Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 94 The crisis that must be considered

Chapter 94 The crisis that must be considered

Standing in the crowd of onlookers.

While watching Erlang waiting in battle on the water, Chen Sheng couldn't help frowning.

It is good news that the heroic spirit who was lost at home has been found.

But another piece of bad news came along: The Abyss revealed a more insidious way of eroding the world.

The details of the emergence of the abyssal breath here, he had already understood the moment after his arrival.

The memory of the past is witnessed by the stars, he can read everything in the past where the sun has passed, basically there will be no secrets in front of him.

Chen Sheng knew the situation here. Some people whose minds were originally biased towards evil suddenly became believers in the abyss.

They sacrificed themselves according to the ritual, but because they were not strong enough and happened to meet Erlang, they sacrificed the evil power they had developed, but did not achieve the destruction they wanted to make.

This situation didn't seem serious, Erlang just stomped his feet and settled it casually.

But in essence, it is really a crisis that cannot be ignored.

Although I don't know how the abyss is bewitching those people, I have to admit that its invisibility is really good.Before Chen Sheng came to Dujiangyan in Sichuan and Chongqing, he didn't even realize that there was an abyss here.

In general.

Too much abyssal power cannot pass through the rigorous and heavy rules of the material universe.

A medium-intensity force needs to be eroded through the cracks in the abyss to smuggle a few abyss monsters through the unstable space.However, when a crack opened in the abyss, Chen Sheng discovered and erased one.

So now, the abyss has obviously changed its method, quietly bewitching human beings with weak minds and problematic thinking to become rapes.

Chen Sheng didn't know how Abyss was fooling those people, but he had to admit that Chen Sheng couldn't guard against these people who didn't know when they became traitors.

The insignificant power of these people after they were bewitched did not fluctuate as violently as the cracks in the abyss. Chen Sheng could no longer just sit in Zhonghai City and look around the entire planet for abnormalities.

Therefore, Chen Sheng is not sure how many places on earth still have this kind of situation.

Asking him to clean up the whole world will not only take time and effort, but will not cure the root cause.

Besides, if this happens again in the future, it's not an option to let him always clean it up.The abyss can fool people all the time, he can't always be on the way to clean up everywhere in the world.

Fortunately, this situation was discovered in time by Chen Sheng on the way to find the heroic spirit.Most of these bewitched people are those with extreme minds, which shows that it is not so easy for the abyss to bewitch a successful person.

It is still too late to prepare for some actions and countermeasures.

"These rapes are a crisis that cannot be ignored, and the coverage of organizational power on a global scale must be rolled out as soon as possible to achieve global supervision."

"But in this case, the problem is back to the beginning."

"The size of the organization is a little bit worse at the moment."

"Before the official distribution around the world, I probably have to work a little bit...etc"

Chen Sheng suddenly looked at Yingling Erlang standing in the center of the river with great interest.

Isn't there a ready-made migrant worker?

There is this vague touch to the spiritual rule of the ocean three-level spiritual power level peak hit worker.

Don't squeeze it well...cough cough.

It would be a pity not to give him a deep understanding of the meaning of saving mankind.

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng felt more and more satisfied with the expression on that handsome face.

As if feeling Chen Sheng's gaze, Erlang, who had repeatedly confirmed that there should be no other abyssal power in the river, also raised his head and met Chen Sheng's gaze.

The two looked at each other, silent for a long time.

Suddenly, Erlang in the center of the river disappeared without a ripple.

The onlookers all exclaimed, expressing their emotion for this living person who couldn't see the props.

They didn't notice that there was also a person beside them, who disappeared in place without anyone noticing.


Inside the Erwang Temple.

Erlang and Chen Sheng stood in this temple that was still bustling with big dramas.

However, none of the actors on the stage and the audience in the audience were aware of their existence. This was naturally the influence of extraordinary power.


Erlang cupped his hands at Chen Sheng.

The Yongri logo, which has been rooted in his spiritual depth since the day he became a member of Yongri, shines brightly the moment he meets the leaders of this generation.

This made him understand instinctively.

In front of him is the most outstanding human being who is capable of taking on the role of Emperor of Eternal Day.

Erlang was deeply shocked by Chen Sheng's majestic aura like a great sun.

This seems to be no worse than the original second-generation monarch.

"Now they are called leaders."

Chen Sheng looked at Erlang with a smile and said.

The word monarch is not good, it has the feeling of ruling the entire eternal day.

The leader is different. It seems that everyone has become like-minded companions because they respect the thought of the leader.

Such a lofty feeling is more in line with Chen Sheng's setting for Yongri's personality.

Hearing this, Erlang nodded his head, then changed his address and asked Chen Sheng: "Leader, I don't know who it is now?"

"The fourth generation of Eternal Day, more than 2000 years have passed since your era."

Chen Sheng understood what this supposedly illusory editor wanted to ask, and he gave Erlang Shen an answer seriously.

Jiro nodded.

Immediately, he clenched his fist in his chest decisively, looked at Chen Sheng with serious eyes and said:

"Those souls who have been baptized by the flames of war will be fused with the destiny of mankind."

"Today we live to die, just to be the spark of humanity."

"Giving light to mankind is like the sun always rising the next day."

This is the oath when becoming a full-fledged member of Eternal Day.

This book was compiled by Chen Sheng some time ago, but in the memory of the heroic spirit in front of him, it is his lifelong oath.

It is the oath that he has been striving for as the motto of life since he joined Yongzhou.

On this solemn and solemn occasion, only Chen Sheng could understand the unreality and sense of astonishment.

But Chen Sheng didn't show it.

Chen Sheng nodded seriously, and there was no joke in his expression.

At this moment, the meaning of Erlang's words seemed obvious.

He will be a member of Eternal Day again!
Today, more than 2000 years later, he continues to dedicate his strength to the fight against the abyss.

"For humanity."

Chen Sheng responded to Erlang with this answer.

Apart from that, there is no need to say anything else.

There was absolutely no need for any long-winded talks between them.

For this hero who believed he had fought for Eternal Day all his life, everything was spoken.

It is only natural to stand up again for the sake of the organization.

And for Chen Sheng, it is undoubtedly a good thing that he can add a strong general to the organization without spending too much time.

See Erlang's face mixed with complex emotions such as glory, gratification, excitement, and contemplation.

Chen Sheng took out a key to the secret realm, and opened a secret realm door directly behind him.

The thin wall, like the surface of water and a mirror, floats out of thin air and at the same time is embedded in the frame of the sun pattern outlined by the golden energy.

The tourists around are still listening to the opera and traveling as if nothing had happened, unaware of all this.

Erlang can see a part of the towering hibiscus tree opposite through the space portal like a water mirror.

For just a moment, Erlang could use his spiritual perception to feel the two suns in front of his eyes, and the sense of existence of the leader and the hibiscus tree occupied Erlang's entire vision of spiritual perception.

The tingling sensation like looking directly at the sun made Erlang rub his eyes subconsciously.

"Let's go, the newborn Yong Zhou still has a lot of things to do."

Chen Sheng turned around and was about to take the lead to leave.

But seeing Erlang standing still, he pointed shyly at the tourists beside him who turned a blind eye to them.

Chen Sheng was stunned, and looked in the direction Erlang was pointing at. It was a tourist who was taking pictures of the actors on the stage with his mobile phone.

"When it was first recalled, I saw other people using this thing to preserve portraits."

"Leader, can I take some group photos?"

As Erlang said, he looked at Erlang Hall next to the stage, with complicated expressions in his eyes.

Chen Sheng looked at the statue of Erlang God with Erlang's legs up in Erlang Hall not far away.

Then he looked at Erlang who looked like a shy big boy in front of him.

After contemplating for less than two seconds, he could roughly understand what Erlang went through after he was recalled.

Chen Sheng took out his mobile phone with some dumbfounding, and said, "Don't make it look like life and death, Yongzhou has always been a serious organization."

"Salary and benefits are everything, and you can have money to buy your own mobile phone. Although vacations are not so abundant, it doesn't mean that you won't be able to come back to Erwang Temple in the future."

Chen Sheng has always planned for the structure and rules of Yongzhou in all aspects.In the future, except for the lack of holidays, Yongri will definitely have better benefits than all companies in the world.

Hearing this, Erlang just showed a sunny smile, and then walked through the crowd to the side of the statue of Erlang God with Erlang's legs crossed.

"It's more meaningful to shoot now."

As Erlang said, he subconsciously touched the not-so-good-looking statue of Erlang God.

Until watching the leader raise his phone.

Erlang didn't think too much, and put on the same scissors-hands pose as the female college student, and grinned while supporting the statue of Erlang beside him.

It looks very much like those contemporary tourists who get in the car to sleep, get out of the car to pee, and take pictures in scenic spots.

Regarding this, Chen Sheng shook his head helplessly.

Even if he didn't have much artistic talent, he thought it was too strange for the peerless handsome man in front of him to pose with scissors hands.What's even more strange is that the statue behind this beautiful man is still himself.

However, it is considered to be a photo of an employee's ID card.

Thinking, Chen Sheng slowly pressed the camera button on his phone.

The things recalled by the Heroic Spirits ended with the pressing of the shutter.

Next, the problem of the abyss bewitching people all over the world must go back as soon as possible and make arrangements.

He could take Erlang with him to search for a wave of abyssal breath first, but after that, the Yongzhou Organization with a global presence must be responsible for these matters.

The staff of the branch may not be available yet, but the related construction can already be prepared.When the freshmen of Chenxi Academy graduate, they can immediately form a well-established Yongzhou team.

At the same time, during this period.A series of peripheral forces should also start to consider investigating related aspects.

(End of this chapter)

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