Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees.

Chapter 802: Are you sweating profusely, Lao Bai?

Chapter 802: Are you sweating profusely, Lao Bai?
When I returned from the copy in the Library of Truth, the sky was just beginning to brighten.

Amemiya Mahiru came to the quiet room and sat down. She glanced at the handwritten letter left by Bai Yu, then picked up the pen, spread out the paper, and began to prepare to write.

Minami Shiori also came to the quiet room. She originally planned to go to the kendo gym to practice sword.

Recently, she has been somewhat complacent about her realm improvement. After entering the swordsman realm, most swordsmen would stagnate for more than ten years without making any progress, but she has now entered the middle stage of the fourth stage, so she has always been quite proud of it.
But compared with Elise, she suddenly felt what it meant to be blessed by God. After the witch lady got the inheritance of her ancestor Michael, she rose to fame overnight and was on the verge of canonization. This gave Minami Shiori a great stimulation.

Especially after the competition in the dungeon, she realized the huge gap in strength and became more determined to move towards the realm of Sword Saint.

Seeing that Amemiya Mahiru's mind was not on swordsmanship, he couldn't help but want to ask his sister what she thought.

The two of them had already completed the integration of heroic spirits, so their realm upgrades were synchronized.

"Sister wants to write a letter?"


"to whom?"

"Su Ruoli."

Amamiya Mahiru replied: "This name is not unfamiliar to you, right?"

Nan Shizhi looked at Bai Yu's handwritten letter on the table and said, "Isn't this letter enough?"

"The gentleman just wants us to pass on this letter, and it is up to us to make good use of it."

Amemiya Mahiru lifted the long sleeve of her right hand with her left hand and slowly ground the ink.

"Using letters?" Minami Shiori asked in confusion, "Does Sister intend to write one based on the handwritten letter from the master? Just like deleting part of the plot of a famous book and changing it into her own?"

"Nonsense." Amamiya Mahiru gently reprimanded: "If I do this, I will definitely be exposed and will also cause dissatisfaction from the master. Why should I do such a self-destructive thing?"

Minami Shiori blinked her eyes. She really had no talent in this area, nor was she smart.

Amamiya Mahiru explained, "I want to write a separate letter and mail it to Su Ruoli."

Nan Shizhi's eyes lit up: "Why not let me deliver the letter myself..."

"Nonsense." Amamiya Mahiru scolded for the second time: "To deliver the letter in person, what status do we have? What kind of attitude are we trying to put on by showing up so suddenly? It's not appropriate, no matter how high or low it is."

"Why did my sister write a letter?"

"It's simple. It's for..." Amamiya Mahiru picked up the wolf-hair brush and placed it in the inkstone: "Let her know who I am."

"To facilitate future communication and exchanges."

“This is a necessary step to break the ice.”

Amamiya Mahiru had to be very careful to deal with this matter.

True, perhaps she only needed to send the letter, believing that Su Ruoli would not pursue the source of the letter too much, and Mahiru also had a way to erase all traces, but this would be a waste of a good opportunity.

Su Ruoli.

This name has been mentioned too many times.

Before Elysee came online, Bai Yu and Amamiya Mahiru always talked about recent events, and even if he tried to avoid it, he couldn't avoid the name Su Ruoli. In Amamiya Mahiru's heart, Su Ruoli seemed to be born to stay by Bai Yu's side.

She knew very well that although Su Ruoli was not Bai Yu's contractor, she occupied an important position in his heart, even comparable to herself.

This time when he went to Rome, Su Ruoli did not go with him, which actually surprised her a little.

Amemiya Mahiru has not yet decided when to go meet Su Ruoli.

But she was indeed making preparations.

She is much more mature now and knows that she needs to be organized in doing things, not be impatient, and take every step carefully is the best.

So she was waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to contact Su Ruoli.

Now this opportunity is in her hands, she must seize it.

Bai Yu didn't know how long he would be trapped, and his only channel of communication was through himself, Shiori and Elise.

With this premise, even if Su Ruoli is dissatisfied with her existence, it will not be exposed, and Mahiru will have more time to test and more space to control the sense of distance.

She only heard about Su Ruoli from others, but knew nothing about the real Su Ruoli.

Thinking of this, Amamiya Mahiru's hand holding the pen was infused with some sword energy, and then he put pen to paper.

Just after writing three words, she realized that something was wrong and took the paper down and threw it aside.

He was in a hurry, and his handwriting was too sharp. It didn't sound like he was talking in a nice way. The handwriting revealed the man. The handwriting was full of sword energy and iron and silver hooks. It didn't sound like he was talking in a nice way, but rather like he was demonstrating.

"Fu..." Amemiya Mahiru closed his eyes and sat alone for thirty minutes. He finished reciting the 1,800-word letter in his mind before he started writing.

[From Su Ruoli]
[I have long admired her beauty, but have never seen her in person]
[My surname is Amemiya and my given name is Mahiru. I have a handwritten letter from Mr. Bai that I need to pass on to you. I need your help urgently. I hope you will forgive me for disturbing you by writing to me so abruptly.]
[I cannot tell the origin of the letter, but it was definitely written by Mr. Bai. It is said that he left some code words in the letter that only Miss Su could understand, which can be used to distinguish the authenticity.]
[Mr. Bai is in danger on this trip, and I don't know when he will return to Daxia. If there are other letters in the future, please forward them on my behalf. Please understand that Mr. Bai cannot contact other people through other channels for the time being.]
[Sir, you are a lucky person. You can do whatever you want. Nothing in the world can stop you. I think Miss Su is like me. She believes that you will return safely. This may be the similarity between people who are close to you.]
[I will not conceal any information about Mr. Bai’s safety]
[Speaking of which, I have heard of Miss Su in the past. This is my first time writing a letter, so I am inevitably a little timid and don’t know what to say.]
[I think Miss Su may not know much about Fuso, so I will attach a few interesting things about Mr. Bai's time in Fuso]
[If there is a chance, I hope Miss Su can come to Fusang as a guest. Although it is a backward and barbaric place, it has some unique scenery that is different from Daxia.]
[I am very curious about the secret code in Mr. Bai's letter. I don't understand it even though I read his handwriting. If Ms. Su is willing to write back, I wonder if she can explain it to me.]
[Seeing a letter is like seeing a person. When visiting for the first time, you must pay courtesy to the visitor.]
[A small gift was enclosed in the letter]
[Words cannot express my thoughts, and my attachment cannot be expressed]
[To Mahiru Amamiya]
It took Amemiya Mahiru a full hour to write this letter. He wrote very slowly, and every word was written carefully without any trace of sloppiness or disorder.

After letting the letter dry, she put it in the envelope, but she was not in a hurry to send it out immediately.

Because the news about Bai Yu's disappearance will take more than half a month to reach Daxia.

There is no need for her to send the letter now; she should wait a little longer.

Bai Yu himself said that this letter was meant to reassure people. If the other party didn't know the news, there was no need to send it in advance. "Oh, that's too bad..." Amamiya Mahiru said to herself, "What kind of gift should I choose to send to him?"


At the same time, it was just half past six in the evening in Rome.

In the dormitory, Elise was surrounded by her roommates, and everyone was staring at the space between her legs...

The letter.

"So..." Jeanne looked away from the letter: "He's okay?"

"Not only am I fine, but I'm also very energetic." As Elise spoke, her fingers touched her lips unnaturally, like a bear that had stolen honey.

"I'll call Sister Melu." Angelica was about to get up and dial the number.

"Wait..." Elise said, "Just take the letter over later."

"Are we going there?"

"No, they are coming over." Elise said casually, "Peggy will be here soon too."

"Who?" The four people raised their voices again.

"Peggy...didn't it say that in the letter?" Elysee blinked: "Peggy is in the middle of winter. Her current identity is the eldest daughter of Laurennin and the fiancée of Mr.


After hearing this, Frederica slapped her forehead and fell backwards.

Angelica hugged her and cried, "Frei, Frei, what's wrong with you? Please don't die. If you die, I will have sex with Mr. Yu in front of your portrait."

"Shut up, fat woman! I just relaxed from a state of high tension, and was frightened to death by the amount of information." Frederica glared at Angelica. She had been sleepless for two days after she found out Bai Yu was missing. Now that she was relaxing, she naturally felt weak.

Jeanna cast a holy light on Frederica to relieve her fatigue, and then asked, "When will they come?"

"I sent a message, it should be here soon." Elise changed her sitting position: "Can everyone get a good night's sleep today?"

"No..." Fulei grabbed Elise and said, "I can't sleep anymore!"

She gritted her teeth and asked, "Ally, how did you get in touch with the gentleman?"

Elise blinked innocently: "I can't tell you this. You can think of it as a mystery."

"What kind of mystery?"

"Only you know the details, sir. I am not too sure either." Elise smiled with relief and gently stroked her chest: "I just know one thing... Even death cannot separate us."

"...Are you the only one?" Angelica muttered, "Too cunning, too biased."

"Actually, I'm not the only one." Elise answered subconsciously, and then immediately covered her mouth: "Ah, no, I mean..."

She realized that because of this unnecessary remark, she would have to endure several more hours of continuous questioning.

Only Jeanne stayed out of it.

She had already noticed this and had suspected it.

As a high-ranking heroic spirit, she couldn't help but think more deeply about everything. If everything was as beautiful as Elise said, did it mean that no matter where she went, she would be able to meet the same person again?

If this is true, and if I am the chosen one, can I escape from the suffering of eternal reincarnation?

Thinking of this, Jeanna silently glanced in the direction of Long Dong.

It would be best if nothing happened to him.

Otherwise I will tear down that underworld with my own hands.



"I don't know why, but I feel a chill on my back..."

[This is because you are sweating profusely, brother]

Bai Yu didn't say anything, but silently quickened his pace.

[He said nothing, turned around and walked forward, as if he had made some kind of decision...]

"You are such a grandma..."

[I’m just chatting with you on purpose because I’m afraid you’re bored…]

"What do you want to talk about?" Bai Yu snorted coldly: "You'd better say something nice."

[You say... if Transformers feel lonely, will they go online to book a ride? ]


(End of this chapter)

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