Chapter 231
Life seemed to be back before Qianqian's transplant. Every morning, Yu Wenhao got up and made breakfast, then sent Diandian to school, and then went to the hospital to deliver breakfast to Cao Fang and Qianqian.At noon, Meng Zhen cooked, and Jiang Yihe went to deliver Chinese food to Cao Fang and Qianqian. In the evening, Yu Wenhao went home directly after get off work. After dinner, he and Meng Zhen went to deliver dinner to Cao Fang and Qianqian.

Yu Wenhao's parents have gone back to Yongcheng. His father can't get away from school and is leading the graduation class.His mother wanted to stay, but his father was worried that if his mother stayed here, besides taking care of Cao Fang and Qianqian, Yu Wenhao might also worry that his mother would fall down at any time, and take care of his mother.

Besides, what can his mother do by staying here?

Yu Wenhao's mother was a Shaoxing opera actress in her early years. She was high-spirited and reckless, always overestimating her abilities.It is obviously thanks to Yu Wenhao's father who has been taking care of her by the side, leaving her father, she can hardly take care of herself.She also felt that she was omnipotent, because her father was fortunate to have her, and felt that if she stayed here, she could become the pillar of the family.

Yu asked his father and son how to talk, and persuaded his mother to go back to Yongcheng.After sending them to the high-speed rail station, Yu Wenhao let out a long breath.

Life seemed to be back before Qianqian's transplant, but it didn't. Yu Wenhao knew it very well in her heart. Meng Zhen, Jiang Yihe and Qiqi Zhanwei, the people who saw him every day and were with him also knew it very well.

They found that Yu Wenhao, who used to be a bit talkative, hardly spoke much now, and his brows were always frowning.

They knew what was going on, and Meng Zhen said, brother, everything will be fine.Qiqi said, brother, you want to open up a little bit.Jiang Yihe said, brother Yu, and us, we will always be here, don't worry.

Yu Wenhao said thank you, thank you, but the knot between her eyebrows still couldn't be untied.

Compared with before Qianqian's transplant, Yu Wenhao has lost the most important thing, that is hope.

At that time, although he was also very busy, his heart was full of hope, as long as he thought that after the transplant, Qianqian would be able to bounce around and go to school like other children.He can go to Qianqian's parents' meeting, and when the teacher calls Qianqian's father, he will feel unspeakably happy and will not feel tired.

Now, Yu Wenhao feels tired every day, every moment, even every morning, when he just opened his eyes, he feels very tired. This kind of tiredness is not physical, but the kind of tiredness that is physically and mentally exhausted.

He felt that he was struggling and exhausted every day.When he was at work, he was still walking around in the workshop, and others called him Director Yu. He still talked to people in a calm tone, and he still joked with people.When Mr. Qu or others saw him and asked him how Qianqian was doing, he always smiled and said thank you, and he recovered well.

When Yu Wenhao is doing this every day, he feels that he is split and has two selves.When one Yu Wenhao was walking around like this, laughing and chatting, and seemed normal, the other Yu Wenhao was always there, hunched over, with a gloomy face, motionless.This one he is indifferent to the other Yu Wenhao, he is like this every day.

This is Yu Yu who has no hope.

Yu Wenhao had no hope, what was left was the fear of the future. He found too many cases of rejection or recurrence after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation on the Internet. The scenes were shocking. Yu Wenhao was very sad and distressed.He felt sorry for Qianqian, after experiencing the same huge disappointment, and going through these things, it would really be worse than death.

After experiencing repeated regrets from volunteers and feeling like a roller coaster as Sansan said, Yu Wenhao can be said to have been knocked down and went to another extreme, thinking about the bad instead of the good.He felt that it was impossible for anything good to happen to them and Qianqian.

Such Yu Wenhao, how could his body not be stooped, how could it be stretched out, how could it be possible not to keep a gloomy face all the time.

After hope is disillusioned, it is not nothing but despair.

Yu Wenhao went to deliver meals every day, and talked to Cao Fang through the glass, and Cao Fang also talked to him about everything in the warehouse in as relaxed a tone as possible without complaining.Their family is now a whole, struggling together, without complaining to each other.But in Cao Fang's eyebrows, Yu Wenhao also found that kind of exhaustion, physical and mental exhaustion.

The two of them didn't say anything, but they could feel each other, they knew that they had to hold on, for the sake of Qianqian.

When Yu Wenhao was driving a car and walking on the street, the city was full of lights, but Yu Wenhao saw them all in black and white.He understands Zhan Wei very well now, knowing that he picked him up at the gate of the Honghui Hospital that night, when he was wandering aimlessly in this colorful city, in Zhan Wei's eyes, this city was also black and white.

"I want to have another blow with you, even though it's a different time and space."

He and Qianqian are still in the same time and space, luckier than Zhan Wei, he can still look at Qianqian, hug Qianqian, and even kiss his cheek when Qianqian leaves the warehouse.But the cities and streets in Yu Wenhao's eyes are already black and white, there is no way.

Driving through the city, he felt a little wronged, and sometimes he even suddenly wanted to pull over the car on the side of the road and cry for a while.


He felt that he was careful, tried not to hurt others, and tried hard to be a good person.He knows that the world is crowded, but he doesn't expect a lot. He doesn't want to cover mountains and seas, and he doesn't want to point out the country. He just leans sideways and tries to survive in the cracks of this society. He feels that he has done his duty. .

In terms of luxury, he only has one, and that is, like most families in this city, to have a healthy child. Is this too much?
I have restrained myself so much and lived in such a humble way, why did I become a fool?I live in a crack, and it still makes me breathless?Why do you treat me like this?
Yu Wenhao was confused and felt a little useless.

An order came in, and Yu Wenhao took it. The customer was at the gate of the Orange Hotel on Fengqi Road, Yu Wenhao drove past, and when he arrived at the gate of the Orange Hotel, he didn't see anyone.

Yu Wenhao called, a man answered, Yu Wenhao said I'm here, where are you?

The other party asked, "Where have you been?"

Yu Wenhao said, "At the entrance of the Orange Hotel, didn't you place the order at the Orange Hotel?"

"Oh, that's right, but I'm across the street now, and I'll come over to buy something."

"Okay, then come here, I'll wait for you." Yu Wenhao said, "Hurry up, please?"

"Why did I go there, did I make a mistake? In such hot weather, you still want me to cross a road? You come here, just opposite the hotel, I saw you, did you see me?" the other party said.

Yu Wenhao crossed the isolation belt in the middle of the road, and saw a man standing at the door of the small supermarket opposite, about his age, with a vest bag in his left hand and a mobile phone in his right hand, it should be him.

Yu Wenhao said: "I saw you, but there is a barrier in the middle, people can pass, but I can't drive..."

Before he finished speaking, the other party interrupted him: "Then you go ahead and turn around, and come pick me up again."

Yu Wenhao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he said, "Brother, no U-turns are allowed at the intersections ahead. If I want to turn to your side, I can only go to Zhonghe Road ahead, turn left or right and then go around..."

"I'm from out of town. It's useless for you to tell me these things. If you tell me to turn around, just turn around."

Yu Wenhao was a little annoyed, but he tried his best to suppress it: "Okay, let me tell you this, brother, I have to go ahead and make a U-turn, and it will take at least 10 minutes to come back. You can walk back to the hotel entrance, and ten seconds will be enough." , work hard, okay?"

The other party was silent on the phone.

Yu Wenhao shook his head: "Or, you just wait, wait for me for another 10 minutes?"

"Okay, I'll walk back, it's so fucking long-winded." The other party said.

Yu Wenhao watched as the other party left the entrance of the small supermarket, crossed the road along the pedestrian crossing, and got up taller, stepping on the gap left by the median, then crossed the road here, walked to the side of the car, He opened the door and sat in the back of the car.

As soon as the man got into the back seat of the car, he started cursing:
"Damn it, you made me sweat all over. Aren't you a service worker? Why don't you serve me well? There are other things like this, why are you so proud driving a broken car, you didn't come to pick me up , I want Lao Tzu to come and find you!"

"Are you going to sit or not? If you don't sit, get out." Yu Wenhao mumbled.

The other party was taken aback, then punched Yu Wenhao on the back of the seat, looked at Yu Wenhao and asked, "What do you mean, believe it or not, I will complain to you immediately?"

Yu Wenhao couldn't bear it anymore, he turned around and roared at this guy:

"You complain, complain immediately, if you don't complain, you're not a fucking human being. You complain that I refused to board, and hit you, yes, I'll wait, wait for you to finish the complaint call, we will go down, make a good call One fight, if I don’t beat you to the ground today, I’m not human!”

The other party's face was pale, and he froze there. After a while, he muttered: "You drivers in Hangzhou, why are you like this?"

Yu Wenhao shouted: "I am me, and it has nothing to do with Hangcheng. Get out of here, and I won't drag you down today! Do you hear me, get out of here! If you don't get out, believe it or not, I'll drag you down!" "

As Yu Wenhao said, he unbuckled his seat belt and opened the door to get out of the car. When the man saw this, he got out of the car quickly. By the time Yu Wenhao got out of the car, he had already walked into the hotel lobby.

Yu Haowen sat back in the car, still annoyed, he didn't start the car right away.After a while, the order was canceled by that guy. He waited, waiting for the call from customer service to inform him that a customer complained to him, and he would be deducted service points.But after waiting for a while, that guy went upstairs, and he was no longer seen in the hotel lobby, and the customer service call did not come in.

That guy still didn't complain about Yu Wenhao, he looked at Yu Wenhao's appearance, and worried in his heart, if he complained, this vicious man might rush into the hotel to find him and beat him up severely.

 Thank you Tianyi Pavilion for your reward!Thank you for the monthly tickets of Fengxuebiantian, Xiajiucunren, Tianyun 13, icemoon, and book friends 20200518193409192!Thanks for all the votes and reading!I wish everyone good health!

(End of this chapter)

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