

The abnormal celestial phenomenon that turned black for a while and brightened for a while just made him feel the danger of the leader in the battle.

And slightly felt the seemingly boundless power of the leader.

But at this moment, it is completely different.

Although others can't see it.

But the existence with spiritual power can clearly perceive what a majestic and magnificent scene is above the sky.

Ten suns full of spiritual power hung above the sky at a certain moment, forming a magnificent scene around the existing sun.

Although such a scene passed away in a flash, it was so conspicuous in the eyes of those with spiritual power.

Feeling this extremely stalwart power, Zhang Zihang felt that his spiritual perception seemed to be filled with the presence of the leader.

He couldn't help but think back to the time when he first joined Yongzhou, the Chief of Internal Affairs Baiyu was telling him about the past of Yongzhou.

Although he didn't doubt it at that time, he didn't feel too deeply.

Until now, he suddenly understood.

Perhaps, the myths and legends about the ten little suns hanging from the hibiscus tree are really true.

Perhaps it is the leader, or the leader of a certain generation, who has demonstrated such great power in the long river of history.

It has become a myth and legend passed down by word of mouth.

Yong Zhou is the prototype of the...myth hidden behind the history!

He is so determined, convinced, and proud.

Perhaps, when he becomes the vice-minister of Yongzhou Education Department in the future, he can record and pass on the speculation about this part.

The outside world can forget about them.

But the comrades in Yongzhou must definitely remember the past and glory.


Such thinking and silence did not last long.

When Zhang Zihang found that the scorching and vicious spiritual power in his body dissipated under the ten-day volley of sunlight, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

The wound that could not be healed by the monster's spiritual power began to slowly recover at this moment, and the strength in his body began to fill up.

Seeing that Russell and Owens, who were also on stimulants, began to fight back and forth gradually under the scorching attack of the monster.

Zhang Zihang understood that it was time to fight back!
The strength of the three of them at this moment, under the blessing of the sunshine invisible to ordinary people, has become far beyond before.

The moment after the monster appeared in the ten-day volley, it became obvious that its aura became somewhat sluggish, and its strength was suppressed visibly by the naked eye.

Now, the attack is reversed, the advantage is mine!
He stood up silently and threw himself into the battlefield.

"Give me death!"

With a punch full of roar, he attacked with complicated emotions.

Russell and Owens, who had cooperated tacitly during the team action during this period, almost immediately made a move to hold down one side of the monster's body.

Although it was impossible to get close because of the burning heat of the scorched earth all over the monster.

But they still rushed forward decisively.

The hands of Russell and Owens were scorched when they touched the monster, even with the dawn suit, it seemed a bit useless.

But they didn't let go, they just fixed it tighter, creating opportunities for Zhang Zihang to attack.

Even though the monster was awed by the ten-day volley and suppressed some of its strength, under its violent struggle, this fixation could not last for a few seconds.

However, this was enough for the fast-moving Zhang Zihang.

As the strongest person present, he gathered all his energy and energy into this punch.

This punch penetrated the monster's chest.

It also made everyone present who had been dignified all the time show a touch of excitement.

However, there was still a mockery on the monster's face, as if the blow had no effect at all.

The wound also healed at a speed visible to the naked eye as Zhang Zihang retracted his arm.

The excitement around suddenly fell silent.

The survivors hiding behind the bar covered their mouths, as if they had seen the end of everyone's death.

Jeanne silently picked up a wine bottle, calculating how he could smash the monster before he died.

Russell and Owens remained silent, but suppressed the heat and pressed the monster harder.

And Zhang Zihang was silent...

Looking at the monster's playful and disdainful face until now.

Nameless anger burned in Zhang Zihang's heart.

Since he came to this northern tavern, he has been trying his best to suppress his anger.

After studying for so long and practicing with the team for so long.

Now that he is so experienced that he is not the supporting teacher at the beginning, from the moment he came to the North Tavern, he could see that everyone here died of playing tricks.

Like a cat catching a mouse, it will play with the mouse until it has no love for life and then eat it.

This monster, which was not included in the monster information he recited, had a toying attitude towards the humans present.

From the dying posture of those cokes on the ground, the distance they ran, the terrified and numb emotions of the survivors behind the bar, the burning mother and child hugging each other... all the details can be seen.

The monster has done something outrageous in this northern tavern.

It makes people run, and one by one is ignited.

With its ability to control the flames, it tortured people with tepid temperatures, admiring the frightened figures struggling in the flames.

The monsters that could have killed a whole tavern people long before they arrived, only played around and killed half of them when they came.

It's a leisurely treat for monsters.

The fear of others towards it is the expression it is most willing to see.

Although Zhang Zihang hadn't seen the brutality of this monster, he had guessed it from the moment he came here and saw the miserable conditions around him.

He has been patient.

Suppressing emotions in order to fight calmly.

But at this moment, this monster with five sense organs showed a playful face.

That expression made Zhang Zihang's suppressed emotions unbearable.

Angry and repressed emotions hit him.

At this moment, his talent that deserves to be left alone by the leader to love and train for three months exploded.

The aftermath of the leader's various spiritual powers in the sky just now circulated in his fast-running mind.

Suddenly, he understood something.

It turns out that spiritual power is used in this way!

"What do you think of human beings?!"

Zhang Zihang, who suddenly realized it, roared with a stern face.

The swift punch brought up endless flames, turned into a fist of fire and bombarded the monster, knocking it into the air and inlaid it on the wall of the tavern.

It's a fire on fire!
Set fire to the scorched earth monster that entrusts the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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