Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 1092 Pretending to be Stupid 2 More

Chapter 1092 Pretend to be stupid
"Go! Give it all to me!"

Huang Mingxian yelled at the men in gray, then took out his cell phone and made a video call.

"Mr. Luo, a group of people are coming from my side. See if there are any people you are waiting for. They are very powerful. Hurry up and bring someone to support them."

On the other end of the video call, a shaggy man appeared, and he gestured to Huang Mingxian.

"Hurry up, you leave the video idle for them, I'll see if they are right!"

Huang Mingxian got the order and immediately pointed the phone at Qin Feng, Baihu and the others.

Seeing Qin Feng and Bai Hu, the shaggy man immediately gritted his teeth and said, "It's them, just wait, we'll go there now."

The video call was hung up immediately, and Huang Mingxian heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the shaggy man talking.

Although Re Qin Feng and the others looked formidable, he believed that when the disheveled men came over, they would definitely be able to take down Qin Feng and Bai Hu.

However, seeing Baihu and his group's astonishing attack, he was instantly shocked.

And he found that Qin Feng was actually walking towards him.

These gray-clothed men are all desperate to get the bounty, but being willing to work hard does not mean that they are willing to die.

Because Baihu and the others shot too fast and fiercely, they knocked down a large group of people in one fell swoop, and the rest of the gray-clothed men who hadn't had time to step forward to make a move all flinched and didn't dare to make a move.

"Don't come here!"

Huang Mingxian saw Qin Feng approaching, and immediately shouted at Qin Feng.

He also saw Qin Feng's attack just now. Now that no one is dealing with Baihu and the others, even if he can deal with Qin Feng, he cannot deal with Baihu and the others.

Of course, he didn't know what Qin Feng's strength was, and he was just a team leader working here, thinking that with a group of people, he could deal with Qin Feng and Baihu with steel pipes.

"Who did you call just now?"

Qin Feng stood three meters away from Huang Mingxian, and said in a cold voice.

"Who what? What are you talking about?"

Huang Mingxian naturally didn't want to tell Qin Feng the other party's information, so he just pretended to be stupid.

Qin Feng sneered, swung his right hand, and threw two silver needles towards Huang Mingxian.

Before Huang Mingxian could see clearly, he suddenly felt pain in his legs. When he looked down, he found that his legs had been hit by two silver needles, and he couldn't move his legs.

"what did you do to me?"

"I don't understand what you said!"

Qin Feng chuckled, turned around and looked towards the gate of the warehouse compound.

The Gong family brothers had already seen more than half of the gray-clothed men at the gate of the warehouse compound down.

But there were still a group of gray-clothed men standing inside, obviously the other party didn't intend to let the Gong family brothers in.

Qin Feng waved to the Gong family brothers, signaling them to back out first.

After all, it is easy to charge, but if they are angered by the collision, they will hurt Chen Yuanyu instead, so Qin Feng is not in a hurry.

What's more, he heard Huang Mingxian calling for someone just now, so he wanted to see who would come here.

For a moment, the two sides were in such a stalemate, and no one made a move.

"You are weak!"

Huang Mingxian fell to the ground, he found that he had been hit by silver needles in both legs, he immediately pulled them out, and then angrily spat at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng ignored Huang Mingxian, but turned his head to look at the black car.

Because there are Shi Qimeng and others protecting the black car, the men in gray clothes can't get close to the black car, and Yuan Zihan and the others are fine.

They thought they could easily take down these women, but the gray-clothed men didn't expect Shi Qimeng and others to be so powerful.

"Brother Xian, save me..."

The short-cut man who was standing next to Huang Mingxian before was already lying on the ground, and he was stabbed several times.

Although it was not fatal, the injury was serious, so he quickly waved to Huang Mingxian.

Huang Mingxian looked at the short-cut man and frowned. He couldn't do anything now, what would he do to save the short-cut man?
So Huang Mingxian directly chose to ignore the short-cut man.

Now he only hoped that Mr. Luo would quickly bring someone over to knock Qin Feng and the others down.


Someone shouted.

Huang Mingxian turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw a large number of cars driving towards this side.

"Hahaha! Mr. Luo is here, you are dead!"

"Mr. Luo?"

Qin Feng frowned. He didn't know Mr. Luo, but he knew that Mr. Luo should know him, otherwise Huang Mingxian's cell phone video just now wouldn't be directed at him and Bai Hu.

"Hmph! Hun Dan, you dare to fly a needle at me, right? Let me tell you, when Mr. Luo comes, you will be in trouble. He is a master, and you guys will not be his opponent."

Huang Mingxian said arrogantly.

Qin Feng smiled faintly, and watched a large number of cars stop, especially a few large trucks. Before the cars could stop, a group of gray-clothed men jumped off immediately.

And a big black Benz came up, and a brawny man with a short cut came out, with a very burly figure and a mustache on his face.

When he got out of the car, he glanced sharply at Qin Feng's side, and seeing that Qin Feng was indeed the person in the video, he immediately became happy.

"Mr. Luo!"

Huang Mingxian hastily walked towards the burly man with a tight head.

And this brawny guy with a cut head was called Luo Zhiqiang. He glanced at Huang Mingxian, but did not respond to Huang Mingxian immediately, but stared at Qin Feng.

"Who are you?"

Qin Feng asked coldly, he was sure that he really didn't know Luo Zhiqiang, but he could feel that Luo Zhiqiang had a very strong murderous aura.

Obviously, this Luo Zhiqiang was obviously coming to kill him.

"I'm the one who came to kill you! Today we set up a net, and your people are already entangled by us in the abandoned parking lot. There are also people in ambush on the nearby roads, and no one will come to support you."

The corners of Luo Zhiqiang's mouth curled up, he sneered, and then gestured to the man in gray he had brought over.

The gray-clothed men waved their sharp knives and rushed towards Qin Feng and Bai Hu aggressively.

"court death!"

The white tiger scolded angrily, and immediately rushed towards the men in gray with the strong men in white.

(End of this chapter)

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