Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 1093 Flying in the Sky 3 More

Chapter 1093 Flying Three Watches in the Sky
All of a sudden, the two groups of people fought together, and the sound of sword strikes resounded through the area instantly.

Qin Feng still stood at the original position, staring at Luo Zhiqiang coldly, without saying a word.

Huang Mingxian heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Luo Zhiqiang's men make a move, and looked at Qin Feng with contempt. He felt that Qin Feng was going to die this time.

Because he saw that Baihu and the others only used daggers, while Luo Zhiqiang's men used sharp knives, he thought Luo Zhiqiang's men should be more powerful.

Luo Zhiqiang's group of people is indeed powerful, it is not at all the random swings of the men in gray clothes before, but the moves are swift, violent, pungent and vicious.

"Mr. Luo, they still have women!"

Huang Mingxian quickly reminded Luo Zhiqiang, and pointed to the black car over there.


When Luo Zhiqiang heard it, his face immediately became happy, and he turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw a woman in the black RV!
"There should be someone in their car, otherwise, these women wouldn't have been guarding the black RV."

Huang Mingxian continued to prompt.

"Since that's the case, you take someone over there and snatch the woman away from me."

Luo Zhiqiang laughed, and gestured to Huang Mingxian.

Huang Mingxian got the order, and immediately led his people to detour over there.

Now that Qin Feng and Bai Hu were surrounded in the middle of the avenue, he believed that Qin Feng and Bai Hu would surely die. If he could take down those women, he would be happy today.

You can collect money and women at the same time, this kind of advantage is not taken for nothing!

Qin Feng listened to the conversation between the two and watched Huang Mingxian go away, but he still stood there motionless, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him.

"If you surrender now, I can let you die happily!"

Luo Zhiqiang looked at Qin Feng's indifferent look, and then laughed jokingly.

"I surrender? Don't you really think I'm the only one?"

Qin Feng sneered.

"Aren't you the kind of person? Don't you think someone will come to support you? Don't think about it, you have nowhere to go."

Luo Zhiqiang snorted lightly.

He had people block all the intersections, even if someone came over, he could only run here on foot, but by the time someone came over, he should have taken Baihu and the others by his side.

"Nowhere to go? Then I can't fly in the sky?"

Qin Feng sneered.

"Flying in the sky?"

Luo Zhiqiang looked disdainful. If Cao Shirong said this, he might believe it, but Cao Shirong is not here, can Qin Feng invite a helicopter?
However, after a while, Luo Zhiqiang was dumbfounded, because a row of helicopters flew towards him.

Countless burly men in black uniforms flew low with the helicopter, and jumped out of the helicopter, one, two, three... Luo Zhiqiang's heart trembled when he saw it.

Is this Qin Feng calling for support?

"Maintain the Western Xinjiang camp, rescue relatives and children..."

On a helicopter, a radio sound rang out, and this sound also resounded throughout the Detai industrial area.

"God, what's going on? Why are you so human?"

"It's so spectacular! I didn't hear wrong just now, I was talking about the Western Border Battle Group? Could it be someone from the border of the Western Border?"

"It doesn't look like it's from Xijiang. This should be our helicopter, right?"

The employees in the industrial area came out one after another, pointing at these helicopters and marveling.

"Is that the person you called?"

Luo Zhiqiang glared at Qin Feng and asked sharply.

"You blocked the way for me, so naturally I have to let them fly over from the sky."

Qin Feng sneered, then waved his right hand and made a gesture.

"Our support is here!"

Baihu glanced at Qin Feng's hand gesture, then roared sharply.

The burly men in white got the order, and then sped up their shots, hitting the men in gray faster and more powerfully.

The momentum of the gray-clothed men dropped sharply in an instant, and they found that the white-clothed strong men's shots were amazing, and their strength was much stronger than them, and a large number of black military-suited strong men approached from the periphery, and they were even more flustered.

"Everyone, don't panic! Even if they have someone to support them, we can still kill them. With my blood here, they all must die!"

Luo Zhiqiang yelled at the men in gray.

When the men in gray clothes heard Luo Zhiqiang's words, they regained their confidence in an instant, swung their sharp knives again, and fiercely met Baihu and the others.

And because Bai Hu and the others dispersed suddenly, Qin Feng's side was also free.

Dozens of gray-clothed men swung sharp knives and slashed at Qin Feng.

Luo Zhiqiang also waved his sharp knife and walked towards Qin Feng with a ferocious expression.

Qin Feng waved his palms, while dodging, he kept knocking away the gray-clothed man who was rushing towards him.

The four gray-clothed men were immediately sent flying by Qin Feng, which shocked the expressions of the other gray-clothed men, because Qin Feng fought with bare hands and did not use any weapons at all.


Shi Qimeng suddenly exclaimed, making everyone's faces stiff.

Qin Feng turned his head to look, but saw someone smashed a window of the black caravan. He couldn't help frowning, and was about to walk towards the black caravan.

"Want to go?"

Luo Zhiqiang rushed over, shouted sharply, and slashed at Qin Feng's back with a sharp knife.

Qin Feng hurriedly dodged to the right, but Luo Zhiqiang still swung his sharp knife towards him.

"Qin Feng! Take your life!"

Luo Zhiqiang roared, and moved towards Qin Feng's deadly point. He thought he could easily take Qin Feng down.

But soon he found that he couldn't keep up with Qin Feng's rhythm at all, and he couldn't even touch the corner of Qin Feng's clothes.

"Impossible! How could this be? Who are you?"

Since his debut, he didn't know how many people he had killed. If Qin Feng was just an ordinary son-in-law, then there was no way he couldn't kill Qin Feng.

"What do you think I will confess to a dead man?"

Qin Feng said with a sneer, and suddenly swung his right hand, hitting Luo Zhiqiang's left shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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