Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 211 Waiting for New Students

Chapter 211 Waiting for New Students
Qianqian has settled here and will enter the warehouse the day after tomorrow, and Xiao Huang will notify Yunnan to make them ready as well.

Qianqian entered the warehouse ten days in advance for pretreatment before the transplant operation. Through high-dose chemotherapy and radiotherapy, her hematopoietic system and immune system were destroyed, and the tumor cells in her body were also eliminated. This process is called myeloablative.

The purpose of myeloablation is to prevent old and new hematopoietic stem cells from interfering with each other. More figuratively speaking, it is to allow old stem cells to make room for new stem cells. Only when the old house is demolished can a new house be built on the original site.

A bone marrow transplant, or more precisely, a hematopoietic stem cell transplant.According to the source of stem cells, there are three types: one is to extract bone marrow rich in hematopoietic stem cells from the donor's ilium with a fine needle; the second is to collect peripheral blood stem cells; the third is to collect umbilical cord blood stem cells.Today's hematopoietic stem cell transplantation basically uses peripheral blood stem cells.

Volunteers, that is, donors, need to be admitted to a designated hospital in Kunming three or four days in advance, injected with hematopoietic stem cell mobilization agents, and then separate and collect peripheral blood stem cells. The stem cells collected are placed in a special low-temperature storage box, and relevant personnel from the Kunming Red Cross Society fly to Hangzhou for transplantation into Qianqian's body.

Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang left Professor Zheng's office. They walked and looked at each other, smiling from ear to ear. They entered the elevator, looked at each other, and couldn't help but still laugh.

Cao Fang reached out and touched Yu Wenhao's panda's eyes, and Yu Wenhao giggled. He thought of it and said, "It happened like this by luck."

Cao Fang couldn't help laughing, and she said, "Then you have another big luck here, so that it will be symmetrical."

The two got into the car, Cao Fang kept sending WeChat messages with her mobile phone, Yu Wenhao asked, "What are you doing?"

Cao Fang giggled: "Such a great news, of course I want to announce it to the world."

Yu Wenhao laughed, and he said, "You can also send one to Sansan. He called me yesterday and said that he couldn't find a suitable match for Qianqian in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. He was very frustrated, but he did not expect to find it today."

"Just send it to him alone?" Cao Fang said, "Stay aside, I'll open it. I'm done. You cronies, post it yourself."

Yu Wenhao pulled over and stopped the car, and the two changed seats. Yu Wenhao didn't bother to send WeChat anymore, so he called Sansan directly, and Sansan immediately yelled:

"Great! I finally found it! Hey, let me tell you, I'll cover all the expenses for this operation. You and me are polite. It's not for you, it's for Qianqian. What's wrong with uncle paying for her surgery?"

"Fuck you, when did you become an uncle?!" Yu Wenhao cursed.

Sansan laughed loudly: "Okay, then uncle, uncle can also sponsor her for surgery."

"Thank you, thank you, I told you earlier, we have already prepared the money." Yu Wenhao said.

Sansan yelled: "Hey, I think you are really hey, you..."

Yu Wenhao hung up the phone before he finished speaking. Cao Fang looked at him and asked, "Can't you send Sansan money?"

Yu Wenhao nodded: "Yes, suffocate him to death!"

Cao Fang also laughed.

Yu Wenhao then called Ermao, Ermao was having a meeting in the conference room of the Bureau, and when he saw that it was Yu Wenhao's call, he quickly turned down the volume, lowered his head, lowered his voice and said to Yu Wenhao:
"Hey, I'm in a meeting, I'll get back to you later."

Yu Wenhao said: "It's okay, it's okay, I just want to let you know that Qianqian's matching type has been found, and I will enter the warehouse the day after tomorrow."

"That's great!"

Er Mao roared loudly, and everyone in the conference room was startled by him, even the director who was speaking was stunned, Er Mao hurriedly said to the director:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, hey... Oh, no, no, Director, I'm sorry, Director."

Yu Wenhao then called the widow, the widow laughed when he heard it, and said:
"That's great, hey, it's worth touching the milk to celebrate... Oh, I just went to make the herbal medicine in the morning and said it will be sent to you in the evening."

"Keep it for yourself, keep it to protect your baby." Yu Wenhao laughed and hung up the phone.

Yu Wenhao finally called Qiqi, and when Qiqi heard it, she shouted that it was too good, she should be with Zhan Wei, and Yu Wenhao heard her say:
"Dip the tip of the pen, don't look for it anymore, you've already found Qianqian's match!"

Yu Wenhao was taken aback for a moment, what was Zhan Wei looking for, she told him not to look for it?
Cao Fang drove the car to the gate of the community, and she said to Yu Wenhao, "Are you going to work? I will go to the office to ask for leave."

Yu Wenhao said: "I'll accompany you to find your boss, please be polite for such a long time."

Cao Fang said yes.

After Qianqian's transplant, her immunity is still very low, and she needs to stay in the warehouse for at least half a month. She can't leave the warehouse immediately. She has to wait for the stem cells to grow and prevent rejection. Cao Fang always plans to ask for a month's leave.

Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang said: "The property company has agreed here, let's talk to Lao Yao again."

Cao Fang nodded.

The two walked into the big office of the property company. The colleagues inside had already received news from Cao Fang in advance. When they saw the two of them arriving, they stood up with a smile and surrounded them. Two little girls even called out to Cao Fang:

"Sister Cao Fang, that's great!"

The boss of the real estate company also came out of his office when he heard the commotion outside, and walked over with a smile. He shook Yu Wenhao's hand and said:

"Congratulations, congratulations, brother!"

Yu Wenhao quickly say thank you!

Cao Fang told the boss that she wanted to ask for a month's leave, and the boss shouted: "Approve, approve, I will approve you now, there is no reason not to approve maternity leave."

Everyone present was stunned, why did they take maternity leave?Cao Fang said, "What maternity leave?"

"Aren't you on maternity leave?" The boss said, "Didn't Qianqian get a second life when she went in and out? Isn't she a newborn? Are you a mother of a newborn on maternity leave?"

Everyone laughed, and Yu Wenhao said: "A leader is a leader after all. The level of this statement is high. That's right. We Qianqian are newborns. When she is full moon, we will invite you all to drink."

Everyone cheered, and the boss said: "Okay, we must drink this wine!"

The two left the property company, and then went to the back of the community. Lao Yao and his wife, Jiang Yihe, Mengzhen and the others had also received news and were waiting for them.As soon as they entered, several people cheered. Jiang Yihe put her arms around Qianqian, and she giggled. She knew that she had found her match, so of course she was also very happy.

Cao Fang and Lao Yao talked about accompanying Qianqian into the warehouse. She said, "Let Yihe help me keep the usual accounts. She already has this ability. When the report is due at the end of the month, I can also do it in the ward and I will do it well."

Lao Yao said, these are small things, as long as Qianqian gets better.

Meng Zhen and Yu Wenhao said: "Brother, you don't need to leave the car tonight. Yihe and I will go shopping right away. Let's all celebrate tonight."

Yu Wenhao said hello.He told Lao Yao and his wife that you should go too.Both agreed.

 Thank you Tianyi Pavilion, Do not see the future but only remember the original intention, Broken Back Mountain for the reward!Thank you windinwing, the monthly ticket that hits the nail on the head!Thanks for all the votes and reading!I wish everyone good health!

(End of this chapter)

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