Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 20 The Brother and Sister Who Didn't Come

Chapter 20 The Brother and Sister Who Didn't Come

Yu Wenhao then asked Professor Zheng, he said: "I am in the patient group, and some patients suggested that I have a child. Professor Zheng, what do you think?"

Professor Zheng looked at Yu Wenhao, and said, "You and Xiao Cao are still young, so this can be an option. Besides, the second child is also allowed now, and one more child is not harmful to you, as long as you are economically You can bear it."

"I want to ask, is this good for Qianqian?" Yu Wenhao asked.

"There will definitely be. There is a 20.00% probability between brothers and sisters. Their bone marrow and stem cells will be fully related. If they are used as donors, fully related relatives are the most ideal donors, which will be better than those without blood relatives. The full compatibility of the relationship, there is less rejection."

"20.00% five, so high?" Yu Wenhao asked.

Professor Zheng nodded.

Yu Wenhao decided almost immediately to have another child, for the sake of Qianqian. 20.00% five, that is to say, there is a [-]/[-] possibility that Qianqian will get a perfect match with her. Compared with the hundreds of millions of possibilities of finding from the bone marrow bank, this probability is even higher. Also too high.

"If Qianqian's younger brother or sister is completely compatible with Qianqian's blood, then Qianqian has a safe." Professor Zheng said.

Yu Wenhao asked, "How?"

"After fully matched bone marrow or stem cell transplantation, there is still a possibility of relapse. In case, I mean in case, in case of superficial relapse, a second reinfusion of stem cells is required, which is equivalent to finding a new donor. , if the donor is her younger brother or sister, you said, does that mean you have a safe by your side?"

Yu Wenhao nodded again and again, he felt that Professor Zheng's vault was very vivid.

Yu Wenhao went home and told Cao Fang what Professor Zheng told him about the new medicine, and Cao Fang was also very happy, asking, then, does our family have hope?
Yu Wenhao was right, and he then told Cao Fang about having another child.

Cao Fang looked at him and kept smiling.

Yu Wenhao asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's all good news anyway." Cao Fang said.

Yu Wenhao also laughed, and he said yes, it's all good news, and this is the way of heaven and earth.

"20.00% chance of five?" Cao Fang said, "If we can't do it, we can just have four. Isn't that a [-]% perfect match?"

Yu Wenhao couldn't help laughing out loud: "Is this how you calculate the probability? Four 20.00% five, that's [-]%? Thanks to you, you have worked in finance. Is your math really taught by a physical education teacher?"

Cao Fang was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses, looked at Yu Wenhao, and smiled grinningly.

After laughing, he stared blankly at Yu Wenhao, but without speaking, Yu Wenhao asked, "What's wrong?"

Cao Fang said: "I have to raise after birth. Do we have the conditions to raise two children now? Whether it is a younger brother or a younger sister, they are all my own. Now I see Qianqian suffering so much, and I feel very uncomfortable. If Watching him or her suffer along with me makes me feel even more uncomfortable."

"No." Yu Wenhao shook his head, "I've already thought about it. If the bone marrow and umbilical cord blood of my younger brother and sister are completely compatible with Qianqian after birth, Qianqian can undergo transplantation. After the transplantation, Qianqian If you become healthy, the follow-up medical expenses will be greatly reduced, and there will be no problem at all to raise another child, and they will not be wronged."

"However, that's only a quarter of the possibility, and there's still a three-quarters of the impossibility. What if they are born half-compatible?" Cao Fang asked.

"Even if that's the case, we still need to have another one. Even if it's for Qianqian's sake, if Qianqian, I mean in case, in case Qianqian's illness never recovers, it has always been like this, she also needs someone to take care of her After we leave, if there is a younger brother or younger sister who can take care of her, can we rest assured?"

Cao Fang thought for a while, and felt that Yu Wenhao was right, so she nodded.

Yu Wenhao sighed, and he said, "What I'm thinking is, if there is another one, it will be hard for you."

Cao Fang shook her head: "Don't be afraid, hard work is nothing, as long as Qian Qian is good, it's nothing for me to work harder. Besides, as long as our whole family can be together, no matter how hard it is, there is nothing to be afraid of. It's not that I haven't suffered , don't be afraid."

Based on the current financial situation of the two of them, it is unthinkable to hire a confinement wife or a nanny for another child, and they can't afford it.

Even Yu Wenhao, he can’t stop his part-time online car-hailing business. At most, he can only stop for a while when Cao Fang is giving birth or confinement, and take care of Cao Fang. The rest of the time, he can only rely on Cao Fang. Not only to take care of Qianqian, but also to take care of the child.

For Yu Wenhao's car, the scrapping period is displayed there, which can be said to be counted in days. If he stops driving for a few months, it is equivalent to losing a few months.Moreover, without his income from online car-hailing, they would definitely be unable to make ends meet if they had to raise a child.

Cao Fang's parents had long since passed away, Yu Wenhao's parents were in Yongcheng, his mother was in poor health and retired from illness to rest at home, his father had not yet retired.It's hard enough for a man to go to work and take care of his mother.

Fortunately, the income of the two of them is not bad. Although his mother has retired from Xinhua Bookstore, she has a career and her income is not low. They will subsidize them every month to say hello to them.

But if you want them to help take care of the children, it is definitely not expected.

"Give birth." Cao Fang and Yu Wenhao said, "Even if you are born with a bad match, you will not feel so lonely if you have a younger brother or sister at home by Qianqian's company. Don't you still worry about her time?" Will you be autistic if you grow up?"

Say hello to Say hello, we are born.

The two decided to have a second child, and in the next time, they will seize all the time and opportunities to work hard, hoping that Qianqian's brother or sister can come to this world as soon as possible.It's a pity that the two of them have worked hard for more than a year, and Cao Fang's stomach is still quiet until now.

After the two of them finished their work, they were still awake and did not feel sleepy. Although they knew it was getting late and had to go to sleep, especially Yu Wenhao, who would get up and leave the car in a while, but they couldn't sleep because they couldn't sleep.The two snuggled together, Cao Fang and Yu Wenhao said:
"Tell me."

"What?" Yu Wenhao asked.

"What you said earlier."

When Yu Wenhao remembered, he told Cao Fang about the things he couldn't find in the morning, and then told her about meeting Jiang Yihe in the evening.Cao Fang sighed after hearing this, and she said:

"It's not worrying, look at this, especially this Jiang Yihe, the little girl is so pitiful, you have to help her. These two little girls should be very happy according to logic, but the result is still like this No matter how much money your parents have, what's the use of it? They still have to panic, hey, let me ask you."

"What?" Yu Wenhao asked.

"Tell me, if you had a choice, would you like Qianqian to be like this, or like that Jiang Yihe?" Cao Fang asked.

"I don't want to, I just hope that Qianqian can be healthy and healthy." Yu Wenhao said, "If I really had to choose, I would prefer Qianqian to be like Xiao Jiang. This way Qianqian will at least not suffer from so many diseases. At worst, I follow her every day and urge her to do things, which is better than watching her roll on the bed, and I have nothing to do."

Cao Fang sighed, and she said, "Yes, me too."

(End of this chapter)

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