Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 80 You're the one who's introverted, right?

Chapter 80 You're the one who's introverted, right?

After the Europa incident, everything seemed to be peaceful.

Most people in this world don't know that many great events have happened in the dark.

They work, study and play as usual.

Sprinkling their time and energy, repeating their ordinary and extraordinary daily life.

And some people who control the capital can roughly feel the surge of capital spreading from the Asia Minor region, the American region, and the Europa region. It seems that there is something big going on in these three places.

However, when you investigate carefully, these capitals don't know anything.

They can vaguely detect it, but when they think about it carefully, they can't find anything. The forces of all parties prevent them from probing.

Only some people who are really in high positions but have not encountered extraordinary events have faintly realized something from the changes in the current world situation.

The strongest country in the Asia region, the strongest country in the American region, and the joint system in the Europa region.

These three relatively powerful forces in today's world are doing various actions that are difficult for the outside world to understand.

A large number of seemingly completely irrelevant talents gathered together to form a special department with extremely high authority, and the related changes in the market and capital were also caused by the transfer of these talents.

The intelligence personnel sent by the rest of the countries basically returned without success, because these three forces obviously paid great attention to the secrecy of related events, so this must be a conspiracy to plan something.

If only one country did this, everyone might just be confused.

But now there are three forces doing this, and these three forces are almost among the top three forces in the world today.

Under such circumstances, the high-level leaders of various countries who have vaguely noticed something will only think that it is their own problem.

If everyone in the world is drunk, then maybe only the only person who is not drunk is really drunk.

They, obviously, have something they don't know.

The three big forces are busy because of this, but the rest of them don't know it.

This vague feeling of being left behind has made many powerful countries that claim to be not inferior to those three forces anxious.

There are countless requests for diplomatic conferences and resource exchanges from the outside world, and they are scattered like snowflakes to those three big forces that are busy doing things.

Just to figure it out, what happened?
Among them, a gradually declining force that once claimed that the sun never sets, the even more anxious prime minister directly made a plan to personally go to America, Asia, and Europe for diplomatic conferences.


As the system once said, erosion of the abyss is a long and slow process.

Especially some time ago, the will of the abyss sent an abyss apostle over in order to find out who had been making trouble.

So much so that he lost a lot of advantages in an instant in the confrontation with the material universe at the rule level.

This also slows down the progress of the erosion of the abyss, and the next substantial erosion that will appear in the real material universe seems to be in the foreseeable future.

Therefore, this long period of peace, where he could have some free respite, just became a good time for Chen Sheng to seriously develop the organization.

The Everday Chenxi Academy, which is about to start large-scale recruitment, needs a group of teachers who are qualified in all aspects.

Right now, these members, their experience and knowledge in other aspects are already very good, but their strength has not yet reached level 1.

This peaceful time is just a good opportunity to hone your strength.

It has been a full month since the abyss erosion event occurred in the small town of Tromso, Norway, the country north of Europa.

After the experienced members of the organization roughly covered up the monster's corpse and some traces of the organization's actions, they have been studying and training in this newly recalled Dawn Cave.

The outside world is conducting a thorough investigation of the special department related to the incidents in the small town of Tromso. It is completely unexpected that the members of the mysterious organization they have tracked down for a long time actually stayed by their side for a month in a sense.

And in this month, these members who already have a good foundation and experience have also made great progress in all aspects in the dawn cave, which is very beneficial to learning.

When Chen Sheng spent some energy to open the secret door connecting the Dawn Cave and the Headquarters Cave, and moved the body training tower located in the Headquarters Cave, the progress speed of these members increased greatly.


Located in the dawn cave.

While using a pen to further improve the general management framework of the organization, Chen Sheng raised his head from time to time to look at the members howling under the body training tower.

The demigod essence with a certain degree of immortality can continuously transform the power of the abyss, and then become the pain that those members can barely bear under the reduction of the formation of the Body Refining Tower.

Zhang Zihang, Bai Yu, Owens, Russell, Romero, Martha, John...

Even the seven of them, who can be said to be the elites among the human elites after careful selection, can only feel the pain without resistance under the body training tower that treats everyone equally.

But fortunately, along with the pain, was the astonishing speed of physical improvement, which increased the learning efficiency of the island under his feet.


Just as Zhang Zihang condensed a bright flame from his palm, it was instantly extinguished by the ubiquitous pressure under the body training tower.

And he himself was crushed to the ground in an instant, with waves of abyssal power flowing and destroying him.

This made Zhang Zihang couldn't help but howl.

Even if he became the first strong man in the organization to become a level 1 spiritual force a month ago, he is still useless under the Body Refining Tower.

This is an item made by the leader with the essence of the demigod as the core, but it doesn't matter whether it is level 1 or not.

As he leveled up, the pressure on him from the Body Refining Tower also naturally escalated, and even more.

Compared with the comrades around who were finally able to stand firm after such a long time, Zhang Zihang, who was already level 1, seemed a little more embarrassed than them.

He struggled to get up on the ground.

Gritting his teeth, he controlled the spiritual power in his body to compete with the abyssal power that penetrated his whole body.

Compared to other comrades who were only required to be promoted to level 1 as soon as possible, Zhang Zihang's goal given by the leader was originally: to stand firmly under the body training tower.

Later, Zhang Zihang proposed to change the goal to: hit a fire fist under the body training tower.

In this regard, Zhang Zihang understood the difficulty.

After all, before this, he had experienced the body training tower for three months under the personal training of the leader, unlike others who hadn't tried it a few times.

However, he still chose this goal.

After all, the leader is always watching, how can a real man say no? !
As he thought this way, a force surged up in his body again and brought him to stand up.

Seeing this, several people around obviously paused.

An idea flashed through several people's minds:
You're the one who's introverted, right? !
(End of this chapter)

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