Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 83 Official Member Award

Chapter 83 Official Member Award
The group of ravens that covered the sky were flying in the sky, but there was no sound.

Their fluttering wings seem to have no friction with the air at all.As spiritual creatures, their flight is instinctive, and flapping their wings is just a show.

Not long after, the group of ravens turned into light spots all over the sky, and then merged into the ocean of spiritual rules and dissipated.

Except for the No. 0 raven that reappeared on the leader's shoulder after the flash of light, the other ravens had all left the Dawn Cave.

Everyone knew that these ravens, as the leader had said, had already brought invitations and tests to the chosen ones.

The organization Yongzhou is about to usher in rapid development and growth.

Chen Sheng and the others then lowered their heads.

"The next thing is the second thing."

"I said before that there are two business matters. The first thing is about the beast raven."

"And the second one is about you."

After Chen Sheng spread the endless ravens, his eyes turned to the people on the table in front of him.

His eyes are full of seriousness and seriousness.

Seeing this, everyone raised their spirits one after another, waiting for the leader's next words.

"I once said that, as the first members of the fourth generation of Eternal Day, I will be very strict with you."

"Only when you have reached the level 1 level of spiritual power and have been approved by me in many tests, can you become a full-fledged member."

"Just like the future new members are only probationary members before graduating from Dawn Academy, you are also only probationary members before getting my approval."

"But it's different now."

Chen Sheng said and waved his hand.

He and the seven people present disappeared in the cafeteria in the morning light cave.

In the cave of the headquarters connected to it through an always open door to the secret realm, figures of eight people and one crow appeared here out of thin air.

Looking up at the hibiscus trees covering the sky and the sun.

In addition to the indescribable majesty and magnificence.

You can also feel hotness, warmth, warmth, hope, happiness... Countless positive emotions came oncoming, calming down the excitement of the seven people.

In addition, there is an extremely strong sense of spiritual existence, which is transmitted to their minds through their increasingly powerful spiritual perception at this moment.

As they become stronger, they feel the power of this hibiscus tree more than before.

However, Bai Yu and the others lamented flawlessly at the mighty power of the leader who turned stars and stars in an instant, and also lamented every surprise in the cave of the headquarters.

They have long appreciated and worshiped the mighty power of the leader time and time again.

The few of them have visited and learned about everything here long ago.

So although they are still marveling at the stalwart here, they care more about what the leader is saying now.

That "it's different now"...

Could it be that they have been approved by the leader? !
Before they could think about it, Chen Sheng waved his hand.

A group of flames embodying strong belief and will appeared in front of several people.

This is the functional configuration obtained from "Then Become a Spark" in the secret realm ruins - Spark.

Introduce according to the official description of the system.

[Xinghuo: This is the condensation of legends and the inheritance of beliefs.May everyone become sparks under the leadership of pioneers. 】

To put it simply, Xinghuo has the [link] function that can chat remotely, and the [baptism] function that can increase spiritual resistance and spiritual will.

Although Bai Yu and the others didn't know the origin of the spark, they were naturally familiar with it.

As the first members of the fourth generation of Yongzhou, they have long been connected to Xinghuo, and then joined and used Xinghuo's chat function with no delay and strong signal.

This function played a pivotal role when they wiped out Europa's criminal network and high-level scumbags.

However, because the state of mind is not strong enough, they did not use the other "baptism" function of Xinghuo for a long time. It is said that that function can baptize and strengthen people's spiritual level.

Now seeing that the leader summoned Xinghuo again, several people showed a dazed look.

Didn't you mean to talk about being recognized by the leader as a full member?

"I originally wanted to put Xinghuo in Chenxi Academy like the Body Refining Tower."

"But considering that newcomers don't need such a powerful chat function for the time being, they don't have enough mood to endure another baptism function of Spark."

"Simply, I decided to keep Xinghuo in the headquarters, under the hibiscus tree."

"Make it part of the process of christening full members."

As Chen Sheng said, he looked at the seven people beside him and said, "Go and accept the baptism, there will be surprises."

Hearing this, everyone froze for a moment, and then showed a touch of excitement.

As the leader said: Baptism of Spark is part of the process of becoming a full member.

Now the meaning of the leader is obvious.

They practiced hard, worked hard to develop peripheral forces in various places, and worked hard to track down the intricate criminal network in the Europa zone...

Now, it's finally approved!
And now, their state of mind has also improved enough to accept the baptism of sparks.

Now as long as he has accepted the baptism in the past and added a spiritual resistance buff, he will become an official member of Yongri.

Everyone looked at each other.

The feeling that their efforts so far have finally been recognized makes them very excited.

As for the surprise that the leader mentioned in the second half of the sentence, it is not very important in their eyes.

The experience of going through life and death together for a long time made several people walk towards the spark together in tacit understanding.

If there is a need to line up, the leader will inevitably say so.

So they chose to go forward to be baptized together.

As the few people approached, the sparks floating in the air emitted a burst of intense light.

The light spread and enveloped everyone including Bai Yu.

Baptism, begin!
Chen Sheng narrowed his eyes with relief and emotion, looking at the picture he had seen countless times when he was playing with Xinghuo.

This kind of picture is different every time, and Chen Sheng himself can be deeply immersed in it.

Perhaps, this is the biggest gain after choosing "Then Become a Spark·We Live To Death" as the background story of the ruins.


But in the eyes of Bai Yu and others.

Everything around disappeared in an instant.

After the rays of light shone over, the surrounding scene of Yongzhou Headquarters Cave Sky turned into a blank.

In a trance, Russell felt as if he had come to a strange and magical place.

Suddenly, the scene in front of him changed to a man's first perspective.

Blood spattered in front of his eyes, and countless lives were once again ruthlessly abandoned.

And the man that Russell substituted into the perspective is a member of the implementation of the abandonment plan.

On the bed in front of this man lay a person whose body was mostly covered in black.

He raised the seemingly unsharp staff knife in his hand, and swung it down tremblingly but decisively, killing the person whose face was half covered in black in front of him.

This is a companion who is experimenting with the power of the abyss, but it is obviously eroded and assimilated at the moment.

For the safety of most of the rest of his companions, this man had no choice but to grit his teeth and deal with the eroded and assimilated companions.

And after that, this calm and terrifying man personally solved his companions time and time again.

Time and time again, the man's arms stopped shaking.

But Russell, who took his perspective, could feel how much unspeakable pain was lurking in the man's heart after each slash.

As soon as the screen turned, Russell found that the man's perspective changed to lying down.

And in front of this man, there was a man with tears in his eyes and a knife in his hand.

"I have taught you for so long, you should understand the importance of your responsibilities."

"Yes, I understand. I want to get rid of you before you are completely eroded and assimilated."

The conversation between the two was very peaceful.

However, the content of it is something that people can't help but be dumbfounded after listening to it.

Now that his position had changed, the man Russell took the perspective of was lying on the bed, resolutely becoming the experimental subject who died countless times under his sword.

However, this man, as before when he dealt with his companions, calmly faced his end.

Apart from being calm, he seemed to be somewhat relieved.


Except for Russell, the rest of the people have also substituted many different perspectives.

The so-called baptism is the inheritance of belief.

The experiences and beliefs of the pioneers will flash in the minds of those who are baptized.

They experienced the fragments of life of those pioneers whose personalities were similar to their own, and experienced the spirit of those pioneers who lived to death.

Those sparks that started a prairie fire at the beginning can sublimate the hope of new life and lead the latecomers to become sparks.

Soon, everyone will be baptized after finishing.

But even though the pictures of the pioneers in front of them had disappeared for a long time, Bai Yu and the others did not come back to their senses for a long time.

Witnessing the past of those seniors with their own eyes gave Bai Yu and the others an unprecedented sense of belonging.

Admiration, yearning, and honor...

There are so many emotions pouring in that it's hard to put into words all at once.

"Baptism, over."

Chen Sheng spoke slowly, but the sound was not loud enough to wake up everyone who was still immersed.

After this baptism, Bai Yu and others not only witnessed the past of the pioneers.There is also the will of countless pioneers condensed in the sparks, which turned into a spiritual guardian, which strengthened the resistance of Bai Yu and others in terms of spiritual and will strength.

When they came back to their senses, Bai Yu and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, falling into a long silence.

"Next, the second step for you official members to confer titles should be the oath, and the third step is to wait for the assignment department."

"But for those of you who have reached level 1 spiritual power..."

"The second step is this."

As Chen Sheng spoke, a golden key appeared in his palm.

The key is not big, but it is covered with faint golden flakes and mist.

On the whole, it gives people an unusually mysterious and ancient feeling.

Seeing this, everyone swallowed.

Naturally they recognize this.

This is the key to the secret realm!

If the raven is a benefit for all new members who join Yongzhou, the link and baptism of Starfire are the benefits only for full-time members who graduated from Chenxi Academy.

Then the key to the secret realm is a good thing that can only be used after reaching level 1 spiritual power.

Using the secret key and consuming a certain amount of spiritual power material, you can open a two-way portal between your location and the headquarters cave.

Although there is a portal between Chenxi Cave and Headquarters Cave that leaders often open to maintain.

But the secret key still has important strategic value. It can allow members from all over the world to return to the headquarters in an instant at any time, and opening the portal can also allow the people in the headquarters to come to support in an instant.

Everyone stepped forward one after another, and took a key of the secret realm with serious expressions.

Resisting the mood of wanting to try, they integrated the key of the secret realm into their bodies and put it away.This kind of treasure full of spirituality is like a raven, which can be directly transformed into spirituality and integrated into their bodies.

"There is no rush to assign departments. Although I have ordered the peripheral forces to start building branches around the world, there is no need to start assigning their own departments with just a few of you."

"For the time being, you should be good teachers in the Dawn Cave, and then after the first batch of students graduate collectively, you can be allocated where to go."

"So, in the end, there is only one process left, and that is the oath."

Chen Sheng looked at the people in front of him, his expression gradually became serious.

The originally planned procedure for the conferring ceremony of official members is: accepting the link and baptism of Spark, taking an oath, and assigning departments.

However, these first batch of members are quite special, and the process becomes: accept the baptism of Spark, accept the key of the secret realm, and take an oath.

Now, there is only one last oath left.

Although compared with other processes, the oath generally has no substantive significance.

However, in fact, the oath is the core of this awarding ceremony.

It is spiritually important.

As soon as Chen Sheng had a thought, the hibiscus tree above his head began to shine brightly.

The sun-like essence is close to, merges with, and shines on everyone.

The light shines from the canopy.

This light illuminated the seven members who were preparing to take the oath under the hibiscus tree.

Facing the brilliance hitting their faces, everyone straightened their bodies, and tried their best to control the expressions on their faces to look solemn and solemn.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Chen Sheng put the oath words and gestures he had been thinking about these days into everyone's minds.

During this period of time, Bai Yu and the others, who had become extremely tacit understanding, just looked at each other, and then said together neatly:
"Those souls who have been baptized by the flames of war will be fused with the destiny of mankind."

"Today we live to die, just to be the spark of humanity."

"Giving light to mankind is like the sun always rising the next day."

The neat voice was deafening.

The leaves of the hibiscus tree swayed gently in this windless cave.

The names of several people are inscribed on the branches of the hibiscus tree.

Chen Sheng looked at these guys who were beating their chests with fists with one hand, and he couldn't help but feel a little relieved on his face.

Looking at Bai Yu, Russell, Romero, John, Martha, Zhang Zihang, and Owens full of energy, Chen Sheng felt that he had seen the future of the organization.

In the future, more people will swear in front of him.

There will be more people's names engraved on the hibiscus tree.

They may die, but their presence will always be remembered.

This is Eternal Day.

 Two in one chapter
(End of this chapter)

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