Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees.

Chapter 832: All parties are in place, and the storm is coming

Chapter 832: All parties are in place, and the storm is coming

"Space teleportation..."

Huang Qixia realized in an instant what kind of ambush she had encountered.

It's not her fault that she was careless for a moment, but this kind of rare items are extremely rare, usually very old, and usually only owned by top families.

Modern information management is still very powerful, and there are not so many strange things left among the people.

In fact, the Management Bureau... that is, the Department of Rare Objects, even if it does not collect and keep all the rare objects, will definitely register and record them.

Space-level wonders are not accessible to ordinary people.

It seems that the identity of Tai Sui's incarnation this time is very high.

Huang Qixia spread out her palms and looked at the two broken fingers on them, feeling a little distressed. Although it was easy to regenerate broken limbs according to the Nirvana Dharma, she still felt a little distressed. She held the broken fingers in her hand, put them in the lining pocket, and patted them gently against her heart.

These bones and blood cannot be wasted. Maybe we can reconnect them when we go back.

Then some falling snow caught her attention.

It is autumn in Nanling now, and it is also in the south of the Yangtze is impossible to see the strange sight of snow in autumn.

So this is a place of man-made landscape. There is no doubt that snowflakes are floating in the sky, but this is indoors, and what is operating are snow-making machines. This is a large ski resort built in the foothills. Such entertainment facilities, which have invested a lot of manpower and material resources, are part of the entire luxury resort.

Since a shadow world near Nanling City - the shadow world that Bai Yu conquered during the summer vacation after graduating from high school - has become stable and turned into a fixed resource output point, various supporting facilities are also being prepared and constructed in full swing.

Huang Qixia scooped up a handful of snow with her bare hands, blew gently, and the snowflakes floated forward.

"Come out."

She turned sideways, her long hair and clothes fluttering in the wind: "I see you."

Lu Shuihu appeared in the ski resort. Today he was not wearing tattered linen clothes, but changed into cleaner's clothes. It seemed that he sneaked in that way, and the hideous scar on his face was still there.

Kuang Xiao stared at Huang Qixia for a few seconds, and rarely spoke: "I failed to kill you last time, this time you will definitely die... I thought these ten days were enough time for you to enjoy yourself, but I didn't expect..."

Huang Qixia raised her chin: "What do you mean?"

"Aren't you and Bai Yujing in love?" Lu Shuihu rolled up his sleeves. "Why don't you do what needs to be done, so that you don't have any regrets when you leave."

Huang Qixia was still confused: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"I see that you are still a virgin. You haven't lost your virginity in so many days." Crazy Owl said coldly: "I have killed many people in the past. Some people know that they are about to die, and they don't think about how to survive, but instead think about leaving something behind."

...Is this something you should be concerned about?
The mad owl definitely did not have good intentions, but instead retained a tiny bit of mercy for the person he was about to kill.

Of course, there must have been some malicious sarcasm in it. After all, his entire family had been raised by Huang Qixia, and now he was alone.

Men can sow seeds and leave something behind before they die, but women cannot.

Huang Qixia fell into deep thought and silence.

"It's too late to regret now." Lu Shuihu breathed deeply, and the entire ski resort began to vibrate in a rhythmic manner, like the beating of a war drum resounding from deep in his chest.

"I see..." Huang Qixia came back to her senses. She bit her thumb nail gently and said in a daze, "So this is the step I'm missing... But how do I do it specifically?"

Although I don’t know the specific method, as long as I have a general direction, I can figure it out on my own.

The Phoenix Chief suddenly became full of confidence and expressed his approval of the Crazy Owl who would not give up until the death of his mortal enemy.

"Your advice is very pertinent. I will definitely study it carefully when I get back. Thank you!"

Her clear eyes showed that her gratitude was sincere.

Not only did the other party not understand the sarcasm, but he accepted it all and even said he would study it when he got back.

This made his ridicule useless, and even ridiculous, like shooting himself in the foot.

Lu Shuihu's temples bulged and the veins on his forehead jumped.

"If you want to express your gratitude, then leave your life behind!"

Thunder and fire were rushing among the snow-covered foothills.


The sky above Nanling City.

In order to minimize the impact on ordinary people, Bai Yu can only keep raising the bar.

By reaching a distance of more than a thousand meters, the aftermath would not spread to the city, and he was also trying to move towards sparsely populated areas.

The gun-eating hungry ghost is coming for him, and whoever has the intention to kill will be kite-killed.

"Still distracted?"

Gu Ming jumped out from the space on the other side and stabbed Bai Yu with his gun.

After more than two hundred years of wear and tear, the old spear master has become very short. It is said that he was a strong man of eight feet tall when he was young, but later he became shorter and shorter, with only his hands still the same length.

However, most of his skills are in his hands, which can be flexibly transformed. The mismatch between his body shape and arm span has resulted in a unique and extremely deceptive spearmanship.

It is not enough to just have skills. To become a saint, who doesn’t have unique skills?

What's more important is power and speed.

In the world of martial arts, nothing is invincible, only fast is invincible.

Gu Ming's gun and Scathach's gun take completely different routes... In order to crack the magic gun's technique, Xiu Laiding chose to use force to defeat skill.

If we talk about the guns of the three, Scathach pursues skill, Shuratin pursues strength, then Guming pursues speed.

His gun is centered around speed.

And it's not just fast, but fast in all aspects.

Coupled with its unique spatial control ability, it can arbitrarily expand the gun range to the angle it needs.

Bai Yu suffered a loss immediately during the exploratory confrontation and tried to deploy the sanctuary to resist the opponent's attack. Although he knew it would not be effective, with the existence of the guardian cat, a slight loss of shield was not unacceptable.

Stab it--!
The result was beyond his expectations. His shoulder was cut and blood spilt.

The guardian spirit seemed to have lost its effectiveness.

It was obviously not because Gu Ming's spear skills were so amazing, but because there was something wrong with his weapon itself.

The shape of the weapon was really odd. It didn't look like a traditional spear, especially the front end, which looked like it had multiple gun heads of different shapes embedded in it.

"The murderous spear, Xiangliu." Gu Ming turned the weapon with nine spearheads and said calmly: "This spear named after Xiangliu has the ability to devour and tear apart the mysteries... Your defense is useless in front of me."

Bai Yu said coldly: "That's all?"

"Of course it's more than that, it's also highly toxic." Gu Ming grinned, "It will turn your blood into poison... But it's also strange, normally, only a little scratch will be enough for the poison to seriously injure you and make you near death, although it won't kill you, it will only cause paralysis for a while, but unfortunately you're not a saint... Hmm?"

Flames floated from Bai Yu's wounds, and the wounds healed. He said contemptuously, "That's it?"

"Hahaha, great!" A gleam of brilliance flashed in the eyes of the gun-eating ghost: "This is more interesting!"

The decadent air on him suddenly dissipated, just like Huo Qiu Shui after drawing his sword.

"You are really good."

"It's been a long time since I've exercised like this."

Even as he was speaking, he stomped heavily on the air, and the void of a hundred feet sank. The heavy pressure even shattered the third-floor glass windows on the top of an office building several kilometers away.

As he took this step, the Xiangliu Spear in his hand tore through the void, like a nine-headed ferocious beast roaring towards him, its direction difficult to discern, like a flash of lightning shuttling through the void, flashing back and forth.

Anyone who has practiced using a spear knows that the trajectory of a spear is never fixed. The spear shaft is tough, and this toughness causes the spear body to shake and vibrate, making its trajectory difficult to predict with the naked eye. It is unpredictable and has an extremely fast attack speed.

Before the attack arrived, Bai Yu seemed to feel several blood flowers exploding on his body and had a premonition of this result.

The forest of spears of ten thousand demons tore through the void, unfolding a corner of the magnificent picture and blocking the Xiangliu ferocious beast outside.

However, he blocked the spear, but failed to stop the body that was approaching with the spear.

Gu Ming leaned in close and bumped into the opponent... The strength of the Martial Saint also lies in his physique and himself. He directly broke through the multiple defenses of the Black Demon Spear Forest and approached Bai Yu directly. Then he bent his elbow and attacked. It seemed to be just an ordinary Bajiquan elbow, but it was like a shot that pierced the heart of an angry dragon.

It is better to take ten punches than to take one elbow...this is the real killer move.

The two sides passed each other at close range, and then there was a loud bang like an explosion, and then they separated.

Bai Yu raised his body and immersed his hands in the clouds, and then glided for thousands of meters before stopping, as if grabbing white clouds that were like marshmallows.

Gu Ming patted the shoe print on his chest. He didn't expect that Bai Yu could raise his foot to counterattack at this distance, as if he had already noticed his intention of close combat... Since he was the leader of the spear training, he must be proficient in boxing and kicking as well.

There has never been a Martial Saint who is proficient in only one weapon. The ultimate goal of all Martial Saints is to learn from the strengths of all schools and acquire the perfect martial arts. Once one reaches this step, he can be called a Martial God.

But no one has ever succeeded in history.

Bai Yu held the Lion Heart Spear in both hands and had just used the weapon to block the collapsed elbow. The entire spear vibrated for more than ten seconds, as if he was dissatisfied. He thrust the spear into the space beside him and retreated a thousand meters before he exhausted his strength.

"This world is so big, and I have seen many generations of outstanding people."

"What Daxia lacks the most is geniuses. When all kinds of geniuses go to the capital and take the palace examination, they will become like everyone else." "And those who go one step further will be the pride of heaven."

The eyes of the hungry ghost who swallowed the gun flickered like phosphorous fire.

"In my opinion, there are only five geniuses and prodigies who are truly worthy of my attention."

“Genius is like steamed buns. Eating too much of them can fill your stomach, but it can’t satisfy your craving.”

"Tianjiao is a plate of meat. You have to eat it slowly with condiments and strong liquor to taste its flavor."

"In the past few years, we've eaten too many steamed buns. Even if they're good things, they're no longer interesting after we get used to wasting them."

"Today I met a genius like you, and finally I can have some fun."

The air was filled with murderous aura and bloody smell, which lingered on the clouds, giving them a strange bloody glow.

Gu Ming licked his teeth and lips: "Let me taste the blood of you, the pride of heaven, and maybe I can go one step further."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." Bai Yu was secretly shocked: "Do you think I am Tang Monk's meat or ginseng fruit? Why don't you wait and see when I get my foreskin circumcised and give you some?"

The gun-eating ghost ignored it.

This old lunatic has completely entered into his own fantasy world.

This is clearly a precursor to a big move.

He was not the patient kind of person, and when the Ten Evils killed someone, they had to be careful about making too much noise.

There is no canonized person in Nanling City where Bai Yu is located, but that does not mean there is no canonized person in his province. There is still one... and he is ranked second among the top ten.

The ultimate move of the Martial Saint is his peerless martial arts, such as Huo Qiu Shui's crossing the river and Hua Jianlei's falling.

This has a unique attack power among all types of canonization.

Unless it is interrupted, once locked, there is only one outcome.

Seeing this, Bai Yu thought that the situation was getting a bit tricky.

If he had mastered the art of crossing the river before, he could have fought directly, but time was running out and he had not yet mastered the essence of this sword. Currently, he had only grasped the basics... and apart from the Ten Thousand Demons Spear Forest, he had no other attack methods at the saint level.

But this Xiangliu Spear can ignore defense.

This enemy has a very bad compatibility with him.

This is obviously not a coincidence.

The plan set up by Tai Sui was designed specifically for the white elm.

The previous battle at Phoenix Terrace exposed Bai Yu’s combat capability, which is why the Gun-Eating Ghost specifically targeted him… The opponent must have taken the variables into account, believing that this old guy would definitely kill him.

Therefore, if you want to break the impasse, you must reveal some cards that others don’t know about.

What Baiyu lacks the least is moves, feel the exciting combination skills!

Mirror world.

"What exactly do you need me to do?" Tao Rusu asked cautiously, "Can I give you a back and leg massage?"

"Do you think I'm an old woman?" Ziweixing shook her head: "I'm only in my early fifties this year, and I'm still a virgin. Can you call me sister?"

"Sister Taishu..."

"Hey~ Since you call me sister, just listen to me." Ziweixing patted Tao Rusu's head, looked at her tearful expression, thought for a while, and patiently explained: "The reason why I came here is not because Dijiexing secretly informed on me, but because I found some clues... In Baiyujing's current situation, there must be someone secretly fanning the flames. If he doesn't take action, it's fine. Since he has laid out the plan, there must be clues. What I need is for you to cooperate with me... to put on a good show and lure him out."

Tao Rusu blinked her eyes: "What do you mean? Do I have such a big role? I seem to be just a bystander..."

"Do you really think that your escape to Phoenix Terrace was a coincidence? Or do you think that Liushang Jun and Xiling Wang who came to capture you during the battle of Phoenix Terrace were just passing by?" Ziweixing sneered: "It was all part of the plan."

"You are the daughter of Tyrant Zhen Shifang, and you have a close relationship with Bai Yujing. Who wouldn't know this? Because of these two relationships, you can't get away on your own initiative."

"If the person behind the scenes is really plotting something behind the scenes, then the assassin who came this time must have been pushed here by someone."

Tao Rusu calmed down, looked at the scene outside the mirror and asked, "Even if there really is an assassin, he is just a scapegoat. How can we find the one behind the scenes? Since the other party is hiding behind the scenes, it is impossible for him to leave such clear clues. He must be very vigilant."

"Every trace of a person's passing must be left behind." Ziweixing's smile was very different from his tall appearance, and he was very intellectual: "It depends on how important you are... If I bring your body to Baiyujing, I wonder if it will be able to kill three birds with one stone?"

"Do I need to play dead?"

"No need." Ziweixing tapped Tao Rusu's forehead: "You just need to untie the restraints on yourself, and the rest is up to you. If you really encounter a life-and-death situation, don't panic, I will help."

"Imprisonment? I have this thing on me?"

"It seems that you don't realize... This should be left by Zhen Shifang." Ziweixing pondered: "I can help you open it appropriately, and release your potential as much as possible without hurting yourself."

"Okay." Tao Rusu agreed immediately.

There is no choice anyway.

Now that you're in the game, it's better to be of use than to be cannon fodder.

I hope this big sister is reliable.

By the way, what on earth did that bastard Zhen Shifang leave inside my body?
Tao Rusu muttered inwardly, and then heard the sound of chains being torn apart in her body. In just a moment...

"I'm in the late fourth stage." She looked incredulous.

I thought I had grown fast enough in the past year, but in the end I was still suppressed in the level?

Jiangnan Province, on the top of a famous mountain.

In the misty clouds, under a pine tree, two people were sitting cross-legged on a cushion, facing each other.

The atmosphere was not harmonious, and the two sides were not friendly. On the Go board, the black and white pieces were like two dragons and snakes strangling each other.

"It's already started."

The Tai Sui projection, which was composed entirely of a wisp of breath, said: "This time, many people will die, oh, canonization."

"In the past few months."

"The battles between the canonizations have continued, and the conflicts have become more acute than ever. Half of the top ten and the ten most vicious have been forced to get involved. Some are recovering from their injuries, while others are missing..."

"It seems that those are all outposts for the current final situation. In order to prevent more manpower from being freed up, you have exhausted the energy of many chess pieces in advance."

"In that case, this situation was carefully arranged."

The Taoist priest in a white robe said, "Just to enjoy the scene of blood flowing like a river?"

"The saint fell, and the blood flowed across the land... That scene was very beautiful."

Tai Sui's projection played with the chess pieces: "Perhaps you will be one of them."

"By you?"

"Don't be in a hurry. The game is still going on. I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry... You must sit here and can't go anywhere. After all, I have found you an opponent who is strong enough. Even if you go down the mountain to buy a cup of milk tea, you may be too late at any time. You must sit on the top of the orthodox mountain gate of the Dao Sect to be able to travel around the world and see the vast ocean."

The contemporary Taoist master Zhang Tianshi said coldly: "You know too much."

"I know a lot. Living a long life has its advantages. By the way, your opponent is..."

The projection smiled and said, "Rahu."

He threw the black piece onto the chessboard. "The first of the Ten Evils made a move. The third best in the world, Honglu Monk, could not survive a single move. How long can you, the second best in the Ten, hold out? I am very curious."

"You are not qualified enough to order Luohou around." Taoist master said coldly.

"He is an evil star. He will run to wherever there are enemies. He does not need to be ordered around. He will navigate and search for enemies by himself. Anyone who tries to stop him will become dead under Luohou's arrows." The projection laughed loudly: "That madman is indeed a good sword, no, a good bow."

"If you start a fire, you will get burned."

"It doesn't matter. When the time comes, those of you who deserve to die will die, and those who deserve to die will die. I will stand on top of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood and dance to welcome the return of our noble emperor."

Tai Sui's projection sighed: "I really took great pains to make her abandon those vulgar tastes and boring human nature."


"Don't understand? It doesn't matter. After all, there are things that even Miu Tianji can't understand. People's minds are unpredictable. How can everything go according to your wishes? I didn't expect that she would change so much. I have to find a way to make her change back."

The Tai Sui projection first sighed in disappointment, then opened his mouth and his smile became exaggerated.

"It's very simple. The premise of giving despair is to give hope first."

"If you don't have it, how can you feel heartache when you lose it?"

He jumped up and danced.

"I will throw Bai Yujing's body in front of her and let her watch him being crushed into pulp with her own eyes. Only then will she realize..."

"This world..."

"There is absolutely no place for her!"

(End of this chapter)

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