Chapter 82 Beast: Raven

Learning and progress is a long process.

However, with the help of Xuehai's many functions, these elites including Bai Yu shortened this long process by a lot.

Not long after Romero and Russell reached the first level of spiritual power, the remaining members also entered the first level of spiritual power one after another.

To this day, Owens has finally broken through the barrier of level 1 spiritual power.

Today, the first batch of members has a total of seven members, all of whom have stepped into the category of level 1 spiritual power.

It took about one and a half months in total, and the goal explained by the leader was finally completed.

So in today's cafeteria, there is a little bit of excitement among the members.

In the cafeteria, many formations and decorations were not fully opened, and the seven of them gathered at a long table to eat and replenish their strength.

They chatted, enjoying a rare break from a long day of exercise.While eating spiritual ingredients to replenish consumption.

Bai Yu, on the other hand, tasted the delicious food quietly, looking a little absent-minded.

Her absent-mindedness was not just because of something on her mind, but also because of her exhaustion at the moment.

Not long after Russell achieved level 1, Bai Yu also became a level 1 spiritual power psyker, and felt that the pressure caused by not living up to expectations dissipated.

But ten days ago, her brother called and asked cryptically if she had anything to do with something weird recently.

Although Bai Yu didn't say anything during this period of time, she didn't deliberately hide it from her brother too much.

Until recently, after months of absence, her brother finally noticed.

She knew that there was a factor of her inaction in it, which made her brother discover the clues of the organization's existence.

Because she also has her own selfishness.

Knowing that the organization will inevitably expand its enrollment, in fact, she also wants her stupid brother to join Yongzhou and do something meaningful.

In this regard, Bai Yu asked the leader how to deal with it.

The leader didn't blame her, but silently increased the intensity of her daily exercise several times.Let her be tortured under the pressure of the Body Refining Tower when her heart is tested in Xuehai.

Then the leader emphasized the strict requirements for the official members of the organization to join, and would not go through the back door because of Baiyu.

If you can do it, you can do it, if you can't, you can go to the peripheral organization at most to make contributions to other aspects of Yongzhou.

Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief, she felt that with her brother's talent, he was barely qualified to be called an elite.

In silence, Bai Yu's eating movements were a little slower due to his sore body from extra training.

While she was thinking silently, Romero, who was also eating, suddenly raised his head and said with emotion: "The food made by the humanoid spiritual power puppets is too delicious."

His voice was so loud that the comrades who were born and died around him laughed helplessly.

"You go and let the leader personally create a humanoid puppet with spiritual power to be the cook. The food will definitely be more delicious."

John sat across from Romero, laughing and teasing and egging on.

Joining as a formal member of the Everday Organization requires strict screening, assessment, and study...

Before Chenxi College opened its enrollment, the huge Chenxi Cave and the Headquarters Cave can be said to be empty and deserted.

If it weren't for the existence of various automated spiritual power formations, I am afraid that every corner would have already been covered with dust.

Therefore, even the meals they eat in the cafeteria every day are made by the living spiritual puppets in this cave.

Strictly speaking, most of the things in the headquarters cave and Chenxi cave are maintained and operated by these spiritual power puppets, which are the basic functions of the cave.

"What kind of raven puppet is the leader making recently? Apart from occasionally coming to supervise our daily exercise, it seems to be quite busy every day."

"Otherwise, I really want to ask the leader for a cook puppet."

Romero swallowed the spiritual food in his mouth, and then replied to John.

"You really considered asking the leader to make a humanoid puppet and give it to you as a cook."

John rolled his eyes at Romero helplessly when he heard Romero's words.

Leaders are busy people.

In addition to being busy improving myself, I must be seriously considering the future of the organization and mankind every day, so I don't have time to do this kind of thing.

Russell, who was exchanging cultivation experience with Owens and Zhang Zihang, silently moved to the side after hearing Romero's astonishing words.

Hua Guo has a good saying, a dead fellow Taoist will not die a poor one.

Bai Yu, who did something wrong last time, was trained by the leader to doubt life.

She is obviously a lively and Amway-loving girl, but she is too tired to speak these days.

Judging by Romero's current ideological awareness, he must be properly guided. Russell, who thinks he is rational, does not want to suffer from unwarranted disasters.

"Go to the leader because of this kind of thing?"

"Are you really not afraid of extra training? While honing your mind in the Sea of ​​Learning, you will also be tortured by the Body Refining Tower."

While reviewing the monster knowledge recorded in the mobile phone, Martha complained about Romero.

Because she was busy reviewing the information about the monsters in the abyss, she subconsciously complained without thinking much about it.

But as soon as her voice fell, she felt a chill behind her.

Stiffly turning her head slowly, Martha saw Bai Yu who was supposed to be eating at a table not far away, but was standing behind her with her head down.

Damn it!Does this woman walk silently? !
"Sister Martha, you better not be mocking me."

Bai Yu slowly hugged Martha's neck from behind, and a pair of catkins, which seemed delicate, circled around Martha's stalwart chest.

It was obviously a very slow movement, but Martha, who had experienced many battles, stopped in place and did not dare to move.

It's bad, I forgot that Sister Baiyu has been trained by the leader for the past few days, and she is exhausted to the point that she doesn't chat much recently.

Martha looked at Russell, who silently moved away, and then at Romero and John, who bowed their heads to eat without saying a word.

Faced with her "help" eyes, everyone chose to turn a blind eye.

"Ahem, how come..."

"Sister Baiyu, you know me well..."

Martha swallowed subconsciously, showed a kind smile to Bai Yu, and began her eloquent explanation.

And just as the two sisters were loving each other, a figure slowly walked in at the door of the cafeteria.

On the right shoulder of that figure, stood a black raven with golden patterns.

The beak is large and slightly curved, shining sharply.The wedge-shaped tail is clearly layered and the plumage is mostly black and glossy.

The golden lines spread all over the body, growing like vines, twirling and staying around the eyes, outlining a mysterious and noble feeling.

At the end of its wings, it seems that the number 0 can be seen.

"You seem to be idle?"

Chen Sheng raised his eyebrows, and laughed at the two sisters who were arguing with the silent men next to them.

Hearing this, everyone sat up straight silently.

Bai Yu also sat down hastily, before returning to the seat he had just taken, he sat down next to Martha.

The appearance of the seven people sitting upright is exactly the same as when the head teacher's face is suddenly pasted on the noisy class window.

All of them have a look of "I'm serious, don't look for me".

After all, the members here have just finished a day of exercise and study, and they are already exhausted physically and mentally.At this moment, I don't want to make a mistake and be caught by the leader, and then be punished for additional training.

However, most of their eyes subconsciously turned to the raven on the leader's shoulder from time to time, full of curiosity.

"Romero, stay here after you finish your business."

"You still don't take the course of spiritual power lines seriously, let me slowly teach you how to make a spiritual power puppet that can cook."

Chen Sheng pulled out his chair and sat down, and the first sentence made Romero stupid.

Stay alone for tutoring?Whoever believes is a fool!
There will definitely be individual tutoring at that time, but additional training will definitely not be able to escape.

Being tortured physically by the Body Refining Pagoda and mentally tortured by Xuehai, this kind of pain is unbearable even for a training madman like him or Zhang Zihang, an introvert.


Romero's muscular face was full of embarrassment.

The corner of his mouth twitched, wanting to say something more.

But seeing the leader's calm and oppressive eyes staring at him, he silently withdrew his thoughts about what to say.


Chen Sheng looked at Romero who spoke.

"That, I want to say..."

"Leader, did you succeed in making the raven puppet you recently researched?"

Romero pointed to the raven standing on Chen Sheng's right shoulder, and changed the subject abruptly.

Hearing this, Chen Sheng smiled.

"Next, I want to talk about two serious matters, one of which has something to do with this raven puppet."

As he spoke, Chen Sheng explained the raven on his shoulder to everyone.

Recently, apart from taking time out to give lessons to the members every day, he spends more than half of the remaining time on learning and improving himself.

Then, for the remaining half of the time, he was basically researching and making raven puppets.

Needless to say, its raven-like appearance.

The main material for making it was the spirituality leaked when the abyssal apostle was blown up, and Chen Sheng collected part of it.

And its function is quite interesting.

Chen Sheng pondered for a long time before using this group of high-grade materials to create such a spiritual creature. It can freely switch its form of existence between flesh and blood entities and spirituality, and has the imitation of the immortality of level 4 spiritual creatures. Pseudo-immortality.

Because the volume is small enough, and the essence is close enough to the spiritual rules themselves.It can be transformed into spirituality, directly integrated into the ocean of spirituality rules, and then instantly transformed into a flesh and blood entity to reach a certain place in reality.

Although it does not possess great power, this powerful function similar to teleportation is completely commendable.

"In addition, it can also perform some simple spiritual power spells, and can assist members who have not reached level 1 to cast spiritual power spells..."

"The raven with the invitation letter of Yongzhou and the spiritual test will be the first scene that the newcomers see when they face Yongzhou."

"And it, in the future, will also become a partner to accompany the members of Everlasting Day."

Speaking of this, Chen Sheng looked at the seven capable men in front of him, and slowly ended his words.

The raven was his whim after he didn't know what to do with the high-level material.

He thinks it is very interesting to invite newcomers with a raven with extraordinary power, and it can also show the power and mystery of Yongri in a disguised form.

And although the salary and benefits in all aspects of the organization are not bad, if there is a pet with supernatural abilities as the organization's welfare, it is indeed...

Thai pants are hot!
The crowd looked at each other in dismay.

Extraordinary beast?It sounds like a lot of fun.

Although they didn't say anything, the expressions of "longing" on their faces could no longer be suppressed.

When you join the job, you will be given a pet animal baby!

What do these old employees want to do...

Not only does this thing look cool, but it can also be your right-hand man.

And Chen Sheng saw the eager eyes of his subordinates, smiled and sent spiritual power to the raven on his shoulder.

The real raven instantly turned into golden light spots all over the sky, which was the external manifestation of its subconsciously causing spiritual fluctuations that turned into spirituality.

The next moment, golden light spots gathered in front of each member, turning into seven identical ravens.The only difference is the numbers on their feet, from 1 to 7 in order of joining the organization.

And the original raven also turned into an entity and returned to Chen Sheng's shoulder.

These 1-7 ravens all have the most simple and clear basic wisdom. In the future, more intelligence and thinking development directions will tend to their masters.

And the No. 0 raven on his shoulders has the supreme command of the ravens that were separated from them, similar to the king in the will of the bee colony.

"Your ravens have all the functions I just mentioned, except that they can't copy clones like this No. 0 body."

"Then, you can get up close and personal with it."

Chen Sheng finished speaking.

The subordinates who hadn't moved before couldn't bear it anymore.

They excitedly picked up the raven in front of them, or put it on their fingertips, or put it in their palms...

Then, they began to use their spirituality to fuse with the raven, which was a purely spiritual creature, and this was also the process of recognizing the master of the beast raven.

It didn't take long for these ravens 1-7 to be infected with the spirituality of different masters.

The subordinates who got the new toys were all excited to experience this strange sense of blending with other spiritual creatures.

The raven is a purely spiritual creature based on spirituality. The members who have not yet reached level 4 and cannot freely transform their spirituality and their own material entities can experience a wonderful feeling in the process of spiritual integration.

After fusion, you can see a broader perspective of spiritual perception...

Let the raven assist the operation of the enhanced spiritual power...

Raven itself can also perform a series of simple spiritual power spells such as reducing the sense of presence, optical projection, and low-level mental hypnosis.

Control the raven as his extended hand to cast spells remotely...

Although I can't see the way in the sea of ​​spiritual rules, I can also make the raven move instantly in the places I can perceive...

Everyone present was fascinated by the strange law.

While everyone was intoxicated, Chen Sheng raised his hand slightly to attract everyone's attention.

"Next, you have all reached Level 1 and are qualified to be teachers."

"It's time for the Ravens to start recruiting according to the list of talents they've compiled for a long time."

As Chen Sheng spoke, the raven on his shoulder turned into golden light spots and converged on Chen Sheng's raised fingertips.

Then, endless golden light spots appeared in the sky under Chen Sheng's energy supply.

Then, they turned into countless ravens, like a cloud covering the head.

In the end, Chen Sheng waved slightly.

All the ravens disappeared into the dawn cave filled with endless learning.

Bai Yu and the others looked up in shock at the shocking scene.

They knew that the vanished raven would go to recruit fresh blood for the organization.

The fourth generation of Yongzhou officially ushered in a new life amidst the crows of the ravens!
 It will be on the shelves on Tuesday, and I hope everyone will support it.

  There will be more updates after release.

(End of this chapter)

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