Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 234 Black and Red

Chapter 234 Black and Red

People are very strange. When you foresee that the worst situation may happen, but it doesn't happen, you will breathe a sigh of relief and comfort yourself, it's okay.Because the worst didn't happen, everything else seemed bearable.

After hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, the most worrying thing is recurrence, and the recurrence rate after transplantation is very high.When Qianqian had a high fever and vomited continuously, and red spots appeared on her skin, Cao Fang's first reaction was to be frightened, worried that Qianqian might relapse.

Doctors and nurses have experience and know that the recurrence will not be so fast. They can understand the symptoms without bone piercing. This is not a recurrence, but a normal rejection reaction after transplantation.When Cao Fang heard that it was not a relapse, a stone in her heart fell to the ground, thinking that if it was just a rejection reaction, it would be acceptable no matter what.

People's patience, in fact, becomes stronger when you lower your expectations step by step.Otherwise, when Cao Fang looked wet, like Qianqian being fished out of the water, she would be in so much pain that she couldn't stand it anymore.

Qianqian still has a high fever every day, but she seems to have begun to adapt to her high fever, no longer in a coma all day long, but sometimes awake and sometimes comatose.Probably because she had been lying there for too long, when she was awake, Qianqian asked to sit up, Cao Fang and A Lian quickly rocked the bed.

Sometimes Qianqian even asked to watch cartoons, but within a few minutes of watching, her head turned to one side, or she fell into a coma or fell asleep.

Taking antibiotics every day, the red dots on my body did not decrease, but became more, and they began to turn into patches of red spots, and the color became darker and darker, from bright red to deep red, and then to purple.

Qianqian's face began to turn black, getting darker day by day, and the speed of darkening was very fast. Cao Fang felt as if she had been working in the ward for a while, and when she turned around, she saw that Qianqian was even darker than before.

Cao Fang was frightened and asked the doctor. The doctor told her that this was a side effect of the antibiotic "polymyxin" injection. In a few months, it will come back in vain.

Cao Fang breathed a sigh of relief. She felt that no matter what symptoms appeared, as long as there were explanations and answers, it meant that the doctors had seen them before, and they knew how to deal with them, so she could rest assured.Since it will come back to white in a few months, let's make it blacker.

It's just that the blackness is really scary. In just a few days, Qianqian's face looks like a black man.Cao Fang was afraid that Qianqian would see it by herself. She knew that if Qianqian saw herself like this, she would be frightened, cry, and even become a heavy mental burden for her.

Cao Fang secretly told Alian, don't let Qianqian see it by herself, she wants to be beautiful.

A-Lian understood. The two of them secretly hid the mirror. In the past, after washing Qianqian's face every day, they would take a picture of her with the mirror and let her see her own face. Now this link has been saved.

At the head of the bed in the ward, there is a mirror-finished stainless steel plate, which is equipped with lights, buttons and some instruments. When Qianqian sits up, she turns her head and can see her face from inside.

There are also bedside tables, also stainless steel.

Cao Fang got double-sided tape and A4 paper from the nurse, pasted the stainless steel plate and the bedside table with paper, and covered the bedside table with a layer of plastic film, saying that it was for easy cleaning, so that Qianqian would not see her own face off.

Although Qianqian felt that their behavior was a bit strange, but her own head was almost burned off, so she didn't care much about it.

The doctors and nurses cooperated very well. When they came in and out, although they saw Qianqian's face getting darker and darker, they all pretended not to see it.

Only one day, Professor Zheng brought his students to round the ward, and when they walked out of the shallow glass window, a student suddenly called out:
"Ms. Zheng, do we still receive patients from Africa?"

Professor Zheng kicked him, and he realized it, and shut up quickly.

Fortunately, through the distance and the glass, even Qianqian could hear it, but not very clearly.

Through the glass, Professor Zheng made a gesture with Cao Fang, which meant that he was sorry, this bastard student still needs to be taught well, since you will be a doctor in the future, the most taboo is to be surprised like this in front of patients.Don't you know that your words and deeds will bring joy and sorrow to patients and their families?When patients and their families look at doctors and nurses, they are really watching their words.

Apart from the face, Qianqian's body also started to turn black, just because her body was already covered with red spots, Qianqian herself felt ugly and unsightly, even when she sat up, she deliberately didn't look at her body, Compared with the darkening of the skin, it was the red spots that irritated her eyes more.

At the very beginning, Qianqian joked with Cao Fang: "Mom, look, have I turned into a zebra?"

When I saw it later, my face was full of sorrow.

The only thing that makes me happy is that the stubble of Qianqian's hair has not only stopped falling out, but new ones have grown out. Touching the top of Qianqian's head, the hair is a bit thorny.Cao Fang took Qianqian's hand and let her touch it herself, and she smiled slightly.

From then on, when Qianqian wakes up, the first thing she does is touch the top of her head, with a satisfied smile on her face, even though she still has a high fever.

Cao Fang knew that the fine stubble growing on the top of her head gave Qianqian confidence, letting her know that she was recovering and her parents did not lie to her. Soon, she would have long black hair that could be thrown around Tossed away.

The ulcers in the mouth began to lessen, and now Qianqian can drink some rice soup and egg custard.The erythema on the body is getting darker and darker, from purple red to dark brown.

Just when Cao Fang felt that everything was getting better in Qianqian, the skin on Qianqian's face began to peel off in small pieces, and when she woke up, it was like a pillow of sesame-like stubble. Pillow dander.After peeling off the skin, the face was still black.

The peeling area is getting bigger and bigger. Every time Cao Fang wakes up, she looks at Qianqian. On Qianqian's forehead and neck, there are white edges rolled up by dead skin.Cao Fang gently rubbed it with her hand, and a large piece of dead skin fell off. Cao Fang was startled, so she cleaned it up quickly, for she was afraid that Qianqian would see it when she woke up.

But within two days, there was nothing to hide. Qianqian not only started to lose skin on her face, but also her whole body. Those dark brown spots have now turned into pieces of dead skin, wrinkled like a deflated balloon skin. Sticking there, the nurse asked Cao Fang and A-Lian to carefully cut off the dead skin with scissors.

After the dead skin on the outside was cut off, the flesh inside was still black, not scarlet, and it didn't look that scary, but the flesh was very tender, and when touched, Qianqian would scream in pain.

But where it may not be touched, the area of ​​dead skin is getting bigger and bigger, it seems that Qianqian's whole person is like a snake, and when she reaches the moulting period, her outside is really wrapped in a skin that can be peeled off as a whole.

On the buttocks and the entire palm, the dead skin floated up. When Cao Fang and Alian carefully cut it off with scissors, the whole piece of dead skin was a complete buttocks and palm.Qianqian could only lie there and sleep, and could not sleep on her back. If she was on her back, the fresh flesh on her butt would stick to the sheets, causing heart-rending pains.

The nurse sent bottles of "comfrey oil" and asked Cao Fang and A Lian to apply "comfrey oil" all over their bodies three times a day.

Cao Fang and A Lian spread the red "comfrey oil" all over Qianqian's body like a wall. At this time, Qianqian changed from the original "African" to the black and rosy Indian "red". people".

 Thank you Xinghai Bookworm 1977, Doll Tin Soldier, and it was past three o'clock in the middle of the night, and the third reward from top to bottom!Thank you Actually, I really care about the monthly tickets of Teng Kaizhou, Gust of Wind, Li Xiaoyu and Gege, Yuehai Xiaozuo, Xianting Walking KM, Xu An, Shuyou 20221018195243179, Shuyou 20230429124307568!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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