Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 95 2 God Lang Gives Me a Lecture?

Chapter 95 Erlang God Gives Me a Lecture? (Add more 211)

Dawn Cave
On one of the two main islands above the Sea of ​​Learning, Bai Tao and Xu Liping were waiting at the edge of the coverage of the Body Refining Tower, waiting for something.

Today is September 9th, which happens to be the 15th day after Bai Tao officially joined Chenxi Academy.

Those freshmen who did not cross the sea of ​​study to one of the two main islands before August 8 were all ruthlessly eliminated.

Although Bai Tao did not see with his own eyes how Yong Zhou dealt with them later, it is said that he sent them back after erasing the relevant memories.

Crossing the sea of ​​learning and the illusion of Raven's test before, the double assessment screened out too many people.

He didn't know exactly how many people were eliminated. He could only learn some details from Chen Sheng, the leader of Yongzhou and the dean of Chenxi College, at the opening ceremony on September 9st. The number of people eliminated was no less than 1.

Fortunately, Bai Tao himself was one of exactly 1200 people who passed.

Xu 9527, who was chatting with him at the abandoned train station, also officially joined Chenxi Academy, and Xu 9527 was still in the same dormitory as him.

So even though there were many other Chinese people among the 1200 people, Bai Tao was still closer to Xu 9527.

"Bai Tao, are you sure this time?"

Xu Liping poked Bai Tao's shoulder, looking at Bai Tao who was stroking his raven, feeling a little uneasy.

Xu 9527's real name is Xu Liping, and this time he is by Bai Tao's side to give him courage.

It is now evening, and not far from the teaching building, many people have just finished their self-study and are walking towards the body training tower in groups.

Presumably, he planned to exercise for a while under the body training tower before going to the cafeteria for dinner.

And he and Bai Tao were standing in front of the crowd at this moment.

"Hmph, of course."

"This time, I must grab the permission to DIY the teaching building!"

Bai Tao rubbed his fists, looked at the oncoming crowd from a distance, with a serious and serious expression on his face.

Since joining Yong Zhou, he has always been very serious.

Investigating, tracking, hiding, interrogating, fighting, spiritual power knowledge, abyss illustrated book... He is learning everything crazily under the blessing of learning efficiency improvement buff.

Especially after discovering that his younger sister Bai Yu turned out to be the spiritual pattern teacher for them, Bai Tao forced himself to make progress.

This time, just try your own level.

Not long after, the group of people who had just finished their self-study came before Bai Tao and Xu Liping.

"Huh? What are you two?"

The Europa who walked in the front of the group showed a smile.

His name is Carl Philip, and he is a retired soldier from Europa.

Needless to say how good it is, the people in the Chenxi Cave are not bad.

"Competition? The winner can take away the DIY permission of the teaching building." Bai Tao said straight to the point.

Last week was the second week after joining Dawn Academy.Philip won the first place in the comprehensive score of the weekly test, and he also obtained the DIY permission of the teaching building, which can freely change the appearance of the teaching building by manipulating the formation.

As an authentic European, he naturally made a major modification to this teaching building mixed with the styles of various countries.

With gorgeous decoration, strong colors and exquisite shapes, it achieves a graceful and luxurious decoration effect, and decorates the entire teaching building with European style.

Fountains, Roman columns, sculptures, minarets, octagonal rooms... the decoration of the entire teaching building is quite elegant and grand.

Such a strong Bai Tao naturally not only wanted to compare with the guy who ranked first in the weekly test, but also wanted to change the style of the teaching building by the way.

"How about going for a walk under the Body Training Pagoda to see who can last longer?"

Bai Tao pointed to the body training tower behind him, the meaning in his words was very direct.

As soon as these words came out, many students present all exclaimed.

They didn't expect to watch such a good show in this intense study life.

They called for friends one after another, called many friends near the teaching building who were about to go back to the dormitory, and came to watch the competition together.

And Philip was stunned when he heard Bai Tao's words, and then there was a flash of excitement in his eyes: "Don't you know that the body training tower is my best subject?"

His comprehensive score is the first, and a large part of it is obtained by training Tara.

"Of course it's more interesting to beat you at what you are best at!"

As Bai Tao spoke, without hesitation, he uttered words like those of a kingly and passionate hero.

Then, without hesitation, he walked into the range of the Body Refining Tower.

Seeing this, Philip looked at Xu Liping.

"Don't look at me, I'm just here to fill up the numbers and serve as a referee." Xu Liping said, shaking the chronograph in his hand.

"Really, isn't the combination of Baroque and Gothic not good-looking?"

Philip complained helplessly, and then decisively entered the body training tower to accept the challenge.

Bai Tao is competitive, so why not him.

Facing a challenge, he can only feel excited and completely unable to refuse.


early morning.

The moon texture above the sky was quietly replaced with a sun texture.

Although the sun, moon and stars above the morning sun cave are just textures that are beyond reach, they can cause the same day and night light and dark changes as the outside world.

After breakfast, the students crossed the sea of ​​learning familiarly, and after enduring a period of interrogation, they arrived at the teaching building on another main island.

What catches the eye is the Chinese-style teaching building.

Magnificent, magnificent and luxurious, high space, large depth, resplendent and magnificent, carved beams and painted columns.

There are exquisitely carved, magnificent and ingenious statues of dragons, phoenixes, turtles and lions everywhere.

The overall shape emphasizes symmetry, the colors emphasize contrast, and the decorative materials are mainly wood.

Many students who did not watch the competition last night couldn't help showing a confused expression.

How could the school building look different after just sleeping?Did Philip suddenly fall in love with Chinese style?

Contemplating, the students walked into a classroom large enough to accommodate all the new students. The first class was usually an explanation of spiritual power knowledge, and everyone attended together.

They sat on mahogany desks and chairs, admiring the ink paintings on the walls, and discussing why the painting style of this teaching building changed suddenly.

And at the front of the classroom.

Bai Tao was leaning on crutches, and raised his eyebrows at Philip who was also leaning on crutches beside him.

He won the competition under the Body Refining Tower last night, but he almost lost.

Philip's physique is indeed amazing. Everyone just uses spiritual water to polish their bodies, and has not yet taken mulberries to officially become a psychic, but Philip's physique progresses at a speed that is different from ordinary people.

It was Bai Tao's astonishing willpower that forced him to narrowly beat Philip, outlasting him by three seconds.

In the end, Philip, who was willing to gamble to lose, followed Bai Tao's idea and changed the entire European-style teaching building into a Chinese-style one.

Even Philip's favorite small garden has become a Chinese garden.

"Hmph, if I still rank first in comprehensive exams this week, then I will naturally change the style of the teaching building back."

Philip looked at Bai Tao with a serious expression.

To this, Bai Tao just responded silently: "This time, I will be the first one."

The smell of gunpowder that spread from last night to this morning made the students watching the theater couldn't help discussing it.

The twittering and chattering discussions ended when an imposing man walked in.

The man was plump and handsome, with bright eyes and white teeth, and his tall figure looked very handsome.

The action of going straight to the podium as soon as he came in made all the freshmen vaguely realize that this is a new teacher that no one has seen before.

In these days, everyone has seen Bai Yu and other seven teachers, but they have never seen this one.

In the "Yongzhou New People's University Learning Theme Course" held every day, they learned a lot of common sense and missions that members of Yongzhou should know.

At the same time, they also know that the organization is currently in a new state, and it is normal that the number of teachers should not be sufficient.

"Hi everyone, I am your new teacher. You can call me Teacher Yang, Teacher Li or Teacher Erlang."

Looking at the many students in front of him, Erlang couldn't help but smile.

These are the new power of Yongri, full of vitality and faith.

My former self, like these students in the audience, joins Yong Zhou ignorantly and longingly, vowing to fight to protect mankind.

I just don't know why the two students in the front row whose physical fitness is closest to the threshold of psykers are on crutches and look devastated.

This made Erlang couldn't help but take another look.

"Starting today, your former teacher has a serious business to do to save mankind."

"Next, your vice president Zhang Zihang and I will be in charge of your daily teaching."

When he came back to his senses, Erlang seriously explained the situation to the hope and seeds of Yongzhou in front of him, and he would lead these students to study for a period of time in the future.

Because except for Zhang Zihang, the vice president of Chenxi College, the rest of the people were called by the leader, busy mobilizing the peripheral forces around the world, and starting the construction of the major branches.

Although he and the leader have roughly toured the whole world in the past ten days, they have confirmed that there is no abyss aura for the time being.

But for those abyss believers who are bewitched, they still have to guard against them.

In the face of the abyss believers who may appear in various places to make troubles, it is time to disperse the real power of Yongzhou to all parts of the world for preventive work.

Therefore, Bai Yu and the others, who were busy planning a series of matters such as branch construction, naturally had no free time.

And Erlang, who had just been appointed as the captain of the quick response force, was naturally an idler until his own elite team was formed.

Naturally, under the order of the leader, he came to take over the teaching work of Bai Yu and others.

"Teacher, what are you in charge of teaching?"

Some students raised their hands and asked curiously.


"All your teachers are busy, so naturally I will take over all their teaching work."

"Lesson [-], I'll give you a lot of insight."

Erlang spoke in a flat voice, but his hand movements were extremely cool.

Just a simple gesture of reaching out, all the students felt a big hand covering their heads.

Before he could react, he realized that his body had become weaker by countless times, and he was sitting neatly in the teacher's palm.

The teacher's huge eyes are watching them who are already very small at this moment.

Such incomprehensible power obviously stunned the students who had never seen the world.

These days, they have seen Xuehai where people can experience the reincarnation of a hundred generations, a body training tower that can use the power of the abyss to cleanse the body, a teaching building that can freely change the architectural style, and humanoid puppets that can handle various chores...

But I have never seen such an outrageous scene.

The 1200 people were randomly held in the palm of the hand like the monkey grandson in the hands of the Tathagata.

For Chaofan, for Yongri.

They have an unprecedented understanding at this moment.

Even if it is the newborn Yongzhao, its power is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface.This extraordinary organization, which has existed for an unknown amount of time, has a background that can shock everyone.

Coupled with the spiritual construction courses that never stop every day, all the students are yearning for the behemoth Yongri even more at this moment.

 Big chapter, so two more chapters equals three more chapters~
(End of this chapter)

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