Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 78 The Gaze of the Abyss

Chapter 78 The Gaze of the Abyss

Before the officials of Europa got together because of this incident and started to discuss.

After a brief confrontation with the Abyss Apostle, Chen Sheng discovered that the members of Yongzhou didn't need him to intervene.

The most talented Zhang Zihang had an epiphany, leaping from the peak spiritual power level of level 0 to level 1, and eliminated the scorched earth monster with good recovery.

This is the organization's first level 1 spiritual power.

After becoming level 1 spiritual power level, no longer can only use spiritual power to strengthen the physical body as before, but can really start to use spiritual power.

This made Chen Sheng very relieved, the personal teaching for the previous three months was not in vain.

The growth of the organization can be said to be visible to the naked eye, and the necessary foundations have been laid, and explosive development is bound to usher in the near future.

A sense of pleasure and growth arises.

Therefore, the situation in the small town of Tromso basically does not require his intervention.

Chen Sheng asked them to deal with the subsequent impact in the spark chat group, and then returned to the real space corresponding to the crack in the abyss.

This is an abandoned railway station, where the Abyss Rift appeared.

At the same time, this will also be the place where the new Secret Realm·Dongtian will be placed.

After Chen Sheng's previous task of crossing the timeline was completed, he was rewarded with this new cave.

Chen Sheng has never used it hastily, because the secret realm has the function of erasing the cracks in the abyss, and it is a waste to place it hastily.

But now, it's just right.

While eliminating the cracks, it also provided an address for the education department that Chen Sheng had always imagined.

Standing in the abandoned train station, Chen Sheng looked around at the surrounding scene.

The rails have been left unmaintained for a long time and look a little cracked.

There are no cobwebs or dust on the dilapidated platform. After all, the town of Tromso originally wanted to invest in this place as an attraction, using the northernmost railway on the earth as a gimmick.

Related construction issues have been put on hold for various reasons, but the cleaning work here is often done by someone.

In the future, it can be considered to let Yongzhou buy this place and really develop it into a scenic spot.

He still understands the reason why Da Yin lives in the city.

"System, start placing the secret cave."

After confirming that there was no one around, Chen Sheng began to place the secret cave.

[The cave is being placed, and within 200 meters of the host as the center becomes the entrance of the cave in this world. Those who have the qualification to enter the cave enter here, and they can directly enter the cave across the space between thoughts]

The same prompt sounded as when the headquarters cave was placed for the first time.

The secret cave, which represents the existence in a different space, is being placed.

A familiar sense of connection emerges.

This is the connection with the hidden different space, and only members of the organization can follow this connection to enter this secret cave.

Chen Sheng was not in a hurry to go in.

He is not what he used to be, raising his spiritual perception and looking at the abyss crack in the higher space.

At this moment, it was sizzling as if it was being burned by some kind of power, and the lingering black breath was melted by the flashes of fire, and then new power came from the opposite side of the crack in the abyss.

This is the system erasing the chasm of the abyss.

Chen Sheng narrowed his eyes, feeling that he had vaguely noticed something this time.

It was like facing the feeling of endless darkness.

A stalwart to the limitless gaze stared at it through the cracks in the abyss.

At this moment, Chen Sheng felt cold all over his body.

The strong sense of fear made him want to escape urgently, but he couldn't move an inch.

Not only that, but the impact of this gaze has unconsciously made the core stars of the solar system tremble.

This kind of tremor is difficult for ordinary people to detect, but Chen Sheng, as the owner of Xi He's power, can vaguely feel it.

Chen Sheng understood...

This is the will of the abyss!

Just the insignificant strands of eyes projected over, it is enough to frighten.

He who has blocked the cracks in the abyss many times, is locked tightly by this will.

However, the current cracks simply cannot deliver anything large, and the rules of the material universe firmly suppress the will of the abyss to come over.

But just being watched like this, Chen Sheng could feel as if he was in an altitude of [-] meters, without any sense of security.

But after pondering for a moment, Chen Sheng, who realized that the will of the abyss had nothing to do now, silently raised his middle finger at the crack in the abyss.

Chen Sheng understood that when he was staring at the crack of the abyss, the will of the abyss was also staring at him.

The other party must also understand his sarcasm.

When he began to think about whether he should take off his pants and continue to ridicule further, the system also ended the elimination of the abyss crack.

[The crack in the abyss has been erased. 】

As the reminder sounded, the crack in the abyss instantly disappeared.

The will of the abyss disappeared instantly.

Chen Sheng also heaved a sigh of relief.

The opposite is indeed an existence that can fight against the huge material universe. Facing it feels like facing the vast might of God.

After slowing down for a while, Chen Sheng, who understood that the will of the abyss could not do anything to him, simply stopped thinking about it and continued with the placement of the secret cave.

[Please select the corresponding cave parameters. 】

[This cave is an advanced cave, and the specific adjustable parameters are as follows. 】

[Gravity: 1-10 times the gravity of the earth can be selected.Existence time: 1-10000 years can be selected...]

[Main function configuration: Xuehai or Jiangu]

Similar to the configuration selection of the headquarter cave.

For various parameters, Chen Sheng casually adjusted the data from the headquarters.

As for the configuration of the main functions, Chen Sheng couldn't help hesitating.

Xuehai and Jiangu.

Both features sound good.

At the beginning, he chose Fusang tree or Suolongjing for the cave of the headquarters. Chen Sheng, who was more inclined to the sun, finally chose the Fusang tree.

The functional configuration of the hibiscus tree provided Chen Sheng with the foundation for all members of the organization to step into the extraordinary, and gave Chen Sheng the confidence to have almost unlimited energy when facing the enemy.

And now, it's such a happy choice again.

Chen Sheng couldn't help but fell into hesitation.

Sword Valley, it sounds like it can save the organization a lot of effort in building weapons, and it may even have some extraordinary swordsmanship inheritance.

If the other option is not Xuehai, Chen Sheng must have chosen Jiangu in seconds.

Just another option is to learn from the sea.

As the saying goes, there are roads and diligence in the mountains of Taoism, and there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning and hard work.The name Xuehai sounds like it has a strong teaching function.

For Chen Sheng's original plan to set up the Yongzhou Education Department, it's like sending pillows after falling asleep, which is not too appropriate.

After all, the most important thing is to quickly cultivate the new force of Yongri, which means that the prototype of Yongri will be basically established.

So, there is no need to think about it.

"System, I choose Xuehai."

Chen Sheng said with firm eyes.

The humble gentleman who dances the sword, let's talk about it later.

The most important thing right now is to learn to go boating in the sea and use learning to enrich the organization.

 Good book, hurry up, the author has been preparing for two months, you will not be disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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