Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 96 Abyss Believers Clearance Plan

Chapter 96 Abyss Believers Clearance Plan
When Erlang went to teach the freshmen, Bai Yu and the others were in a meeting room in the headquarters cave, waiting for the leader to come to the meeting.

Before the leader arrived, they were doing their own things at their desks.

"A few days ago, I returned home from the headquarters cave. I handed over some exquisite jade jewelry made with spiritual power techniques to my subordinates."

"It should be delivered to you in a few days, please pay attention to receiving it."

Bai Yu looked at Owens who was typing away on his notebook and said.

Hearing this, Owens nodded: "Okay, as soon as your exquisite jade jewelry arrives, I can find a way to infiltrate some forces in South America, and then I can expand the peripheral forces I have developed. .”

"The leader of the evil forces likes this thing."

Owens shrugged helplessly.

"This kind of thing is just a small problem. I can make as many as I want. Recently, I have a lot of experience in this aspect of the spiritual pattern technique."

Bai Yu smiled and said it was okay.

"Well, if it's a little more troublesome, I'll kill him directly. But since it's not too troublesome, it's better to use him to break into some evil forces in South America."

"By the way, many black and evil forces controlled by Russell's subordinates have a lot to do with the forces in South America. You have to help me more then."

Owens suddenly remembered something, and smiled at Russell beside him.

"It's not a big problem, I'll let them cooperate."

"In addition, the peripheral forces here have recently set up a lot of environmental protection organizations according to the instructions. You also know that Europa is very good at doing this."

"Next, they will spread their influence to America. With your well-known environment-friendly personality, you don't need to think about other reasons, and you can reasonably cooperate with these organizations that wear the skin of environmental protection organizations."

Russell also talked about his next development plan.

Hearing this, Owens naturally nodded in agreement.

He really likes to engage in environmental protection. Now, while serving the organization, it is exactly what he wants to have some external forces disguised as environmental protection organizations.

"Both the official members of the organization and those members of the peripheral forces need the support of some modern technology. How are you doing, Owens?"

Bai Yu looked at the plan in his notebook, and asked Owens.

"The peripheral forces on Russell's side, who are disguised as black and evil forces, have been linked to some arms companies on my side after being brokered by me."

"Through Russell's repeated handovers in the Europa joint system, our organization members will be able to obtain some arms and equipment that are difficult to find out."

Owens reported.

For this task, he has been carefully following up recently.After all, the organization does need some modern equipment to assist. If it is more convenient to use technology, it will naturally not abandon technology.

While Russell, Owens, and Bai Yu sorted out all the information recently reported by the peripheral forces in charge of each other, they discussed with each other the various layouts and actions in the world to come.

Romero and others are also chatting with each other about recent events.

"Erlangshen is a member of the organization, it really surprised me."

Romero narrowed his eyes, surprised at this.Although he is an American of Europa nationality, he has also heard about this god in the East Asian cultural circle.

Even though he has tried his best to overestimate the power and background of the organization, but when a mythical figure blurs the boundary with reality and runs out, it is still shocking.

"In fact, we should have expected it a long time ago. As a behemoth hidden in history, it is not surprising that organizations have any performance that shocks our view of history."

"Haven't we guessed before that the towering giant tree in the cave of Yongzhou headquarters may be the hibiscus tree in the myths and legends of Huaguo. Or it should be said that the prototype of the myth and legend about the hibiscus tree should be the tree in the cave of our organization headquarters. That towering giant tree. Stories about it spread, and finally became the legend of the hibiscus tree among the people of the world."

Martha said so without any surprise on her face.

She has long made organization her religion.To her, it is not surprising that Yong Zhou has any amazing performance.

"Myths and legends are actually records of the existence of organizations, and organizations themselves are the prototypes of many myths and legends."

"Every time I suddenly wake up to such a fact, I can't help being shocked."

"We haven't seen how many organizations there are."

John murmured, and stopped typing on the notebook.

Recalling everything he has witnessed since he joined the organization, he couldn't help but be deeply grateful that there is such a great organization hidden behind this world, which has been silently guarding mankind.

"You don't need to keep feeling the greatness of Yongzhou. Have you completed the task of preparing the lesson plans that Vice President Zhang left you before?"

"Russell, Owens, I, and I have already prepared lesson plans. If Vice President Zhang finds out that you are not prepared, I will not intercede for you."

Bai Yu couldn't help complaining when he heard the emotions of the three people around him.

She seriously suspected that these three guys were using the pretext of touting the organization to fish here openly.

After all, seeing Romero's actions of swiping up the screen of his mobile phone and seeming to be watching videos, it's hard for Bai Yu not to feel that these three people are lazy, paddling, and fishing.

After hearing Bai Yu's words, the three of Romero were obviously taken aback.

Then they all put down their phones resentfully, and sorted out the lesson plans on the computer in a big way.

Any organization is good. It not only has good salary and benefits, but also has mysterious and interesting superpowers. The most important thing is that it can help them realize the value of life for self-realization and pursue the difficult but lofty goal of saving mankind.

The only downside is the worrisome vacation situation.

They, the first batch of members, first dealt with the criminal network that was full of Europa, then they were squeezed by learning and training, and then they were busy developing peripheral forces and teaching the freshmen of Yongri.There is very little time to rest, if it is not for the extraordinary power, it would not be surprising to die suddenly at work someday.

It's a pity that Bai Yu, chief of internal affairs, has discovered this opportunity to stealthily fish.

"Okay, hurry up and finish the lesson plan and go to rest for a while."

"You seem to blame yourself for committing a huge crime, which makes me feel uncomfortable."

"I'll go and talk to the leader about the vacation after some time."

Bai Yu rolled his eyes helplessly, then lowered his head again.

Hearing this, there was a touch of joy on everyone's face.

Then, the entire meeting room fell into a long silence, and everyone was busy.

In addition to the sound of typing on the keyboard and the sound of the pen scratching on the paper, there are only 6 ravens waiting by the window to make low-pitched calls from time to time.

After a long time, a light cough interrupted the tranquility.

The crowd followed the sound.

I saw that the leader had already sat at the head of the long table in the conference room at some point.

Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing, and looked at Chen Sheng with reverent and serious eyes.

Chen Sheng stretched out his hand to let the Raven 0 on his shoulder fly to the window to wait, and then seriously looked at the capable subordinates who had been following him hard.

"About the vacation system, I'm already adjusting."

"However, after all, the organization is short of manpower and is in a stage of rapid development. So you may have to work harder for a while."

Chen Sheng looked at everyone with apologetic eyes.

Not only does he possess the outrageous ability of [the past memory is witnessed by the stars], he can also use the hibiscus tree as his avatar and eyes.Therefore, the moment he sat down, he knew the conversation that happened in the meeting room just now like the palm of his hand.

As for the vacation of subordinates, it is really time to think carefully.He is a great leader of the Salvation Organization, not some capitalist who just squeezes labor.

Hearing this, everyone shook their heads seriously.

Romero, who was the most fishy just now, was the first to stand up: "Leader, this is our mission and our honor. Everything is for human beings!"

"For Humanity!"

Russell quietly echoed in a low voice.

"For Humanity!"

The rest of the people also followed suit.

When Chen Sheng saw such a scene, he couldn't help being silent for a moment. He always felt that these people had been puaed by him.

But he didn't stay silent for a long time, and he also silently repeated: "For human beings!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Sheng cleared his throat.

Raven 0, who was staying at the window, flew behind Chen Sheng upon hearing the sound.

The next moment, Raven 0 turned into golden light spots all over the sky, and reorganized into a holographic projection-like picture behind Chen Sheng.

"Next, let's explain the business of this meeting."

As Chen Sheng's voice fell, the holographic projection behind him also began to change the picture.

【Abyss believer removal plan】

These eight large characters are clearly displayed in the center of the holographic projection.

Seeing this, everyone frowned.

Although I don't quite understand what this passage means, but with the word abyss, it means that it will definitely not be a simple matter.

"Abyss believers, that's what I call a group of traitors on Earth."

Chen Sheng saw the confusion on everyone's faces and began to explain.

Everyone was obviously stunned when they heard this sentence, and then they frowned even more bitterly.

Rape is not a good word.

As the name suggests, rape is a human being who betrays the overall interests of the human race.The rape that the leader is talking about at this time obviously refers to the human beings who have taken refuge in the abyss.

For such a person, they instinctively feel disgusted.

"During the last incident of the abyss crack in Europa, I thwarted the abyss apostle who was trying to come over."

"The abyss has not opened the abyss crack again for a long time, and we have ushered in a long and stable development time."

"And now, the abyss has changed to a subtle and imperceptible means."

Chen Sheng explained to everyone in front of him.

The key words in the words don't sound like the situation is too good.

Obscure, imperceptible means.This means that they will no longer be able to react as quickly to Abyss erosion events as before.

They are well aware of how much damage the power of the abyss can cause without the participation of Yongshi for the time being.

"The will of the abyss will permeate through an insignificant trace of power, which is not enough to cause substantial influence and change in reality."

"But it will spontaneously look for people with unstable minds, extreme thinking, greed, and anti-social ideas, and then confuse and change their thinking."

"Then, this group of people became believers in the abyss."

"They don't have the power of the abyss, so it's hard to detect. Only when they perform a ceremony to summon a little power of the abyss, will they show abnormalities."

While Chen Sheng was talking about

On the holographic projection ppt of Raven version 0 behind him, one picture after another kept gliding.These pictures are Chen Sheng found the corpses of the abyss believers who caused the Dujiangyan incident afterwards, and then took pictures of these rapes who sacrificed themselves in order to summon the power of the abyss.

Everyone looked at the distorted fanatic expressions of those abyss believers on the holographic projection ppt before they died, and they all realized the seriousness of what the leader said this time.

Globally, it is unknown how many abyss believers are hidden.Like time bombs scattered all over the place, waiting for an opportunity to explode at any time.

"Erlang and I have been busy looking for traces of the abyssal power around the world some time ago, and we probably have scouted them all today."

"The Dujiangyan incident is the only time that abyss believers have rebelled in the world. I have not found anything else. But although there are no other abyss believers who have rebelled, there is no guarantee that there will never be any."

"From now on, the plan to clear the abyss believers has been put on the agenda!"

After Chen Sheng finished speaking, lines of details about the plan to clear the abyss believers began to emerge on the Raven version 0 holographic projection ppt behind him.

"My opinion is that the preparations for the construction of branches in various regions are speeding up. While you are going to be branch ministers now, you will shoulder the heavy responsibility of opening the door to the secret realm for a long time, so that our eternal power can be mobilized between all parts of the world at any time. "

"In addition, with the help of external forces, large-scale psychological and personality mapping surveys have been promoted around the world, and local officials have been urged to pay more attention to illegally assembled cult organizations."

"These are the two general directions that I think need to be focused on. Do you have anything to add?"

After Chen Sheng finished speaking, he looked at the group of capable subordinates in front of him.

After listening to Chen Sheng's arrangement, they all began to think.

"I think after a while, in the name of social practice assessment, students from Chenxi College can be directly sent to all over the world to assist in the long-term task of [investigating Abyss believers]."

"Let them participate in the investigation to cultivate their investigation ability, and when they really discover the abyss believers, they can also let them who have preliminary spiritual powers lead the formation to ensure the survival rate of the investigation team. This can increase their practical work experience. , can also help in the task of investigating abyss believers around the world."

Russell made such a suggestion.

Such a suggestion made everyone ponder for a while, and then their eyes lit up.

This is indeed a good way.

Who says students can't work?Working while studying is also normal.They have the gate of the secret realm to move quickly, and they also have modern technology to teach remotely, so they can study and work at the same time.

In this way, the problem of insufficient manpower in the organization can be alleviated, and the growth of students can be further accelerated in practice.

After that, everyone discussed in the meeting room for a long time, and made various supplements and improvements to the details of the plan to clear the abyss believers.

 People at the airport, just off the plane.

  This chapter was written on the plane, and I still have to hurry, and the rest will be added to see if I have time at night.

  I'm really sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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