Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 212 Bald Head

Chapter 212 Bald Head
Tomorrow, Cao Fang and Qianqian will enter the warehouse, Yu Wenhao decided not to drive tonight, but to accompany them well.After dinner, he still had an important task, to help Cao Fang and Qianqian cut their hair, and shave their heads bald.

Yesterday afternoon, Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang consulted Professor Zheng, and Professor Zheng said that medically speaking, there is no requirement to shave the hair, but I would recommend it.Cutting off the hair, firstly, can avoid infection and is easy to clean up. For Qianqian, the pretreatment before reinfusion is a large dose of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, which itself will cause a lot of hair loss.

"A large amount of hair loss will cause stress and fear in people's hearts. It is better to cut it off first, and there will be no hair to lose." Professor Zheng told them.

After hearing Professor Zheng's words, Cao Fang immediately decided to shave her head and enter the warehouse to accompany Qianqian.When she heard that there was a possibility of infection, she couldn't accept it in her heart. She felt that they had to be careful, even if there was a one in ten thousand possibility, they had to avoid it.

Cutting off the hair, two bald heads, apart from being ugly, is beneficial and harmless to Qianqian, why don't they do it?
Cao Fang and Yu Wenhao said: "This bald head must be cut off."

Yu Wenhao said yes, "I also want to see your new look."

Cao Fang rolled his eyes at him, and Yu Wenhao laughed.

Before leaving get off work, Yu Wenhao went to the office building.On the first floor of the office building, there is a barber shop, which is run by the trade union.The printing workers in the first workshop and the drivers delivering newspapers in the logistics center always complain that they have to work long night shifts and sleep during the day, so they don’t even have time to get a haircut.

The trade union simply set up such a barber shop. The chairman of the trade union, Lao Xu, sits in the town. Every Tuesday and Friday, from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] pm, he personally cuts everyone's hair.

Old Xu is a demobilized soldier, and his haircut skills were learned in the army.He always said that the best time to do political and ideological work is when you give soldiers a haircut. People are very relaxed when they get a haircut. No matter how boring you tell them, they will listen to them.

"The hair is short, and the truth is understood." This is Lao Xu's catchphrase.

Today is not Tuesday, nor is it Friday, and the barber shop is closed. When Yu Wenhao was eating in the cafeteria at noon, he made an agreement with Lao Xu that he would borrow his clippers after get off work.

Mr. Qu and Lao Xu, many people in the unit knew that Qianqian had found a match, and they were all happy for Yu Wenhao. When Yu Wenhao arrived at the barber shop, Lao Xu reminded Yu Wenhao:
"Less than, the money raised by the trade union is still in the account. Great, it can finally be put to use."

He was kind, so he refused directly when he said hello, and he said yes, Chairman Xu, if I don't have enough money, I will definitely come to you.

Old Xu handed the charged hair clipper to Yu Wenhao, and said to him: "The battery has been fully charged, and there is no problem in shaving five heads in a row."

Yu Wenhao said thank you!

Old Xu was still worried, and asked, "Yu Yu, are you okay? If not, I'll help Xiaocao and Qianqianjian in the evening."

Yu Wenhao said: "Underestimate people, I was also a good player back then."

Yu Wenhao's words are not bragging. Back then, their F4's hair was all cut by Yu Wenhao, using manual clippers. They hated barbershops and couldn't always get the cool cut they wanted.

Shave your head, that's even more of a problem.

When Yu Wenhao returned home, Diandian had been picked up by Cao Fang and Qianqian, Meng Zhen and Jiang Yihe were also there.The table was full of dishes. Meng Zhen said that yesterday was a celebration banquet, and today is a farewell banquet. When Qianqian comes back from the hospital and we eat together again, Qianqian can carry her schoolbag and go to school with Diandian.

She giggled shallowly, yearning in her eyes.

Diandian's family used to live in Yuefu, Vientiane City, which is Shangcheng District. Baochuta Experimental School is in Xihu District, and she is not in Baoshi's school district.Baoshi is a key school in Hangzhou, and Diandian was able to go to Baoshi because of Diandian's mother, who has a good relationship with the wife of a leader of the District Education Bureau, and his wife helped.

Diandian's mother told Cao Fang that when Qianqian was discharged from the hospital, she would go to Tuotuo and let Qianqian go to Baoshi, so that Diandian and Qianqian would have companionship.

After dinner, everyone was about to start cutting their hair. Everyone went to the living room, and Yu Wenhao pushed the coffee table away.Jiang Yihe took a stack of newspapers, spread them out on the ground, and then placed a stool on the newspapers for Cao Fang to sit down, so that it would be convenient to clean up the cut hair.

Meng Zhen took a kitchen apron and helped Cao Fang put it on, but the neck was empty.Jiang Yihe looked at it and shouted, "Yes, yes."

She ran away, took a disposable plastic tablecloth, cut it in two with scissors, wrapped half of the tablecloth around Cao Fang's neck, and tied it tightly so that the broken hair would not fall into the clothes.

Everything was ready, it was Yu Wenhao's turn to go on stage with the electric fader, Meng Zhen, Jiang Yihe and Dian Qianqian stood around to watch.

The electric clipper was humming, and Yu Wenhao started from the middle of Cao Fang's forehead, moving skillfully. The clipper penetrated into the middle of Cao Fang's hair like a plow.

After the plow passed, Cao Fang's head seemed to be cut open in the middle. Everyone exclaimed and looked at it again. It looked a little weird and couldn't help laughing.

Yu Wenhao nodded, and said to Cao Fang, "I didn't expect you to fall into my hands today."

"Go!" Cao Fang snorted, Meng Zhen and Jiang Yihe were already laughing up and down, and Diandian and Qianqian also giggled.

Cao Fang's face was reddened by their laughter, and when she blushed, her scalp became even more pale, turning blue, Cao Fang turned her head, Yu Wenhao patted her on the top of the head, and shouted:

"Don't move, if you move again, I will strike, and you will become such a long-haired monster."

"How dare you!" Cao Fang said.

"It's okay, it's okay, Sister Cao Fang, I've learned it too, he's going on strike, I'll cut it for you." Meng Zhen said beside him.

Yu Wenhao gave her a sideways glance: "You are a genius, you can tell at a glance."

"Of course, if you don't believe me, I'll cut your head bald for you too." Meng Zhen said.

Everyone was playing around like this, and Yu Wenhao continued to work with the fader in her hand, plowing over Cao Fang's head with the second and third strokes. The white part of Cao Fang's head became wider and wider, and her black hair fell all over the place. She was getting closer and closer to a bald head.

The others were still smiling, but the smile disappeared from Qianqian's face. She turned pale and became nervous, and reached out to hold Diandian's hand.

In just five or six minutes, the hair on the top of Cao Fang's head was removed, and she became a bald head. Jiang Yihe showed Cao Fang a mirror, and Cao Fang saw herself in the mirror, and burst out laughing:
"Oh my god, who is this? I don't even know him anymore!"

Meng Zhen raised his mobile phone and shouted: "Don't move, don't move, Sister Cao Fang, I'll take a picture for you as a souvenir."

Cao Fang sat there and made a face, and Meng Zhen pressed the shutter.

Cao Fang turned her head to Qianqian, she saw Qianqian's eyes wide open, staring at her with horror, Cao Fang's heart skipped a beat, she waved to Qianqian and said:

"Qianqian, come here, come here, come and see if mom looks good?"

Qianqian stared at the stranger in front of her, not daring to go over, Cao Fang stood up, reaching out to pull her, Qianqian suddenly burst into tears with a "wow".

(End of this chapter)

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