Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees.

Chapter 831: The Toilet Plunger Next to the Trolley Problem

Chapter 831: The Toilet Plunger Next to the Trolley Problem
The meeting place was at a teahouse.

Nanling City is very large. Even if you live in this city, everyone’s activities are usually fixed, and it is impossible to thoroughly understand every corner of this city.

This teahouse is very old, with three floors in total, and exudes a long-lasting style from the old times of the last century.

Even the interior decoration is quite simple...even shabby.

The teahouse is run by an ordinary-looking middle-aged woman, who looks like a typical landlady. She did not open the teahouse for the purpose of making money, so she was not very diligent in cleaning. There were tea stains on the tables, and patina could be seen on many old objects.

Bai Yu went upstairs. The landlady who was sitting on the first floor didn't move at all. She just raised her eyelids and glanced at him, without any reaction at all.

An old man was sitting at a table by the window on the second floor.

At this moment, he was the only customer in the teahouse... He looked quite old. Although there were no age spots, there were many wrinkles on his face. His hands were also gray. There were almost no signs of muscle under his gray coat, as if he was just skin and bones. His finger joints were covered with thick calluses.

He sat there, as if he was as old as the entire building, like an ancient tree, with countless growth rings hidden in his bones and blood under his skin.

The feeling this old guy left on Bai Yu was very similar to when he faced Huo Qiu Shui, but also different.

If the Sword Saint's profound cultivation is like a deep pool, then this low-key old man gives people the feeling of a dry skeleton with eyes opened.

"You came pretty quickly." The old man raised his hand and said, "Sit down."

"Are you the one who wrote the letter?" Bai Yu said straight to the point: "Do you have any clues about Tai Sui?"

"Yes." The old man nodded: "He and I are old friends."

"Tell me about it." Bai Yu said, pressing the table top.

“No hurry.” The old man grinned: “Before we start talking, I have something else to do…”

The voice just fell.

Huang Qixia, who was also showing a vigilant look on the side, felt some violent vibration and her vision became blurry. She looked down and saw the pattern of the Bagua Formation light up under her feet. It was too late to withdraw, so she stomped heavily, trying to break the formation, but the next moment, she suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Bai Yu also noticed it and stretched out his hand to try to break through the space, but a recoil force made him realize that there was a mysterious obstruction.

Even though he had torn the space apart with his bare hands and penetrated the outer wall of the formation, he still failed to stop the space teleportation.

Because his fingers touched Huang Qixia, the index finger and thumb of his right hand were also taken away during the space transmission.

tick tock...

Blood continued to drip from the wound on the severed finger.

Bai Yu turned around and looked at the old man, holding the weapon in his hand.

"Don't be in a hurry." The old man picked up the teacup and said slowly: "Shouldn't you ask about my identity first? Don't you want to know where she went? Don't you want to know more from me?"

"Young man, don't be too will only expose your weakness." He shook his finger: "If you insist on being impatient and taking action now, I will naturally agree."

During a brief silence, Bai Yu kicked open the floor and saw a broken strange object from the hollow floor. The spiritual light had dissipated and it was covered with cracks. It broke into two pieces with a slight touch, which showed that all the times of using it had been used up.

“The Xiantian Qiankun Bagua Formation Diagram…” The old man raised his hand and picked up the broken artifact: “I used it once decades ago. Now is the last time. It’s destroyed after being used. What a pity for this thousand-year-old antique.”

After Bai Yu sat down, he took out a big red bottle, opened the bottle cap, and soaked the wound on his severed finger in the red bottle, waiting for his five fingers to recover, while asking: "Who are you?"

"I am old and seeking fame."

"Gun-eating ghost." Bai Yu said in a low voice, "So it's you, it really is you."

The Sword Saint had warned him that this person was extremely obsessed with the title of Spear Master. He was so obsessed that he would kill any potential challenger for his position. As a result, the inheritance of spearmanship was almost cut off in Da Xia today.

Gu Ming picked up the teapot and shook it, causing the tea leaves to tumble. "You know me, so you should also know what I am here for, right?"

"Are you here to take my head?"

"Well, I haven't been keeping an eye on you for more than a decade, and Daxia has already produced a monster like you, and you use a gun. This really makes me feel a little uneasy." Gu Ming nodded and admitted: "But there is no need to rush to take action now. Let's talk first, so that you won't be a confused ghost when you die later."

Bai Yu sneered: "I thank you?"

"The purpose of this Bagua formation is only one, which is to teleport people to fixed coordinates." The old man began to talk to himself: "Huang Qixia was sent to another place, where a madman named Lu Shuihu will be waiting for her."

The two of the Ten Evils, Crazy Owl and Gun-Eating Ghost, have joined forces... Bai Yu's heart sank, this was one of the worst possible scenarios he had imagined.

Gu Ming did not look at Bai Yu's expression and continued, "She is not too far from here, only about a hundred miles away. Starting from here, turn 32 degrees east by south and go straight for a hundred miles. If you run as fast as you can, you will arrive in no time."

Even the location is pointed out, is it true or false?
"There's no need for me to lie to you." Gu Ming turned the teacup, his expression showing a hint of playful malice: "If you want to go over, you have to think it over carefully... After all, I won't let you go over for nothing. I wish you would show me your back."

Bai Yu had already stood up at this time.

"You are still too impatient." Gu Ming said, "You haven't finished your words yet."

"Why, can you really tell me the identity of Tai Sui?"

"That's impossible?" Gu Ming shook his head and said, "After all, I don't know either. Tai Sui is one of the incarnations of the Demon Ancestor and has always been mysterious. Moreover, Tai Sui lurks in the mortal world and can change his identity at any time. How can he be so easy to find? You don't have to doubt that I'm lying. There's really no need to do so."

Bai Yu said coldly: "It's the same as not saying anything."

"In fact, the situation you are facing today was all caused by Tai Sui, whether it was me who came to you or Kuang Xiao who came to Huang Qixia."

Gu Ming spoke slowly and leisurely. Older people are always patient. Even though he had already gone crazy inside, his appearance and conversation did not show any madness at all. His emotions were well controlled. He clearly wanted to kill someone, but there was no sense of murderous intent.

When the gun-eating ghost said this, he suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "Hey, I forgot another thing..."

"Oh, I forgot there's one more..." "Tai Sui set up three traps for you."

"The first game is a game in which I kill you. The second game is a game in which Crazy Owl kills Huang Qixia. And the third game..."

"It's aimed at your girlfriend. What's her name?"

"Zhen Shifang's daughter... Oh, right, Tao Rusu."

"She is also part of this game."

Silently, the tea table was cut into two parts in the middle and fell down in the middle, but the teapot and teacups were mysteriously suspended in the air, like a sticker with a fixed position.

"She has nothing to do with us." Bai Yu suppressed his boiling emotions: "Why involve her?"

"Whether it is irrelevant or not is not up to you to decide, nor is it up to me to decide... But since it can cause fluctuations in your emotions, it proves that she does have value. This time, Tai Sui's plan is still effective."

The Gun-Eating Ghost sighed and said, "Zhen Shifang's daughter has arranged an assassin to find her... Although it's not Feng Sheng who did it directly, I think Tai Sui's plan will definitely not be easy. Her situation may be more dangerous than Huang Qixia's."

"Now, it's your turn to make a choice."

"We are going to help Huang Qixia."

"You'd better go save your little girlfriend."

"No matter which one you choose, I will definitely keep an eye on you. Once you leave this teahouse, I will kill you."

"Of course, you can choose nothing and just think about protecting yourself. If you focus on dealing with me alone, I think it should be enough to protect yourself."

He directly threw out a dilemma, put his hands in his sleeves, and opened his eyes completely, looking sinister like a poisonous snake hiding in the bushes waiting to ambush.

Huo Qiu Shui's evaluation of Gu Ming is correct and accurate.

This old man is a madman. He will stop at nothing to kill his target, as long as he can get rid of Bai Yu, no matter how despicable it is.

But he didn't actually do everything he could. On the one hand, Tai Sui had already arranged the trolley problem in advance to tie up Bai Yu's energy and consume his mind. On the other hand, he was extremely inferior and crazy, but also quite arrogant. He didn't take Bai Yu seriously and thought he would win in a one-on-one match.

The trolley problem.

Bai Yu felt a headache after thinking about it.

No matter how you choose, there is no right choice.

I have seen a stupid picture before: there is a train with two tracks. There is a person tied to one track and five people tied to the other track. If you choose the upper track, the people on the other track will be crushed to death by the train. At this time, you usually have no choice. You can only watch, because you are just an ordinary person, passing by with a newly bought toilet plunger in your hand.

To express it in a more high-end, classy and elegant sentence structure is - Dogs and pigs eat human food without any sense of restraint, and there are starving people on the ground but they don't know how to complain.

Normal people never encounter the trolley problem... Even if they do, they usually don't make a choice, but lie on the tracks and beg for help.

This is also the reason why Bai Yu was a person with super powers in his previous life but did not seek attention. He knew in his heart that once his abilities were exposed, he would definitely encounter similar troubles and face such difficult problems.

Now it has really come true and is right before me.

Not only Huang Qixia and Tao Rusu, but even his own life was on the scale for others to weigh.

Damn, that person’s mother is unhappy.

"Have you thought it through?" Gu Ming said calmly, "I don't mind waiting for you for a little longer, but if you delay for a few more minutes, the result will be uncertain... When it comes to saving people, every second counts."

"I've made up my mind." Bai Yu stared at the gun-eating ghost and raised his middle finger which had grown back: "I'll kill you first, you old immortal. It won't take long."


Meanwhile, on the other side.

"You are Ziweixing..."

Tao Rusu knew that there was a high probability that he would not be able to escape, as that was a serious canonization.

It is very likely that her strength is at the same level as her biological father.

"Don't be so nervous, little girl." Ziweixing said with a smile: "Come to think of it, you should thank me."

"Why should I thank you?" Tao Rusu thought, "Is it because you want to get rid of Huang Qixia, which is equivalent to helping me get rid of my love rival?"

Ziweixing's expression became a little subtle: "You are a smart girl... From what you said, Huang Qixia really has charmed Bai Yujing? How far have the two sides come?"

"The step of negative distance contact."

"She is quite calculating, using Bai Yujing as a shield." Ziweixing's eyes were slightly cold: "But this can't stop the archer, let alone Luohou."

"Why are you here?" Tao Rusu turned his gaze towards Dijiexing... Did this man with thick eyebrows and big eyes betray him?

"I'm here to get rid of your love rival." Ziweixing is a big sister who loves to laugh. She doesn't look as depressed as the other archers.

"Then I thank you." Tao Rusu blinked: "Can you let my boyfriend go?"

"It depends on his performance." Ziweixing ran five fingers through her hair. "But you, little girl, have encountered a lot of trouble. Zhen Shifang, that bastard, created a mess on his own. He threw his own daughter out as bait. It's really like the behavior of an anthropomorphic creature that is worse than an animal."

"That's right." Tao Rusu also felt a great resentment, and then reacted: "Huh? There really is an assassin? Where is he?"

"You can't find it now." Ziweixing pressed Tao Rusu's shoulder: "Because you are currently in my mirror world, little girl, I will save your life, but you need to cooperate with my instructions later."

(End of this chapter)

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