Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees.

Chapter 833: Weeping Blood, Bodhisattva's Bones

Chapter 833: Baili weeps in blood, Bodhisattva's bones appear
Let’s get back to the aerial battlefield.

The noise from a canonization-level confrontation was too loud to be concealed.

Even though Bai Yu has dragged the battlefield to high altitude, the aftermath of the battle will continue to bombard the surface.

A sparsely populated area does not mean a completely deserted area. Even in the old city, there are pedestrians and guests. Most of them look up, and although they cannot see what is happening a thousand meters above, they can witness the impact of the surging power fluctuations with their own eyes.

The way of martial arts is unique to Daxia, and the path to becoming a saint is the path of hegemony, and one is called the Martial Saint.

In places like India, this kind of saint is specifically called the God of Destruction.

Wen has no first, Wu has no second.

The title of the best in the world has existed since the emergence of martial arts.

Since then, countless people have been vying for this reputation.

Most of the titles of Martial Saint are related to it.

The Sword Saint is the best swordsman in the world; the Sword Saint is the best swordsman in the world...a simple and clear classification.

Because it is limited to the canonization level, it also greatly reduces the occurrence of bloodshed due to masters at the grandmaster level competing for the title of the best in the world.

Although the best in the world sounds nice, the second, third, fourth, fifth XX... don't sound so domineering.

The people of Daxia are not sensitive to the competition for the top spot because of the launch of the top ten and top ten lists, as well as the Jiaoyang and Haoyue genius systems, which have invisibly diluted the intensity of the competition for the top spot.

In today's era, the former Ten Best Martial Arts Masters have become just a subsidiary title.

It can be seen from the titles of Martial Saints - Huo Qiu Shui, who became famous two hundred years ago, was given the title of Sword Saint, but the contemporary leader Hua Jianlei is given the title of Flower Saint. The titles of the other two saints in the Martial Saint Pavilion, Yan Wuji and Yin Jiusheng, are Flame Saint and Shadow Saint respectively.

But few people know or mention it... Yan Wuji is the strongest man of his time, with unparalleled physique and infinite internal energy; Yin Jiusheng is the hidden man of his time, appearing and disappearing mysteriously, and unpredictable.

The Daxia government intentionally or unintentionally reduced its attention to the Ten Martial Arts Champions. No one paid attention to it anymore, and naturally it disappeared into history as a part of tradition.

In this era, the only one who still clings to this name is probably the old guy Gu Ming.

Perhaps it was precisely because of the Gun-Eating Ghost's crazy behavior that made everyone realize that the title of Shi Kui was not a good thing.

In the past, the fight for this title would always lead to bloodshed. At the fastest time, the title would be changed once a month. Each change of title would bring about a chain of hatred, laying the groundwork for revenge drama ten or twenty years later.

In comparison, the title of the Ten Best was canonized, and then a list of the Ten Strongest and Ten Worst was launched, followed by the implementation of the Tianjiao List, and then the Shenwu Division built a Hero Building to satisfy the desire of masters from all over the place to make a name for themselves... After this set of smooth operations, the Ten Best has almost become a forgotten title.

What is worrying is not the scarcity of wealth but the inequality of wealth...Everyone knows that the number one position in the world belongs to someone who has been canonized, so naturally no one would think of seeking death.

The vacant position among the current top ten martial arts masters has not even been filled.

Especially the titles of Sword Champion and Spear Champion, which were among the top three of the Ten Martial Saints, had not been inherited by anyone for more than a hundred years.

On the one hand, it was because the up-and-coming talents in spearmanship had been killed to extinction in the pursuit of fame; on the other hand, it was because the title of swordsman was too controversial, and in the past hundred and eighty years, no one had been able to be crowned a saint in the way of the sword.

Chen Bunen might have had a chance to become a martial saint by using his spear skills, but he eventually gave up on this path and embarked on the long ladder of seeking the truth. He turned around and joined the military to become a military saint, and ruthlessly stood up the Martial Saint Pavilion.


This is an era of decline of martial arts.

Martial arts need objects to hone their skills and cannot lack strong opponents, but the canonization of the Hegemony route is completely focused on the route of killing, so the generally recognized best way has always been to raise Gu in the martial arts world.

In an era when the martial arts world was unprecedentedly prosperous, generations of new heroes emerged and heroes appeared one after another. It was certainly possible to cultivate generations of martial saints by raising Gu, but when the modern social order was established, this barbaric way of growth would no longer work.

No one wants to be the old wave that is beaten to death, so they will resist the rise of the younger generation, and even take the initiative to kill the younger generation to extinction. There have always been only a few open-minded people who can cherish talents, and those who climb to the top step by step on the edge of a knife may look romantic and have extraordinary demeanor in their every move, but no one knows whether they are hiding a pool of viciousness in their stomachs. However, they have definitely buried countless corpses and bones.

The Gun-Eating Ghost is the King of Gu who was raised by a group of Gu. As a man of the underworld, he does not believe in the modern way of thinking and logic.

Making him give up everything he had worked so hard to obtain would be more painful than killing him.

It took him so many years to reach the position of the spear leader. Even if someone wants to replace him, they have to wait a hundred years.

When a person gradually reaches the top, he no longer knows how to go further, but starts thinking about how to keep what he has already obtained.

Gu Ming gradually lost himself day by day, like a dwarf with dragon disease, like Gollum whose mind was bewitched by the Lord of the Rings.

During the more than two hundred years, he did not repent at all, but became even more distorted, which even affected his sanity and distorted his way.

Tao is the foundation of canonization.

Regardless of the kingly way, the way of seeking the way, or the way of hegemony... the way itself is the essence of canonization, and a martial saint with a twisted mind naturally cannot give birth to any magnificent martial arts.

Its external manifestation is the unparalleled skills displayed for the sake of fame.

This move has been completely distorted and is far from its original appearance.

What appears behind Gu Ming is a distorted shadow of a Buddha statue.

Because Gu Ming lived in a temple before he was fifteen, he became a martial monk at the age of eleven, strengthened his muscles and bones, and acquired impressive martial arts. Later, he committed murder and was expelled from Buddhism, embarking on the road of wandering the world. His roots were in Buddhism, and the spear skills he learned after returning to nature were completely derived from the Arhat stick method of Buddhism.

The name of this peerless martial art was originally named "Weituo's Angry Eyes".

Its principle is very clear and understandable. It starts with a glare of intimidation, and then delivers a devastating blow from a great height.

When performing the martial arts, the displayed martial arts were also manifested by the shadow of the guardian Bodhisattva Weituo, proving that he was once a disciple of Buddhism.

But any unique skill has the possibility of being cracked, and this one of his moves requires a long period of charging and stacking when used.

Before Wei Tuo can release a powerful blow, he needs to accumulate anger continuously, which gives others the possibility to crack his moves.

Before he went crazy because of losing the position of Gun Leader, he thought of countless ways to make up for his shortcomings, but he was never able to fill this gap.

Once his weakness in spearmanship is seen through, it is only a matter of time before he is targeted and brought down. Even if he delays his failure through various means, he will still fail in the end.

So on the day he lost...

It rained heavily.

He knelt before the Buddha statue in his family's ancestral hall, thinking hard. Then there was a flash of lightning and he raised his spear and pierced the Buddha's smiling face.

He became a gun-eater in pursuit of fame.

And in the long hundred years, his self-esteem was wiped out, his martial arts were distorted, and the "Wetuo's Wrathful Eyes" was transformed into what it is today...

The Buddha statue behind Gu Ming had completely distorted its appearance and turned into a sitting skeleton with its robes torn. Dark red evil spirit and blood continuously overflowed from the skeleton's body, and the blood turned into black poisonous snakes. Bright red venom that seemed to be real dripped from their mouths and drilled out of the skeleton's eye sockets, holding a dry eyeball in its mouth, like a demon king crawling out of a sea of ​​blood.

The devil and the Buddha are in a moment of thought...if you put down the butcher knife, you will become a Buddha instantly. What if you pick up the butcher knife?
The visions displayed by the fallen and alienated martial arts master have proved the distortion of his mind, and even the Buddha has become a demon king.

However, the blackened form is three times stronger, and the demon form is ten times stronger. Wei Tuo's angry eyes turned into a white-bone bodhisattva... It no longer needs to continuously accumulate power to bless the guardian power, but the moment it attacks, the murderous aura soars into the sky and the blood is surging.

What supports it is the evil spirit and bloodiness that have accumulated over a long period of time, and the blood debts accumulated from killing countless people for the sake of fame.

If there really is karma in this world, then he would have to be a pig for hundreds of lifetimes to repay his karmic debt.

The gun-eating ghost licked his lips. He couldn't find any reason why he would lose.

He had already tried his best to deal with a junior like a lion fighting a rabbit.

Bai Yu was indeed a man of extraordinary talent, but unfortunately all his skills and information were revealed in his last hasty duel with King Xiling.

After confirming that he had no means of defending himself against Xiangliu Spear, Gu Ming threw out his trump card, like a gambler who couldn't wait to collect rice from the table.


The clouds for hundreds of miles were dyed bright red, the wind was whistling, and the cries of grief and blood were weeping.

The moment of life and death has arrived.

Bai Yu looked at the gun-eating hungry ghost with a calm expression.

Then he reached into the void with his right hand.

He drew out a pitch-black magic spear.

Three thousand magic spears merged, strength +3000.

This was completely within the Gun-Eating Ghost's expectations.

Of course he would be prepared for the shot that cost King Xiling half of his kidney.

However, this move has a fatal weakness, which is the distance limit of the attack. Once it hits, it can be the final blow, but the question is, can it hit?

The Xiangliu Spear is stronger than the Black Demon Spear, and the Gun-Eating Ghost is famous for his speed in spearmanship.

No matter how you compare it, white elm is completely at a disadvantage.

Even if Bai Yu was lucky enough to block the bullet, he would still be seriously injured - this was the difference in realm.

The overall situation has been decided.

The advantage is mine.

The gun-eating ghost sneered and was about to throw the unparalleled gun at the Bodhisattva who had reduced his bones to nothingness, but he saw that Bai Yu suddenly had another weapon in his hand.

It was a bow that was completely black.

He placed the Black Magic Spear on the bowstring, used the spear as an arrow, and drew the bow toward the full moon.


Several question marks floated in Gu Ming's head... Bai Yu actually knew archery, but this was not mentioned in the information given by Tai Sui.

But what if I know archery?

I really thought I could hit it!

Even the Black Evil Archer's Holy Falling Demon-Slaying Arrow can't kill me!
He was absolutely confident that even if the canonized archer drew his bow and arrow here, he would not be able to hit the target!
The reason why a unique skill is a unique skill is that once it is formed, there is no possibility of cracking it and it can only be blocked in advance.

As the gun-eating ghost smashed the weapon, he saw Bai Yu release the bowstring.

The two men almost unleashed an attack at the same time that determined both the winner and the loser's life.

Before Bai Yu released the bowstring, he spoke a word.


It is not a prediction, not a secret prayer, but a plain declaration.

So I won.

With a puff…

A ball of blood exploded on the gun-eating ghost's back.

The shadow of the White Bone Bodhisattva was pierced through the center of his eyebrows by the pitch-black magic spear, his bones cracked, and poisonous snakes hissed.

The unparalleled skill that had been formed was shut down and stopped.

Gu Ming widened his dim old eyes. He had not felt such intense pain for a long time, it went deep into his lungs.

Looking at the black magic gun that was embedded in his chest, his pupils dilated and then contracted.

He coughed up a mouthful of blood and staggered back.

I have absolutely no idea when this arrow hit the target.

Was I distracted?
No, absolutely impossible!

"You, what kind of evil methods did you use..." The gun-eating ghost roared in disgust.

Bai Yu rolled his eyes as he listened.

How dare you call me evil?

It's really funny.

He said calmly: "Even if I used some evil methods, why should I tell you?"

"You have been defeated."

"I'm even going to die soon."

"After holding the title of Gun Master for so many years, I still couldn't keep it."

"I told you not long ago that I would kill you. It wouldn't take long."

"Now, how do you feel?"

(End of this chapter)

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