Chapter 235 Fish

I continued to take the antibiotic "polymyxin" every day, and my light skin became darker and darker.I applied "comfrey oil" all over my body every day, several times a day, and the newly grown skin quickly turned into dead skin, and large pieces floated on the flesh.Cao Fang and A Lian continued to cut with scissors every day, and there was a lot of dead skin cut off every time.

That day A-Lian cut off the shallow dead skin, and blurted out: "It's a crime, it's going to shed a few layers of skin."

When Cao Fang heard this, she couldn't help it any longer, tears rolled down her eyes, Alian panicked, and quickly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mom Qianqian, I'm the one who talks too much."

Cao Fang shook her head, she said: "It's okay, it's okay, you're right, I also feel distressed, but we are Qianqian, look at how strong she is."

The two adults turned their heads to look at Qianqian as they talked. The eyes on Qianshen's dark face looked very big and bright. When Cao Fang and Alian cut her dead skin, she looked at them quietly, as if they were What she did has nothing to do with her.

A-Lian nodded: "Yes, this is the first time I've seen such an obedient and brave little girl here."

When they cut her dead skin, Qianqian really didn't hurt, just a little itchy.For her, the most uncomfortable thing is to cut off the dead skin, and when it touches the new flesh, it really hurts.Even when Cao Fang and A Lian used the small brush to gently brush the "comfrey oil" on the new skin, she felt a burst of heartache, thinking that at that time, she had better pass out, what? Do not know at all.

Qianqian gritted her teeth, not letting herself cry, she was the bravest child, how could she cry, but tears still couldn't help rolling down from her eyes.

No. 11 days after the transplant, the dead skin on my body seems to have faded away.Cao Fang took Qianqian's temperature with a thermometer, and the 39 degrees that had been welded to death were also broken through. When it reached 38 degrees, Cao Fang couldn't help but yelled:

Alian asked: "What's wrong?"

"The fever is starting to subside, it's 38 degrees five." Cao Fang said, shaking the thermometer in her hand.

A-Lian also laughed, and she also knew what this 38°[-] meant.

Cao Fang quickly pressed the button, and the nurse came in. Cao Fang told her, "38 degrees five, the shallow fever has subsided."

"It's really good." The nurse was also happy, and she said, "It seems that the stage of superficial skin rejection is about to pass."

Cao Fang nodded "hmm".

The nurse looked at Cao Fang, and said to her with a smile, "Mom Qianqian, do you want to tell you another news?"

"If you want, tell me quickly." Cao Fang was in a hurry. Seeing the nurse's expression, she knew it must be good news.

Sure enough, the nurse said: "The superficial new cells have grown."

"So fast?" Before Cao Fang could react, Alian called out from the side. She had worked in the warehouse for a long time, and she was very clear about when new cells would start to grow after the leukemia patients were transplanted.

"Really?" Cao Fang also realized, and called out.

The nurse nodded and said, "Indeed, Qianqian is fast."

For a patient in the warehouse after transplantation, the growth of new cells is a very important indicator, indicating that your body has begun to accept the transplanted hematopoietic stem cells, and they have begun to integrate.

If the growth of the new cells is stable, even if you have other rejection reactions, as long as it is not serious, the doctor will consider letting you out of the warehouse and transfer to other ordinary inpatient wards. After all, the daily cost of the warehouse varies by several Times, doctors must also consider the economic situation of the patient's family.

The adults were talking, and Qianqian was also listening. She was very happy to hear that her new cells had grown. Sitting there, she seemed to have gained more strength.

The nurse checked Qianqian and gave her an injection.After the nurse left, Cao Fang looked at Qianqian and couldn't help laughing, and Qianqian also laughed.

Cao Fang asked, "Say, what do you want to do?"

With a shallow smile: "I want to eat fish."

"What?" Cao Fang was taken aback, and asked again: "What do you want to do?"

"I want to eat fish, is that okay, mom?" Qianqian asked timidly.

Cao Fang laughed and said, "Haha, of course, come on, let's tell Aunt Meng Zhen."

Cao Fang picked up her mobile phone, opened the group, and sent a voice message in the group, saying, "Meng Zhen, Yihe, Qianqian wants to eat fish tonight, can I?"

When Meng Zhen and Jiang Yihe in the group heard this, their reactions were the same as Cao Fang's, and they all asked, "What, Sister Cao Fang, what did you say?"

Cao Fang repeated: "Qianqian wants to eat fish, can she ask?"

"That's great!" Jiang Yihe exclaimed, "What kind of fish does she want to eat? Oh, no need to ask, of course it's grouper, let's have a steamed grouper."

Qianqian wants to eat fish, but her diet needs to be light. Spicy and heavy oil can’t be eaten. The best choice is of course steamed.

Cao Fang said yes, then steam the grouper, thank you for your hard work, Meng Zhen and Yihe.

Meng Zhen smiled and said, "What's the hard work, I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

Jiang Yihe laughed, and she said, "I've already placed the order."

Several women were chattering in the group, and Yu Wenhao heard it, and he also sent several laughing emojis in the group.

At dinner, not only Yu Wenhao and Meng Zhen came, but also Jiang Yihe and Diandian. Cao Fang asked Jiang Yihe:
"Why are you here? Don't do your homework a little bit?"

Smiling little by little, Jiang Yihe said: "I can't control her anymore, she's turned her back on her, and she can't do it if she doesn't come. Today, I started doing my homework in the car on the way home from school, and now I'm almost done with my homework. In order to see Qianqian at night, can we not bring her?"

Several adults laughed.

Qianqian put her face close to the glass, reached out her hand to touch the glass lightly, as if touching Qianqian's face, she asked: "Does it hurt?"

Qianqian shook her head and said it didn't hurt.

Dian Dian continued to touch, and after a while, asked again: "Does it hurt?"

Qianqian still shook her head, saying it didn't hurt.

"If you are in pain, you must tell your sister, okay?" Diandian said seriously.

Qianqian nodded, and replied solemnly: "Okay, sister, I understand."

Yu Wenhao and they left, Cao Fang and Qianqian started to have dinner.Qianqian has a good appetite today. She ate half a fish in one sitting and wanted to eat more. Cao Fang refused to give her any food. She has not eaten for a long time. She relies on nutrient solution and juice every day. Cao Fang is afraid of her stomach. I can't get used to it all at once.

After dinner, Cao Fang wiped Qianqian's body and changed her clothes. She didn't need to wear salt water tonight. Qianqian seemed to be very energetic. Sitting on the bed, she still wanted to watch cartoons. Finished watching one episode of the cartoon.

Cao Fang looked at her from the sidelines, happy in her heart, and secretly thought that it was finally over. According to this trend, they will be able to leave the warehouse in a few days.

 Thank you Tianyi Pavilion for your reward!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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