Chapter 79 Eternal Day Dawn Academy
[The advanced cave has been edited, and the cave is being created according to the existing parameter settings. 】

The system's voice then fell.

Chen Sheng stepped out directly, following Dongtian's own sense of connection, he entered the different space where Dongtian was located.

Right now, it's still blank.

Like a pure white canvas that has not yet begun to be created.

The next moment, this pure white space began to change.

Just like splashing ink on white paper, various colors are splashed on this space one after another.

Azure, endless blue spread out before Chen Sheng's eyes.

That is the endless sea!

To be precise, this is the so-called Sea of ​​Learning, on which one can directly stand.

Chen Sheng understands that the sea actually has a limit of distance, but its boundary is blurred and unclear in Chen Sheng's eyes.

It's as if there is no limit to learning.

The most important thing is that Chen Sheng can feel countless past experiences and even fictitious experiences circulating in his mind just by standing on the sea of ​​learning.

In an instant, it seemed as if a hundred generations of reincarnation had gone through in my mind.

A part of Xuehai's functions also surfaced in Chen Sheng's mind.

Xuehai: There is only hard work.In the sea of ​​learning, you will experience countless times of tempering and testing your soul. The intensity of this kind of tempering is stuck within the different limit ranges that different people can bear.

As a level 4 true god, Chen Sheng naturally experienced extremely high-intensity mental training in this sea of ​​self-adaptive adjustment of intensity.

Every second you stand on the sea of ​​learning, you become an ordinary person, experiencing all kinds of life in the illusion that seems real.

"This intensity..."

After a long silence, Chen Sheng decided to float up.As the distance gradually widened, the intensity of this Sea of ​​Learning's questioning test also decreased.

Chen Sheng swears that he is definitely not afraid of the difficulty that will make him reincarnate for a hundred generations, he just wants to continue to see the function of this secret cave.

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng continued to let go of his perception.

I saw that after the azure blue filled the entire secret cave, this secret cave began to undergo new changes again.

Islands slowly emerged, dotted dotted across the boundless sea of ​​learning.

They slowly rise from the bottom of Xuehai Sea, bringing waves to the surroundings, which is probably no less spectacular than the Moses Fenhai Sea.

All the islands are extremely dry, and they don't seem to rise from the bottom of the sea at all.

Among them, two adjacent islands are relatively large, while the rest are relatively small, distributed around the two larger islands.

These islands have nice features.

First of all, if you are located on an island, you will not be tempered by Xuehai.

Secondly, the islands located in the sea of ​​learning can also be regarded as part of the functional configuration of the sea of ​​learning, with the effect of increasing the learning speed.

Those who study on the island will be blessed to a certain extent with their comprehension, memory and other factors that affect learning.

Chen Sheng sat cross-legged on the island, feeling the effect of this increased learning speed.

For him, it is better than nothing, but the effect is better for people with weaker spiritual power levels, and for ordinary people, it can help them improve their sensitivity to spirituality, which is of great benefit to the entry into the extraordinary.

In addition to those main functions, there are neat ancient houses on the two relatively large islands.The remaining fragmentary small islands also have differences in various details.

In short, this whole secret cave is perfect.

Chen Sheng looked at this mysterious cave that had stopped changing, and a flash of excitement flashed in the corner of his eyes.

This is simply the perfect education department.

The speed of learning can be increased on islands.

At that time, one of the ancient buildings in the two large islands will be used as a teaching building and the other will be used as a student dormitory.

Students have to go to school every day to hone their minds across the sea of ​​learning and go to another big island to study.

After school, I still need to go across the sea of ​​learning to hone my xinxing before I can go back to the dormitory to rest.

There are some entertainment facilities and additional training courses on those small islands. If you want to rest and relax or practice extracurricularly, you also need to cross the sea of ​​learning.

The speed of learning is increased on the island, and the mind can be tempered when crossing the sea of ​​learning.

It's just perfect!
After Chen Sheng moved the body training tower located in Dongtian, the headquarters, it will be the permanent day education department that trains mind, body, and skills in all aspects.

With extremely high efficiency, it can continuously output vitality for Yongri.

"So, now the location is there."

"The deputy minister is also designated as the most talented Zhang Zihang."

"Then, there is still a name missing here, and it can be officially put into use."

Floating in the air and looking at the boundless sea of ​​learning, Chen Sheng couldn't help frowning and thinking.

What should the education department of Yongzhou be called?

Although Chen Sheng had been thinking about the education department for a long time, he didn't think much about his name.

He has been thinking about the structure and curriculum of the education department, thinking about how to quickly cultivate useful talents for Yongzhou in large quantities.

As for the name, I didn't think much about it.

"Education department..."

"As the birthplace of Eternal Day's new power, it is called the first light of the sun."

"Dawn Academy! The first institution directly under the headquarters of Yongzhou, the level is equivalent to the branches of Yongzhou that will be built in the future."

Chen Sheng nodded and made such a decision.

The level of Chenxi College has naturally been planned long ago. It is at the same level as the branch that will be established in the future, and it is directly under the management of the Yongzhou headquarters.

As for the name Eternal Day Dawn Academy...

Chen Sheng is really a useless name, so it's not bad for now.

Although it is relatively common and clichéd, using the first ray of the sun as a metaphor coincides with the positioning of Chenxi College as the training department for the new force of Yongsun.


After dealing with everything, the members of Yongzhou were originally planning to leave the small town of Tromso quietly with the cooperation of extraordinary means and peripheral forces, and then continue the unfinished test.

After all, the leader didn't say anything about the next arrangement. They naturally thought that after solving the sudden erosion of the abyss, they should continue the previous test.

That is to continue to deal with the follow-up of the lair incident in the Europa zone, and by the way, deal with the follow-up of the abyss incident.

But just as they were about to leave the small town of Tromsø following the unsolved Schweitzer in the whaling station, the news from the leader called them back.

Following the guidance, they came to the abandoned train platform, followed the connection in their minds and entered the Chenxi Cave just placed.

Standing on an empty island, the seven of them were a little shocked looking at the vast ocean in front of them.

Apparently, they didn't expect the organization's background to be so deep that there was an invisible ocean hidden in the cave that was called back to suppress the cracks in the abyss.

And Chen Sheng stood in front of the seven people, pointed to the two big islands in the distance and said: "The test will be suspended next, and it's time to start the hell training."

Everything in the education department is ready, so naturally he can't be the only teacher here, and there are still some teachers who handle teaching work.

Next, wait until these first members have all stepped into level 1 and are qualified to be teachers.

It was also the time when Yongzhou began to screen, test, and recruit on a large scale.

After kicking the seven members into the Sea of ​​Learning, Chen Sheng showed an expectant expression on his face.

At present, there are only two or three cats and dogs on empty shelves, and it is finally coming to an end.

Next, Yongri will start to develop rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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