Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees.

Chapter 803: The Road to the Throne

Chapter 803: The Road to the Throne
dong dong dong——!
There were several dull thuds of feet landing in succession.

An old man slowly climbed up from the ground, holding his waist, and looked around in a daze. This was a beach, and he seemed to be on an island. The island was normal, but the color of the sea water was not normal, but pitch black.

The old man looked around and soon saw a reflective head on the beach.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're not dead, are you, monk?"

A few slaps in the face.

The ascetic monk opened his eyes and spat out a mouthful of sand: "Donor Bai, you are going too far... If you hit me in the face again, I will turn hostile and become the King of Rage."

"What's there to worry about with your old face? Doesn't Buddhism say that if you get slapped, you should extend the other half of your face to be slapped?"

"That is a Western doctrine and has nothing to do with Buddhism." The ascetic monk chanted Amitabha and said, "Only you and I have arrived here?"

"No, there's me."

A figure was walking towards us from the other end of the beach. It was a man wearing a shirt and had a rather gloomy face.

"You are alive too?" Bai Potian touched his face and said, "What about the remaining Holy Grail Knight?"

"He had bad luck and was caught in the storm of the warp. He either fell into another passage, or..."

Roman Emperor Daelin Augustus sat down with a tired look on his face: "He was a warrior, and I hope his glory will be remembered."

"People who die in the shadows won't even leave a trace." Bai Potian shook his head.

The ascetic monk took out a wooden fish from somewhere and started to beat it, and then recited the Sutra of Rebirth.

Dai Lin took off his worn-out shoes and asked, "How long have we been walking?"

"I don't know. After entering the underworld, there is no concept of time. Maybe three months, maybe ten years, or maybe twenty years?" Bai Potian pondered: "It seems quite peaceful here. I finally have time to take a break."

"Subjectively speaking, we have only been gone for less than two months." Dai Lin said self-deprecatingly, "I thought I could find the answer here, but in the end, it seems that I still found nothing."

This emperor is different from the outside world. He actually does not have any majesty of an emperor. He is more like a cultivator who sleeps on the floor in a laboratory.

Bai Potian asked: "Why don't you come here to chat for a while? Why did you come in?"

Dai Lin asked: "Why are you doing this?"

"Looking for my son." Bai Potian confessed directly. There was nothing to hide. "My grandson is very successful. He can live well even without me. But my son is different...I don't know whether he is dead or alive. I have to find him. The underworld is where shadows gather. Canonization is very special. Once you enter it, it is like a lead ball falling into the sand. It will attract countless shadows. I want to get clues about my son from it."

"Then have you found it?"

"No." Bai Potian grabbed some sand and threw it into the sea: "Maybe we took the wrong path. I should have taken another path...ah, shit."

He turned his head and looked at Dai Lin: "What about you? Why did you come in here? Why don't you want to be the emperor and come here to die?"

Dai Lin said calmly: "It doesn't matter who becomes the emperor. What I seek is nothing more than the Tao. I am a scholar, so I naturally cannot resist my curiosity. If I want to study it, I must delve into it. I have been preparing for this for many years, and meeting you is unexpected..."

"You didn't tell the truth, or rather, you didn't tell everything." Bai Potian pointed out, "It has come to this, what else do you have to hide? Maybe none of us can return alive."

Augustus said calmly: "I don't plan to die here. Even if I do, I should at least publish a paper first..."

"Aren't you the emperor?"

"Superficial, the Augustus family has been scholars for generations." Dai Lin said proudly: "Otherwise, where did the magic network come from? The royal family has always been at the forefront of productivity and academic revolution!"

"As a scholar, your only way to express your desire is to write a paper?" Bai Potian raised his hand and rubbed the stubble on his chin.

"This is research that can change the world," Dai Lin said with a sigh, "but perhaps this topic is too difficult for me."

"What kind of subject?"

"The world is about to be destroyed." Dai Lin said, "We must find a way to save the world."

"Ah?" Bai Potian thought for a while and then said, "This is a good joke."

"Long ago, those Outer Gods who were themselves stars have been constantly pulling out the throne of this world, just like pulling out the nails that fix the surface of the earth to the planet. Once they completely pull these nails out of the ground, shadows will gush out from the gaps in the throne like a fountain, flooding the world."

“By then, no one can stay, even if they are canonized.”

"Because without history, we would cease to exist."

Dai Lin said calmly: "This is a prophecy left by the Holy Lord a long time ago."

"How can it be that easy?" Bai Potian shook his head. "Those on the throne are all monsters who have lived for who knows how many years. I don't think anyone can kill that old lady with two guns."

"I know, but nothing is absolute."

Dai Lin said: "Shadow is the accumulation of history, just like the mud at the bottom of the river of time. It gets higher and higher until it submerges everything, and after it is submerged by everything..."

"What will happen? The end of the world?"

"No," Dai Lin shook his head: "My guess is that everything will start over again."

"What do you mean?"

“It literally means that history will be reshaped, return to the origin, and then be reconstructed…” Dai Lin said, “The River of Time will become a lake suspended on the ground. At that time, nothing that happens in this world can be observed, and even the supreme law of reincarnation cannot intervene.”

"What are you planning?"

“Who knows? Some questions are destined to have no answers. We are not them, so it is normal not to know the answers.” Dai Lin held the statue of the Holy Lord in his hand and said silently: “Only God knows.”

"The Holy Lord is also an Outer God?"

"He comes from another world, and no one knows where he came from." Dai Lin shook his head: "He is a passer-by. Faced with the situation in this world, he chose to let go."

"I see. No wonder you look like a resentful woman who was ruthlessly toyed with and abandoned by someone."

“…” Dai Lin’s expression became even gloomier.

At this time, the ascetic monk finished reading the scriptures and asked, "Donor Dai Lin, according to what you said, shouldn't we protect the Lord of the Throne?"

"Yeah, I'm curious too." Bai Potian twisted his waist and asked, "Besides Lady Scathach from the Kingdom of Shadows, who else in this world is the master of the throne?"

"According to the records in the Star Chaser Society's database that has been accumulated for thousands of years, there were five thrones in the past, but now there are probably only three or two left."

"By the way, the place we are currently in... may be the remains left after a throne was devoured by a shadow."

Daelin Augustus took out the notebook he always carried with him and said, "As for the existence of the last two thrones, I only know two of them."

"One of them you all know well, is Scathach, the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows."

"The other one I have never seen and am not familiar with. He is located in the east and is called..."

"The Lord of Penglai Island."


The 30th day after entering the underworld.

Bai Yu woke up to the reminder from the immortal customer service because the underworld was once again undergoing huge changes.

The last time, it was because he slept for five minutes longer that he was trapped underground when he woke up. It took him seven or eight days to dig a hole and climb out.

From now on, it will be difficult for Bai Yu to get a good night's sleep in this underworld.

He rubbed his face: "How long have I slept?"

【three hours】

“It’s so short.”

[If you follow the fifteen-minute sleep method I recommend...]

“When will this end?”


"You said the same thing ten days ago."

[How else should I answer? Should I say it's too slow? ]

"..." Bai Yu didn't even have the energy to argue with the customer service, so he could only get up and keep walking.

If he were in the outside world, he would be able to stay awake for a long time.

But it doesn't work in the underworld. Once your mental state declines, you will be entangled by the shadow... If you can't break free from a shadow in time, you may have to sleep here forever.

Shadows are the relics of history and the mud at the bottom of the river of time.

After entering this underworld, Bai Yu had a deeper understanding of its nature. It is easy to fall into it when walking in the shadows and be assimilated by the falsehood of history.

He felt that if he continued like this, he would not be able to hold on sooner or later.

"I have to think of a way..." Bai Yu looked at the invisible end in the distance: "If I continue to delay, I will either be canonized as a saint on the spot, or die."

[There is a way]

"Hurry up and tell me!" Bai Yu said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier if you had a solution?"

You didn't ask

"Fuck me!"

[And there are risks]

[The underworld is where shadows gather, but real light sources can disperse them]

"Light source..." Bai Yu thought of something.

[Yes, that’s right…]

“Is it my bird?”

[…If I answer yes, will you walk your bird in the underworld? ]

"Since I don't know anyone, I can give it a try."

[As expected of you... But the answer is wrong. It's not Fanny, but the Sun That Never Sets.]

Bai Yu opened the prop column and saw the Never-Setting Sun lying quietly inside, without noticing anything unusual.

[Once you take out the Sun That Never Sets, it will dispel the surrounding shadows and show you a way forward, but the risk is also extremely high. As a customer service representative, I still don’t want to see customers take the risk. In fact, as long as you keep going, you will definitely reach your destination in half a year at most...]

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me what the risks are."

[There are two points. The first is... once you wear this crown, you are no longer a human being, and you cannot be tainted by worldly desires in the slightest...]


[Sorry, I got the wrong script... Once you put on the crown, you can't stop to rest. You will be chased and driven by shadows. The sun that never sets is a fragment of the sun. It cannot appear here, just like no matter how blazing a volcano is, it will be cooled by sea water.]

[The second risk is... because it will dispel the shadows ahead, no one can know in advance what the road will be... Originally, you just need to follow the steps and I will naturally find a way to show you the way. At least I can guarantee that you have the right to choose and know where you are going. However, the Sun That Never Sets only provides one road, and you no longer have the right to choose.]

Bai Yu thought for a moment and said, "So what you mean is that the road opened by the Sun That Never Sets is like Schrödinger's cat box. Only after it is activated and collapses from the quantum state into reality, can we know where it leads to?"

[Yes, it may lead you out, or it may pull you into the abyss]

[In a nutshell: This is a big gamble, my friend]

"It's all lost, my friend."

Bai Yu was shocked and said, "Although I believe in my luck, I probably can't trigger the guaranteed minimum rule at this time."

[Yes, your superpowers need to be prepared in advance, but there is only one blind box this time]

So, what are you going to do?

"Of course..." Bai Yu raised his hand and put the Crown of the Sun That Never Sets on his head: "Don't think about it, just bet and it's done."

[Oh, are you so sure? ]

"I can choose not to believe in my luck." Bai Yu leaned back slightly: "But I must believe in the Outer Gods. Every time I intercept, I can always get good things!"

[As expected of you, you are really a father at the age of 30... you are both a father and a father at the same time.]

A strong light burst out from the never-setting sun on the crown, and everything in the underworld that it touched quickly melted into a dark, creamy paste. Above this paste, a road of light stretched forward like a winding highway.

【Look behind】

After being reminded by the customer service, Bai Yu looked back and saw that the pitch-black underworld behind him had turned into a dark ocean at some point. A huge tsunami was approaching, shaking the earth and sky.

[You will restart your life if you fall down, so don’t make any mistakes]

"Don't worry... I'm a perseverant player who has completed "Lonely Desert Highway"."

Bai Yu immediately called out his mount and rode on the Hellfire. The vehicle whizzed away with the roar of the engine.

The cars in the underworld are speeding, red flames are running on the road paved by the afterglow of the sun, and a strange temple escape is being staged under the pursuit of the dark tide.


Spring goes and autumn comes.

Flowers fade and bloom again.

A letter from Fusang is quietly sailing across the ocean to where it should go.

(End of this chapter)

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