Roaming in the dark night

Chapter 48 Beijing Beijing

Chapter 48 Beijing Beijing
"Brother Wang, how did you get into this business? I mean, I don't understand the money business. Do you call this money business?" Yu Wenhao asked.

"That's right, it's the money business. Although I say to the outside world that I'm in finance, I'm actually deceiving myself. Most of the finances are liars, cheating and abducting." Brother Wang said, "It's very easy for me to enter this business. Looking for funds, I am looking for funds, and people are also looking for people like me who lack funds, so this is just right.

"All people who are short of funds have one thing in common, that is, they are very anxious and like to dream. It is to draw a pie to deceive yourself and convince yourself that as long as the pie falls, all your problems will be solved. They Put all your hopes on this cake in the sky. This makes you very easy to deceive, and it's no wonder that the liar doesn't find you.

"At that time, someone came to me and said that he could help me introduce a large amount of capital. At that time, my company hadn't completely collapsed, and it was still barely holding on, struggling. I still had a little money, but what I needed was big money. Someone He told me that he could help me introduce funds, and of course I believed it. At that time, I was not in touch with this industry. I didn’t know that the water was so deep.

"I went to Beijing with someone and stayed at the Sunworld Dynasty Hotel in Wangfujing. After staying there, a middleman came and had dinner with us, and then told me to take me to see the capital side the next day. He also told me that according to the current project situation of our company, there is no problem in finding funds in Beijing, which made me so excited that I didn't sleep well that night.

"The next day, we got into the car at the entrance of the hotel. It was also an online car-hailing car like you. When I got in the car, I felt something was wrong. How can we talk about [-] million yuan of funds? The funder doesn't even have a car. Called a taxi. In the car, I thought, probably because the financial side was arrogant, and there were many people looking for them. In their eyes, someone like me was just a small guy, so I comforted myself like this.

"The car went around the financial street first, and I got excited again. Seeing such a large bank building outside, I feel that Beijing is really full of gold. [-] million, what is it here? I really came to the right place.

"The car turned seven times and eight times, and turned into an alley. The houses on both sides were dilapidated. You couldn't believe it for a while. It turns out that behind those tall buildings, Beijing still hides such a dilapidated place. It is really a secret place. corner.

"The car stopped at the entrance of a small four-story hotel. We got out of the car and walked into the hotel. On the first floor of the hotel, there was a coffee shop that didn't look like a coffee shop, and a teahouse that didn't look like a teahouse. There were four or five tables. There are quite a lot of people, every table is full of people, and we can only sit down on a set of tattered sofas in the lobby before we have a turn.

"When I got here, my heart became cold, and I thought, what kind of funds will there be in this ghost place. Looking at those tables, they are all talking about the business of funds, hundreds of millions and billions. It's unreliable, there are still people signing letters of intent, interest discount commitments, if you close your eyes, you would think that you have come to some bank's headquarters building, or Wall Street.

"When I heard that I was leaving, Mr. Qi seemed a little nervous. He stopped squinting at me, but kept complaining about the middleman, saying how he did things. He made an appointment to have dinner with President Mao at noon. You also I know, President Mao doesn't see people easily, how can I explain this.

"Then I'll wait a little longer, whether it's a human or a ghost, I'll talk about it when I see it."

Brother Wang laughed: "You must not see it. Once you see it, you will be finished. How many people are caught in it, and you can't pull it out, ruining your own good life. You are dreaming all day long, dreaming of getting rich overnight. An empty dream. Well, Xiao Yu, let me tell you, it can be regarded as a warning to the world, so that you will not be fooled when you meet such a person in the future."

"Here is another old man with a clear nose. He probably got frozen on the road while riding a bicycle. He claims to be from the Bank Supervisor. Haha, they are trying to show you that they are real guys. The more you think about it To prove something, the more flaws there are, the more suspicious it becomes.

"In the end, instead of leading us to the bank, he went to a small restaurant next door, entered a box, and said that he had made an appointment with President Mao to meet here. When I saw it, I felt something was wrong. I have dealt with the president of the bank, which president would eat in such a bad place? I am going to leave.

"Yes, it's all knowledge. I haven't seen this industry before." Yu Wenhao said.

"When I heard that, I almost laughed out loud. I thought to myself, you can't even get [-], [-], which is a small bill. When we were sitting there, there were people in the hotel all the time. Up and down, it's all bosses and bosses, talking about capital business, I feel that the hotel is full of people like this.

"When it was almost noon, Mr. Qi said let's go. He said that he had an appointment with President Mao to have dinner with him, just next to him. I thought, if I go to the bank for dinner, at least the president will still be there." Come on. Let's stand up and follow him out.

"The guy asked me, why, stop talking? I said, do you still want to talk? If you want to talk, you go down and wait to pay the bill. I didn't see these guys. They didn't even have lunch. If you can't cheat anything Now, it’s okay to cheat for a lunch. That guy suddenly realized.”
"Haha, I really guessed right. Later I found out that there are many small hotels like this in Beijing. The people living in them are all these people who talk big books and daydream. There must be tens of thousands of people. It's all about finance and attracting capital.

"I took that guy outside the store, and there happened to be an empty taxi passing by. I stopped, opened the door, and let the guy get in the car. Before the guy came to his senses, I pushed him in, and I I got into the car and told the driver to go to the Sunworld Dynasty Hotel.

"President Qi probably felt something, and immediately explained that President Mao is not a native of Beijing. This restaurant was opened by one of his fellow villagers. President Mao likes to eat the hometown food here. This explanation is still reasonable, plus Just at this time, President Mao called and said that he had come out of the bank and was almost here.

"But then, people came in again and again. An old man, the sleeves of his down jacket were all shiny, holding a crumpled file bag. He said he was the retired director of the People's Bank of China. The file was dangling in front of my eyes, and I could tell at a glance that the header of the file was typed by a printing shop. As for the content of the file, you can download it from the website of the People’s Bank of China.

"Okay, thank you, Brother Wang."

"I stood up and told the middleman, since Mr. Qi thinks our list is too small and not worth doing, then we don't bother, let's go.

"The intermediary turned to me and begged me. If it was not possible, then I would talk to President Mao at noon. He also said that Mr. Qi was right. Anyone who works in their business knows that President Mao has a lot of airs and is easy to disappear. .I thought about it and agreed. Since I have come here, I still want to meet the president of the bank. Let's meet again.

"A man came down from upstairs. The intermediary introduced him as Mr. Qi. He spoke with a northwestern accent, had yellow teeth, and had a haughty attitude. He squinted at people. The intermediary introduced him and said that we need [-] It was [-] million, and he just slammed it like this, and said, for such a small order, the intermediary fee is not much, so it is not worth doing.

"You still want to listen to such a boring thing?"

"President Mao started to order, and people came in one after another, and the boxes were filled up quickly. I saw this posture, patted the guy who went with me from Hangzhou, and then told President Mao that the family Just sent a message, let's discuss some family matters. President Mao nodded.

At this point, Brother Wang picked up a bottle of Nongfu Spring, took a sip, screwed the cap on, looked at Yu and said hello, and asked:

"Then let me go on and talk about my first experience in Beijing." Brother Wang said, "After waiting for more than ten minutes, President Mao arrived. To be honest, this President Mao really looks a bit like the president. He looks fair and clean, and speaks in a gentle manner. He wears a black woolen overcoat, and when he speaks, he looks like that.

 Thank you Tianyi Pavilion and Xinghai Bookworm 1977 for your rewards!Thank you Zhu Douding, book friend 20220414174621875, book friend 33021212350609, book friend 20190308002238837 for the monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good afternoon everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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