Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 77 The Huge Net Over Human Heads

Chapter 77 The Huge Net Over Human Heads (Two Chapters in One)

Zhang Zihang suddenly became a level 1 spiritual power, and he swung a punch that really used his spiritual power.

The burning flames ignited the only scorched earth monster with level 1 spiritual power in this invasion.

And when Chen Sheng returned from a higher level of space, after finishing a series of finishing work.

It can be regarded as the end of this sudden erosion of the abyss.

Abyss figured out which bastard had been obstructing them, and Yongri once again protected humans.

Everything basically ended thereupon.

And with the passage of time slowly.

The sky above the small town of Tromso has slowly returned to normal.

But everything that happened in this small town finally fermented after such a period of time.

A group of people from special departments arrived late after all the stories ended.

The reason why the official action is so slow is not only because the small town of Tromso is relatively remote, but also because Europa's loose alliance system was shocked by this matter, and it took a long time to send a person in charge.

In the temporarily requisitioned command post, Peter Hansen sat on his desk and looked at the collected information, frowning uncontrollably.

As the well-known chief agent of Europa, he came here specially for a series of abnormal events in the small town of Tromso this time.

But Hansen didn't expect this incident to be so outrageous.

Abnormal celestial phenomena that suddenly changed, all kinds of monsters that suddenly appeared, special organizations to fight monsters...

What is this doing?
Hansen looked out of the window at the usual bright daytime sky, and silently looked at the abnormal celestial phenomena recorded on the video on the tablet in his hand.

To be honest, he really didn't want to participate in such a difficult matter.

But looking at the talents of the entire Europa, only he, the old secret service chief who is about to retire, may be able to take on such a big task.

Alas, it seems that if you want to retire now, it's still too early.

Hansen sighed helplessly in his heart.

When he was silent, the door of the office was suddenly opened, and a soldier in charge of ordering came in with a document: "Report, the preliminary work of blocking the news has been completed, and it is time to hold a meeting."

"Well, let's report the details first."

Hansen nodded, and while holding up the coffee cup, he motioned his subordinates to explain the details.

"Experts have been sent to explain the relevant visions in the sky, and the relevant news reports will be circulated within the next week in the form of newspapers and webcasts."

"There are not many people involved in the monster incident in the small town of Tromsø, and we have all controlled them to sign a confidentiality clause."

"We have collected all kinds of video evidence, including surveillance videos in the town, and various alarm records."

"In short, the news about the monster has not been spread in general, and the people involved have been temporarily controlled by us."

"Under the circumstances that the substantive witnesses and material evidence are under our control, some information that has been spread by word of mouth will not have much impact. We have arranged various breaking news including celebrity gossip. To divert the public's attention in the coming time, those news will only become urban rumors in the end."

Hearing this, the old secret service leader Hansen smiled and put the coffee cup in his hand on the table.

"Control substantive witnesses and physical evidence, cut off the channels for news to continue to expand and be hammered. At the same time, experts are also used to wash the ground and divert attention, so that false and true news will continue to confuse the public."

"You guys are skilled enough."

Hansen nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that this incident has really made those guys above who are not doing business all day long take it seriously, and the people who are sent to him to take charge of this incident are all elites.

But maybe it's not just that the top management attaches great importance to this matter, but also because all kinds of accidents have happened to the group of high-level executives who were eating vegetarian meals.

Hansen didn't want to think about it.

It would be best if that kind of high-level management disappeared, and he didn't want to care about it.

As he approached his retirement point, it was the extraordinary incident before him that deserved his attention.

After a moment of contemplation, the old man in charge of the incident slowly stood up.

He walked in front of the messenger with a calm and prestige expression: "Lead the way, we're going to a meeting."

After speaking, the two left the office and walked towards the conference room not far away.

Walking in this temporarily requisitioned teaching building of the University of Tromsø, looking out the window at the sun still hanging on the horizon in the distance.

Hansen's long gaze was full of deep meaning.

It's going to change.

This is the intuition of an old agent who has worked for the joint system of Europa for many years.

Hansen has always trusted his intuition.

There may be more and more things like this in the future.

The whole world may be profoundly affected by something like this.

While thinking quietly, Hansen's ears became increasingly noisy.

As we got closer to the room where soldiers stood guard not far away, we could hear the voices of a group of acquaintances arguing more and more.

"The absolute value of that white battle suit is immeasurable. The traces of the various battle locations have been surveyed, and it can be calculated that those people often explode with a force of several tons or even a dozen tons, and they are all little supermen."

"I don't think it's just a battle suit. Unless something so thin is the venom symbiosis in the movie, it is impossible to have this kind of bonus. It should be that those people themselves are also very powerful!"

"Monsters are not simple. Although most of the monster's corpses were taken away by that group. However, we extracted part of the monster's substance from the body of the sacrificed old police officer. It can only be said to be really amazing. More properties are yet to be studied."

"Don't just pay attention to the benefits, you don't think about it at all, what does the existence of this mysterious organization mean?"

Standing at the door, listening to the unstoppable quarrel in the room, Hansen shook his head helplessly.

Immediately, he hurriedly pushed open the door and walked in.

The originally lively room froze instantly.

All the people discussing at the round table looked at Hansen who walked in and sat on the main seat without saying a word.

Hansen was not only the person in charge of this incident, but also the head of the secret service that no one wanted to see at the beginning, so all these high-level officials stopped talking instantly.

Hansen looked around, and there were many familiar guys gathered on the round table, all of whom were important high-level officials with real power in various parts of Europa.

It is rare to see so many together.

After all, under Europa's special joint system, it is doomed that these high-level officials are all inclined to the interests of their respective countries, and they are always arguing about dividing up the spoils.

Today is different.

In the face of important matters, it is rare for everyone to unite seriously.

"Didn't the discussion be very lively before? Don't mind just because I'm here."

Hansen's angry voice sounded.

The people around the round table looked at each other for a while, and then a big man from the military department stood up.

"Then I will continue to say what I just said."

"Everyone has watched the records in various videos and written materials. Even the weakest of those monsters cannot be solved by ordinary pistols. It is conservatively estimated that an organized army with heavy firepower can be solved. But those who wear white People in battle suits can fight back and forth with bare hands."

"The strength they displayed in battle is many times stronger than those exoskeletons we secretly developed."

"It doesn't matter whether it's technology or extraordinary means."

"I think the value of this battle suit..."

Before the military chief had finished speaking, he was interrupted by a political chief who suddenly stood up from the opposite side: "Fuck! Don't just focus on this point."

"The problem now is that there is such a secret organization hidden under our noses!"

"Before this, we knew nothing about the existence of monsters and this organization. Now that things happened, they not only arrived before us, but they can also disappear after everything is resolved."

"People from the intelligence department have to take it apart by one person and use it as two people, but until now, we still haven't found any information!"

"Fuck! Do you know what that means?"

"This is a threat! ***An unprecedented threat!"

The bigwig in the political circle patted the table anxiously, with an expression of inadequacy and conspiracy.

Hearing this, everyone around fell silent.

Although the speeches of the bigwigs in the political circle were full of eager and swear words, every sentence almost hit the point.

These words made everyone react to one thing:

A mysterious and powerful organization is hidden right under their noses!

In addition to seeing all kinds of magical things in this incident, the most important thing is that they knew the existence of a mysterious organization!

This organization has strong personal strength and strong hidden ability, and it is fully capable of causing chaos in the Europa region.

They looked at each other in blank dismay, and then they discussed again.

"It's really scary, and it must be thoroughly investigated! In today's world structure, and in today's online society without secrets, there is still such a powerful organization!"

"It shouldn't be. The stronger the organization, the less likely it is to hide it perfectly. The huge size and specifications will always reveal something?"

"I looked at all kinds of information just now, and I can analyze that the people of the mysterious organization are almost precisely positioned. From the monitoring, they are advancing very purposefully, and they almost know the location of those monsters like the back of their hands."

"The place where they appeared at the beginning was the whaling station, but the faces of the seven people photographed there cannot be found in the entire Europa information database."

"Have you checked the previous information? Where have their fake identities been active before?"

"I can't find it, I can't find it at all."


When everyone is discussing indiscriminately.

While listening to everyone's thoughts, Hansen couldn't help squinting his eyes and fell into deep thinking.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered something.

Some time ago, the two strongest and second strongest countries in the world almost all made some strange moves at the same time.

The strongest country has set up a special organization that can be said to be a special organization that can be said to be a special organization that can be said to be a pre-emptive and imperial franchise-abnormal countermeasures.

They, Europa, also sent diplomats to try to figure out why they did this.

It's just that they have been dealt with by the other party's official routine.

As for the second strongest country, it recently launched two intercontinental missiles directly.The big country with anti-missile monitoring system in the world was taken aback, thinking that it was because that big country suddenly couldn't think about it and wanted to die together.

But later they discovered that the missile was heading towards the hinterland of their own country.

Intelligence personnel from other countries simply cannot enter the heavily guarded mountainous area to investigate the reason for the bombing.

In the face of inquiries from other countries, that country skillfully dispatched General Liu Zhonggao to conduct strategic deception, insisting that they were two meteorological missiles for artificial rainfall.

Whether it is a weather missile or not, those powerful people are naturally clear: this is complete nonsense!

And after that, that country even secretly organized a similar organization.

It brings together talents from all walks of life and has powers similar to those of the Abnormal Countermeasures Bureau.Its name is the Xunzhou Bureau, and the director of the bureau is Zhang Shouquan, a well-known spy chief in that country.

Contemplating, Hansen vaguely had an intuition.

These things happened in the small town of Tromso, that powerful and mysterious organization, the new special department of the two big countries...

There must be some connection between these things!
Hansen can be sure!

He had never had such a strong intuition.

So... what is the connection?

Hansen frowned, looked at the bigwigs and elites from all walks of life who were arguing at the table in front of him, and felt in a trance that he had caught some clues.

Look up.

Military chiefs and political chiefs patted the table and pointed to their noses to greet each other. Several experts who were proficient in data calculated the monster data on the spot. The heads of the intelligence department discussed the direction of the next investigation...

Talented people from all walks of life gathered together to express their views on this incident.

'Wait, that's right! '

'A gathering of talents from all walks of life? ! '

A flash of inspiration flashed in Hansen's mind, and he immediately thought of something.

The talents of Europa they are currently gathered together because of the incident in the small town of Tromso, there is a vague tendency to form a new organization for this incident.

Doesn't this approach coincide with the recent actions of those two powerful countries? !

Thinking of this, Hansen couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He understood that there was indeed a connection!

For the Tromso town incident, Europa paid great attention to convening a group of talents.

Then the reason why those two powerful countries set up special organizations is probably because of similar incidents.

There are monsters!There is extraordinary!

Even... There is also that mysterious organization in white combat uniform!
If this is the case, the horror level of that mysterious organization may have to be raised even higher.

The scope of its power distribution may not be limited to the Europa zone.

Thinking of this, Hansen swallowed subconsciously.

Thinking of those monsters with different abilities and the records of various myths and legends, he couldn't help guessing that this mysterious organization might have covered a long time scale, otherwise why did the special organizations of the two powerful countries gather so many historian.

Thinking of this, Hansen was silent.

long silence.

Hansen vaguely felt a huge net hanging over the head of the human body.

In this net, there is the truth of the world.

In this net, there are extraordinary powers different from technology.

In this net, there may be a history of resistance hidden behind the world.

Perhaps, there is a mysterious organization that has concealed the truth for countless years under their noses!

 Ask for a reward, ask for a monthly ticket~
  New books need data.

(End of this chapter)

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