Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees.

Chapter 801 Meeting with the Wives of the Heroic Spirits

Chapter 801 Meeting with the Wives of the Heroic Spirits

Library of Truth, fourth floor, safe house.

Amamiya Mahiru and Minami Shiori appeared in the safe house.

Ever since the level of the Heroic Spirit was upgraded, even if Bai Yu didn't need to lead the team every day, she would go to the Library of Truth alone to fight monsters... She could indeed not enter the Dragon Vein Realm and the Fourfold Hell, but she could log in to the dungeon at any time.

And with the help of Minami Shiori, the two of them are working together as a team. Although the progress is not fast, they have made solid progress in the strategy.

The Library of Truth has five floors in total.

When Bai Yu just arrived in Rome, they had only conquered the third floor, but now they have reached the fourth floor, which proves the efforts of Amamiya Mahiru during this period.

They insist on tilling the land every day, and they must be the kind of hardworking office-going Palu players that all manufacturers love the most.

This safe house on the fourth floor is located in a hidden room in the library, which is equivalent to a save point. At the same time, there are a large number of furniture-type monsters in the library on the fourth floor. After defeating them, they will drop parts. After taking out the parts and assembling them, you can get various different furniture.

Overall, it is a small home system. Amemiya Mahiru and Minami Shiori have arranged the safe house quite well. Even the decoration style is based on the tea room in Fuso. The floor is covered with red carpet instead of tatami, there is a small platform at the level of the calf, and there are specially reduced-size cushions used as futons.

Mahiru Amemiya was thinking that he shouldn't kill a few more table monsters today, because this tea table was too high.

Just as she was thinking about it, she pushed the door open and was surprised to see a figure in the safe house.

Elise was making tea seriously. She grabbed a handful of tea leaves and threw them into the teapot. Then she felt it was a bit too much, so she quietly poured out two-thirds of it and added one-fifth back. When she felt it was okay, she added some water and then threw it together with the iron kettle on the stove to cook.

The whole operation cannot be said to be smooth, but at least it is done at will, which is enough to make any tea lover angry.

Minami Shiori couldn't help but laugh a few times.

Elise turned around and said, "Sister Mahiru, Shiori, you guys came at the perfect time... Come, test the water temperature."

"Are you using this to soak your feet?"

"No, it's for drinking."

"Do you still need to test the water temperature?"

"Yeah, I prefer a temperature around forty-five degrees, what about you?"

“We prefer to boil the water through.”

"Drinking 100-degree boiling water directly? Isn't it hot?"

"No, we'll let it cool first."

"That's too much trouble." Elise said, "Just let the fever drop to 45 degrees."

Minami Shiori didn't want to talk anymore, thinking to herself, if you don't know how to make and drink tea, then don't try to be so pretentious.

Amamiya Mahiru asked curiously, "Aren't there a few young ladies in your dormitory? Didn't they teach you?"

"That's because they are young ladies, so they don't." Elise said as a matter of course: "In Rome five hundred years ago, tea was a scarce commodity. Only the nobles had it. And would the nobles make tea by themselves? Young ladies have their own maids to take care of them."

"So even bride training doesn't teach this?"

"I heard that they usually learn etiquette, dance, music and the like." Elise picked up the kettle of about the same temperature and poured herself a cup of tea. She glanced at the color and said, "This is my first time making tea. It looks pretty good."

"This is not called soaking." Amamiya Mahiru said gently: "Silly girl, this is called boiling..."

"You can even say it's stewed." Minami Shiori scratched her cheek: "Why don't you consider throwing a few eggs in there?"

"Can tea leaves and chicken eggs be combined?"

"Bai Yu said yes, tea eggs are one of Da Xia's specialties." Nan Shizhi nodded: "Chickens can even be combined with basketball."

"It's a pity that there are no eggs dropped in the Library of Truth... Let me think." Elise crossed her arms and tilted her head: "I remember there is a chicken snake on the third floor. Maybe it can lay eggs?"

"It's too big, and the shell of the chicken snake's eggs is soft, so it won't crack when cooked." Amemiya Mahiru shook her head.

"Hmm? Have you really studied it?"

"Since we found the safe house, we've started researching this. Otherwise, we'd be bored if we stayed here. Now that there's a teahouse, we want to drink tea. When we want to drink tea, we want to eat some snacks. Then we started researching how to recycle the materials dropped by monsters." Amamiya Mahiru used her white wrist to support her cheek: "Now that you mentioned that, I realized... I've been eating too many weird things recently."

"Who told you not to come?" Minami Shiori took a look at the tea that was not even fully brewed, picked it up and walked to the sink to pour it out.

“I’m sorry.” Elise clasped her hands together and closed her left eye to look cute: “I’ve been very busy recently… busy in every sense. After coming to modern Rome, I have a lot to learn, and I have to prepare for the breakthrough to canonization.”

"What did you say?" Amamiya Mahiru, who had a gentle smile on her face, and Minami Shiori, who had knocked over the stainless steel kettle, asked suddenly at the same time.

“What does it mean to be in modern Rome?”

"What does it mean to prepare for a breakthrough and canonization?"

"Eh?" Minami Shiori blinked: "Didn't the teacher tell you?"

The six eyes met, and they all clearly saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

"We haven't been able to meet recently, and even if we did, it was just a quick meeting. We didn't have time to say much, just to say hello to each other." Amamiya Mahiru changed her posture, sat up straight, and asked, "Aili, sit down, shall we chat for a while?"

The gentle beauty's smile was filled with an inexplicable sense of oppression.

For more than half an hour, Elysee was questioned in various ways. Only when they were sure that no more information could be extracted did the two sisters stop.

"So many things have happened." Amamiya Mahiru thought, "I didn't expect that all the friends in Elysee's dormitory came to Rome five hundred years later. This way, our time is completely synchronized. This is good news."

"How can this be considered good news?" Nan Shizhi tugged at the pillow in her arms in dissatisfaction: "Four, four, four more girls!"

She said unhappily, "Mr. Bai is really hungry and can eat anything."

"You can't say that about my friend!" Elise retorted, "You should say that he is really hungry and can eat as much as he wants!"

"Does it make any difference?"

"There's a huge difference! One is proactive and not picky, the other is passive and not picky!"

"Don't quarrel." Amamiya Mahiru slapped the table lightly: "All of Elysee's roommates are good girls with feelings and righteousness. Under such circumstances, they still stick with their friends and even give up their accustomed living environment. They are also worthy of respect..."

"He's obviously bewitched by beauty." Minami Shiori whispered.

"Shiori..." Mahiru gave her a serious look, "We may meet in the future. You have to be more polite. After all, you are the elder."

"I just..." Minami Shiori was not jealous, she was just thinking about her sister. There are so many people in Rome, and if you count the people in Daxia, the number would be more than one pair of hands. Just thinking about it made her feel anxious for Mahiru.

Amamiya Mahiru acted like a seasoned lady, she was a little bit uneasy, but she didn't show it. She knew very well that the three people present were much more special than those outside.

People outside may have winners and losers, but the people here have been standing firmly on the shore since the very beginning.

Wedding vows are not as solid as the Heroic Contract, which truly means being together through life and death.

If he can't handle it, then he won't go to Daxia. He will stay in Fuso and let Bai Yu worry about it himself. He can also travel to several places in rotation every year.

Mahiru took the initiative to change the subject and asked, "How come you have time to go online today?"

"I want to see if I can run into you, sir." Elyse held her chin up and said, "I received news that something happened in Long Dong."

"Something happened?"

"I don't know the details." Elise said, "The gentleman has been missing for a month."

Amamiya Mahiru stood up suddenly: "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier!"

"I just found out about this, too." Elise pursed her lips and lowered her head in fear. "I just logged in and thought about waiting. Besides, we are all fine, which proves that Mr. is also fine, right?"

Amemiya Mahiru bit her lower lip. She had ten years more experience and was much more thoughtful than Elise who was well taken care of by her roommates.

Although Bai Yu is fine now, it does not mean that his disappearance is normal. No one knows about his situation, and he doesn't even have time to inform them. Doesn't that prove that his situation is extremely bad?

But she couldn't bring herself to blame.

Elise just learned that this incident must have been caused by an unexpected event... She is far away in Fuso and can't help much.

If you care too much, you will be confused and inevitably suffer from mental exhaustion.

Minami Shiori also realized that something was wrong and started to look worried.

Unfortunately, even if three pretty faces were put together, they couldn't summon a dragon.

"What are you thinking about? Frowning will cause premature gray hair... Smiling makes you look ten years younger."

There was an extra voice in the safe house. The owner of the voice sat between the people without any hesitation, and gently stretched out his fingers to pull the faces of Elise and Mahiru.

Bai Yu stretched out his hand and waved it in front of the eyes of several people: "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? Am I impressive to you guys?"

Before he could finish his words, he was thrown to the ground by Amamiya Mahiru and kissed on the carpet in front of the two of them.

We haven't seen each other for a long time. Instead of saying anything, it's better to do something directly.

Mahiru has become vaguely accustomed to greeting people in this way. No matter what he wants to say, he can just shut him up. This trick is indeed very useful.

She had also heard a woman in her family say that her husband would sometimes be too lazy to work and look depressed all day long. At that time, she would open his clothes and ask, "Do you want to touch your breasts?" Every time she asked, her husband would satisfy his urge and continue to work hard.

So as for men, you just need to put in a little effort to please them.

On the other hand, as long as the woman is proactive enough, she can take control of the other party.

Elise's expression froze for three seconds, thinking that someone had actually gotten there first!
He immediately turned his head away, puffed up his cheeks and stopped looking.

Minami Shiori drank her tea silently, and when she saw Elise's expression, she secretly sighed that she was indeed young... If you were the one who got there first and your sister fell behind, she would definitely be the second one to get there without any hesitation, and would never just stand there and sulk by herself.

This is also the difference in values ​​between the Fuso people and the Romans. Elysee can accept the mistress culture of the aristocracy, which comes from the constant knowledge indoctrination of her good sisters in order to poach men in advance, but she cannot accept the culture of having many wives and concubines.

Should I add fuel to the fire?

Minami Shiori thought with evil humor…since the contract has been signed, it might as well be bolder.

As a result, as soon as Amamiya Mahiru finished, Elise pounced on him with her fangs and claws bared.

The former is gentle and affectionate, while the latter is rude and rough.

Nan Shizhi slightly widened her eyes in surprise. When did this Elise become so bold? Could it be...

Bai Yu held down Ailishe's little hand: "You can talk, but don't touch me. You might touch my Excalibur."

"It's not like I haven't seen it before..."

"It doesn't matter if you've seen it before, as long as you haven't been inside." Amamiya Mahiru held up her chin and smiled: "Otherwise, even I would be angry."


The two of them were frightened by the black energy that looked like a Prajna ghost mask and shook their heads.

"You kissed me very decisively and skillfully." Mahiru hooked her finger under Elise's chin and scratched it.

"Just once or twice..." Elise's eyes dodged back and forth.

"is it?"

"This is the right I should have, right?" Elise tried to argue.

"Yeah, I'm just afraid that you can't control yourself... and if you take into account your group of beautiful roommates, if something goes wrong and someone finds out, it will become a war of attrition." Amamiya Mahiru narrowed her eyes.

"We are chaste and have never had a party!"

Amemiya Mahiru naturally had a way to tell whether Elise was the real one or not, but she had no way of telling whether Bai Yu was the real one or not. Considering that he didn't attack Elise, she could only assume that he was the real one.

"Ahem..." Amamiya Mahiru coughed lightly: "Although I still want to continue to ask you about what has led to that point, but now let's talk about business."

"That's right." Bai Yu supported Ai Lixie's waist and sat up: "I don't have much time, so let's make it short."

"I'm currently in the underworld, and I don't know when I can go back."

"I need you to pass on the news that I am safe."

"I will write you a letter later..."

"Elysee, notify Sister Shirley."

"As for Mahiru..."

Amamiya Mahiru lifted her hair and asked, "Do you need me to go to Daxia to meet Su Ruoli?"

(End of this chapter)

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