Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 97 Branch Construction and Social Practice Assessment

Chapter 97 Branch Construction and Social Practice Assessment
The accidental discovery of the problem about the Abyss believers forced the development of Yongri to speed up, and the branches in various places had to start planning and construction.

At the meeting about the believers of the abyss, after considering the population density and the degree of civilization, after considering that saving the world must have a certain priority.

At present, it is roughly determined in the southeastern and southern regions of Asia, the western region of Europa, the southeastern region of North America, and the central region of Africa.These five densely populated areas with relatively flat terrain, relatively abundant precipitation, and good agricultural production conditions will carry out branch construction.

The eastern region of Asia Minor is headquartered and governed.There is an academy stationed within the Arctic Circle, and students are sometimes sent to conduct inspections of the practice type.Oceania and Antarctica will plan to build rapid response forces, which will be responsible for global support and leak detection.

After the meeting on the abyss believers, in the next month.

Except for Zhang Zihang, the vice president of Chenxi College, and Bai Yu, the head of internal affairs, the remaining five members of the first batch went to various places around the world that were determined to be branch construction areas.

They will further study the population density and the level of civilization, initially determine the specific location of the next branch as soon as possible, and serve as the head of the branch organization.

While attending class, Erlang sent two avatars to go to Antarctica and Oceania for on-the-spot investigations to confirm the location of the quick response force.


Except for matters related to branch construction.

At the same time, the all-round targeting plan of the abyss believers by the peripheral forces of Yongzhou is also being implemented steadily.

When Yong Zhou, a behemoth that had just begun to take shape, started to move, all aspects of the world seemed to be vaguely moving accordingly.

Within the United Europa system, some videos of the cruel crimes of cults were inexplicably spread all over the Internet, and received a lot of likes from outraged people on major video websites.

Coupled with some deliberate guidance, the sudden arousal of mass public anger has become an incentive to promote a large number of national legislation under the Europa United system to vigorously rectify cults.

Some anti-cult calls will be established either spontaneously or with Yong Zhou as the driving force behind the scenes, and they will be very active in the public opinion of Europa.

Gradually, an anti-cult trend became popular, and it once strongly overwhelmed social organizations such as environmental protection, animal protection, and women's rights in terms of attention.

In the American state, many politicians started the process of scrambling for votes this year with the statement of "emphasizing the psychological construction of the people and suppressing vicious criminal cases" under the hints of different forces.

Their respective speeches on the subject gradually set off some winds in the state of America.

When they lobbied around how to maintain a good psychological construction for the people of this country, they took advantage of the opportunity to build many free psychological clinics, and strongly advocated the implementation of psychological personality mapping surveys throughout the United States.

Although it cannot be popularized because it violates their democratic freedom, it has won the support of some people in a relatively small range.

In addition, under the secret promotion of Yongri, there are still many places that carry out policies and measures that oppress the living space of abyss believers.

Or strengthen the management and monitoring of activities where a large number of people gather to ensure that even if something happens, there will be no major problems.

Or conduct a general survey on people who have problems with their psychological construction at the social level. Even if the survey cannot be conducted on everyone, you can start with campuses in some areas.

Fundamentally guide the entire society to take countermeasures against the difficult problem of abyss believers.

After all, the invasion of the abyss is far from just a matter of Yongri's organization, and it will be the general trend to guide the entire human race to follow and resist.

However, this process is destined to be slow and gentle. Most of the time, Yong Zhou adopts the method of side guidance, enveloping things in the desired direction with a moist and silent momentum.


Eternal Day · Dawn Cave · Dormitory Building · In a certain double dormitory.

At the window, Raven 9527 and Raven 12138 stood on the edge of the window watching the rising sun.

In the dormitory, because it was a rare two-day vacation, even though it was already eight o'clock in the morning, the two big men had just woken up.

"Social practice assessment? Damn, this seems interesting."

Xu Liping, who was checking the latest notices on the campus network to connect to Chenxidongtian Intranet through the tablet issued by the school, exclaimed.

He didn't expect to see this notification as soon as he woke up.

The sound made Bai Tao, who was brushing his teeth, subconsciously move towards Xu Liping's side.

"Social practice assessment: unite the peripheral forces of the organization that are operating around the world to assist in the removal plan of the abyss believers. Details..."

Behind Xu Liping, Bai Tao looked at the content on the tablet and muttered, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

It's good to be able to go out and let the wind go.

The last time they left Chenxi Dongtian was half a month ago. Teacher Erlang took them to the Arctic Circle for an outing, and by the way, allowed them to use some external forces as a medium to get in touch with their families.

At that time, Bai Tao briefly learned about the recent recovery of the old man at home through the media of the Bright Animal Protection Association in Africa.

Then, I followed Mr. Erlang with pain and joy, crossed the Arctic Ocean and fought polar bears in that outing...

Now, there is another chance to go out.

However, this time it was not an outing.

"Look at the detailed introduction, the social practice assessment is a subject that we must take every semester. The results of the random geographical distribution will be announced tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow we will go to various places in the world to carry out various field tasks."

"We have to wear a recorder all the time since we left Yongzhou, and record the whole process of social practice assessment from our main perspective, and then return it to the organization for review and scoring."

"During the review and scoring process, the Raven who has been following us will also participate in the scoring process, reporting and summarizing based on our performance."

Xu Liping was thinking, with a serious expression on his face.

This time they did not go out for outings and exercises, this time it was a phased assessment of their long-term study.

Put them directly on the front line of dealing with the abyss problem, and comprehensively consider their abilities.

"In this social practice assessment, we can see with the naked eye that we will encounter problems such as language barriers, customs barriers, and communication with peripheral forces of the organization. We have to participate in the challenges of handling many different matters alone."

"If you really meet an abyss believer, then there may be a battle."

"This difficulty is not low."

Bai Tao couldn't help feeling so emotional.

This kind of comprehensive assessment can train people too much.

"The difficulty is indeed high, but the notice said that many display areas for modern equipment and psychic items were opened in Dawn Cave this morning."

"We can freely mix and carry a certain amount of items... The rare two-day vacation of feelings is to prepare for us on purpose."

When Xu Liping was browsing various modern equipment and psychic items through the campus network, he suddenly realized the meaning of these two days off.

No wonder the organization suddenly became so generous.


Yongsun·Chenxi College·Teaching Master Island.

The style here is neither Chinese nor European, because Baitao and Philip, who were obsessed with competing for DIY rights, were strongly suppressed by a freshman who couldn't bear to keep changing styles.

The freshman from Italy is extremely sensitive to spirituality.After taking Lingshui for a long time, there have been some changes. Although he has not yet reached the category of 0-level psykers, he has suppressed Bai Tao and Philip with almost the first grade in all subjects.

The minimalist style has become the style of the teaching building today.

Minimalism is to create a sense of space in a concise way. Simplicity does not mean simplicity, but an extension of creativity and thinking after careful consideration.

Everyone doesn't hate this style, but they all feel that there is a certain other style that would look better.

Especially Bai Tao and Philip, who have been holding back their energy secretly.When they were in the cafeteria recently, they drank the spiritual water like crazy, in order to catch up with the Italian freshman as soon as possible, and change the style of the teaching building back.

And this morning, on the main island of the minimalist teaching building, a group of humanoid puppets set up stalls in the open space, displaying many modern equipment and spiritual items.

A large screen was also erected in the center of the main island for display, so as not to be crowded when too many people gather at the display.

Many freshmen who have received relevant notifications through the campus network have no choice but to cross the sea of ​​study during this rare vacation, so that they can temper themselves with a different state of mind each time.

Many freshmen gathered in the neat display area and looked around.

The dazzling array of information on the big screen is dazzling.

"I originally thought that with the help of Raven's simple spells, our own physical fitness and excellent abilities, and various conveniences provided by the organization when going out, we actually don't have a high demand for other things. .”


Bai Tao swallowed, looking at what was displayed on the big screen in front of him and didn't know what to say.

In the column of spiritual items, there are actually not too many things.

There are only some healing psychic medicines, which are basically for their own life-saving, or for the rescue of the victims they meet.

At this stage, the organization obviously doesn't want to give them too much extraordinary support, but wants to train them more.

But in the list of modern devices shown on the big screen, there are too many things.

Cold weapons, including daggers, knives, axes, shovels, military daggers, etc.

Firearms, including pistols, submachine guns, assault rifles, light machine guns, sniper rifles, shotguns and more.

Explosive weapons, including grenades, grenade launchers, bazookas, plastic bombs, mortars, shoulder-fired anti-tank missiles, and shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles.

In addition, there are satellite phones, individual drones, personal general-purpose aircraft, simple exoskeleton armor, microwave weapons, metal embrittlement agents, emp jamming bombs...

It seems that only they can't think of anything that is not on the list without this big screen.There is a posture that can empty the stocks of various countries at any time.

There is also a note at the bottom of the big screen: Anything they think they can use but not on the list can apply to the organization, and the organization will basically find and supply it after consideration.

The power of organization in reality.

At this moment, it is evident.

All the students couldn't help feeling deeply moved by this.

Of course, the use of anything must strictly abide by the principle of never harming innocent people, and the overall safety of human beings is the greatest consideration.The ravens that follow them will always keep an eye on what they are doing in action.

After all, Eternal Day exists.

It is for the continuation of humanity as a whole.

(End of this chapter)

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