Chapter 230
Sansan and the others thought that they would not be able to get up anytime soon. Just after passing the intersection of the Outer Ring Expressway, on the Yan'an elevated highway, a motorcycle with flashing police lights cut in front of them. They were stopped by a traffic policeman, who said they were from other places Cars are now prohibited.

"Don't tell me, you haven't seen the warning signs all the way ahead, you just want to get away with it, right?"

The police reprimanded Sansan, then said that the car would be impounded and Sansan would be punished.

Xiao Zhong, a student of Professor Zheng, got out of the car and said to the traffic police: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we are indeed wrong, but we are going to the umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cell bank to collect umbilical cord blood, and the patient is still lying in our hospital. On the hospital bed, waiting for the transplant."

Seeing him wearing a white coat, the policeman asked, "Waiting for a transplant, are you in a hurry?"

Xiao Zhong said, "Yes, yes, it's urgent, it's life-saving."

"Where are you from?"

"Hangcheng, Zhejiang First Hospital."

The policeman nodded and asked, "Is it at the blood center on Hongqiao Road? No, when you arrive, they haven't left work yet?"

Xiao Zhong said yes, it is at the blood center, and it is indeed their off-duty time, but because we are in a hurry, they arranged for someone to wait for us.

The policeman said, "Get in the car and follow me."

As he spoke, he turned and walked to the front of the car, and got on the motorcycle.The police lights flashed, the siren blew, and the traffic police cleared the way for them. They took the Hongqiao Road exit and got off the elevated road smoothly. When they arrived at Hongqiao Road, they went straight for more than 800 meters and turned left, and they arrived at the Shanghai Blood Center. The cord blood stem cell bank is located in the blood center on the ninth floor.

The police got off the car at the gate, Sansan and Zhan Wei Xiaozhong hurriedly said thank you to him, thank you!
The policeman asked, "How long did it take you to go up?"

Xiao Zhong said, "Very quickly, ten minutes."

The policeman said, "I'll wait for you and take you out. It's not easy to leave the city during the evening rush hour."

The three quickly thanked again.

After eight o'clock and almost nine o'clock, the doctor and nurse came in. The nurse unbuttoned Qianqian's shirt and put the electrode patches of the ECG monitor on her. Yu Wenhao knew that this was Sansan and they were coming soon. Just earlier, Sansan sent him a voice message saying:
"Hey, we've already got off the highway."

When they came back, it was Zhan Wei who was driving, and Sansan was in charge of broadcasting the live broadcast along the way.

Yu Wenhao was relieved a little, she was safe at last, and even came back nearly an hour earlier than they expected.

The doctor and Yu Wenhao said: "Xiao Cao's place is almost healed, and it can almost be connected."

Sansan and their umbilical cord blood were delivered, and the nurse here first hung up the anti-rejection potion on Qianqian, and then hung up the umbilical cord blood suspension taken from the Shanghai Cord Blood Bank.

Yu Wenhao looked at Qianqian, who was lying there with a very calm expression. She opened her eyes and looked at the bag of red liquid above her head.Yu Wenhao held her hand, and her body temperature was normal.

Yu Wenhao's heart, along with the red liquid, dripped into Qianqian's body drop by drop, and began to calm down. No matter what, hematopoietic stem cells had already entered Qianqian's body, and Qianqian was no longer an empty marrow. Can be temporarily out of danger of life.

This small bag of red liquid had just been reinfused, and another large bag of hematopoietic stem cells collected from Cao Fang was also sent into the warehouse.The doctor also told Yu Wenhao good news, telling him that a sufficient number of hematopoietic stem cells had been separated and collected from Qianqian's mother's peripheral blood, and there was no need for a second collection.

Thank goodness, that is to say, when the large bag of red suspension is hanged, the whole reinfusion process is over.

Yu Wenhao hurriedly said, "Thank you, thank you!"

The doctor smiled and said, "Thank me for anything, thank you, Qianqian's mother."

Looking at the bag of hematopoietic stem cells, he said with some emotion, "Mom Qianqian, this is giving Qianqian a second life."

"Qianqian, do you think so?" the doctor asked Qianqian, who nodded.

The bag of hematopoietic stem cells hadn't been reinfused yet, Cao Fang had already been sterilized, and walked in. Professor Zheng came in with her.

Yu Wen was taken aback, and asked Cao Fang, "Why don't you rest for a while, what are you doing here?"

Before Cao Fang said anything, Professor Zheng said, "Don't say she can't lie down, we can't even pull her back. We must come and see."

Cao Fang walked to Qianqian's bed, held Qianqian's hand, and asked, "Qianqian, how are you?"

Qianqian nodded and said, "Thank you, Mom!"

Both Cao Fang and Yu Wenhao laughed.

Cao Fang and Yu Wenhao said: "When you go back, I will still be here and continue to accompany Qianqian."

Yu Wenhao said, "Let me accompany her from now on, you should rest well."

"How can you accompany your workshop, can you leave you for such a long time? I have already asked for leave here." Cao Fang insisted, "Besides, I am familiar with everything in the warehouse and I am used to it. restart."

Professor Zheng said on the side: "Younger, let Xiao Cao accompany you. Xiao Cao is fine and can withstand it. Don't spend all your energy here and do your own thing well. Here, except Xiao Cao Cao and our doctors and nurses, as well as relying on Qianqian yourself, you can't do anything."

Professor Zheng's words have multiple meanings. First, he knows that in the warehouse, Qianqian needs to wipe and change clothes every day. A child as big as Qianqian already has a sense of shame. Although Yu Wenhao is his father, but He is also a man, which is not so convenient for Qianqian.

The second is that he knows that Yu Wenhao and their family are the main force making money. This time Qianqian went from entering the warehouse to exiting the warehouse. The result was not satisfactory, but the money was spent, and most of their family savings should be used. about there.

The treatment and recovery of leukemia is a long-term process, that is, after leaving the warehouse, Qianqian still needs to take various anti-rejection drugs and drugs to treat rejection reactions in other organs of the body.

These drugs are expensive, and many of them are at their own expense. It can be said that there are still a lot of expenses in the later stage.In medicine, five years is a cycle. Only when there is no recurrence within five years, or no severe rejection that causes damage to other organs in the body, can the patient be considered cured.

This is still the best situation. If during this process, there is a recurrence, or a strong rejection reaction, or because of the rejection, the various symptoms that appear cannot be alleviated, then you must enter the warehouse again for a second transplant. The cost required is greater.

Half of the patients supported by the second generation of Jiang Yihe's factory needed a second transplant, and the patients' families had already been emptied.

Professor Zheng knew that Yu Wenhao and Cao Fang would easily refuse to accept donations, so there was no other way. Yu Wenhao needed to continue to make money and save money.

Here, Professor Zheng is the authority, Cao Fang and Yu Wenhao, if the two of them can't decide, Professor Zheng will help them decide, and that's it.

Professor Zheng and Cao Fang said that in the next two days, Qianqian should be fine, and mouth ulcers and vomiting will continue, but these are the side effects of the previous high-dose chemotherapy drugs. Don't worry, it will be relieved day by day.

"The real rejection should be after four or five days. You have to be mentally prepared, but don't be afraid. These rejections are not fatal. Our soldiers will cover them up, okay?"

Cao Fang said yes, I see, thank you Teacher Zheng.

Professor Zheng turned his head, smiled and said to Qianqian: "Qianqian, don't forget, we still have a bubble blowing competition."

Qianqian looked at Professor Zheng and nodded.

 Thank you Baby Tin Soldier and Xinghai Bookworm 1977 for their rewards!Thank you zippozyj, Zhutu Luzhi, RedGlasses, Xinghai Bookworm 1977, Book Friends 20170808104018018, Book Friends 20190808105748931 for the monthly tickets!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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