Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 12 Daughter Missing

Chapter 12 Daughter Missing
However, when Team Leader Takeda was rushing towards him, there was a sudden sound of a car, which made Team Leader Takeda stop involuntarily.

"Ba Ge, there is still someone coming?"

Two black off-road vehicles drove towards this side at high speed.

The people in the car were four of Qin Feng's guards.

Although the four guards were forbidden by Qin Feng to approach and follow them, they were not too far away from Qin Feng, and they also found a large number of cars coming in this direction.

So after Suzaku answered the call, Suzaku and the other three guards rushed over here immediately.

Before approaching, the four guards followed the lights of the headlights and street lights in front of the warehouse compound. They saw that Team Leader Wutian was going to attack Qin Feng, so they dared not stop the car, and almost stepped on the accelerator to move towards Wutian. The team leader bumped away.

Team leader Takeda quickly moved away, and the black off-road vehicle driven by Qinglong crashed into a wall, but both Qinglong and Suzaku jumped out of the car when they hit the wall.

After the emergency stop, Baihu and Xuanwu got out of the car and rushed towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng had already fainted, and he couldn't kneel steadily, and then his body went limp, and he fell to the ground.

And all around him were corpses.

Baihu and Xuanwu supported Qin Feng up nervously, one breathed his breath, and the other checked his body and heartbeat.

Suzaku rushed towards Qin Feng with a pretty face in horror.

However, Qinglong swung out a Mitsubishi army thorn, and stabbed towards the leader of Takeda without saying a word.

"Who are you?"

Team leader Takeda saw that Qinglong was not weak, so he hurriedly asked in a trembling voice.

Unfortunately, in Qinglong's eyes, he was already a dead person, so Qinglong would not reply to a dead person's words.

And now he is furious, no matter who the leader of Takeda is, if he dares to attack and kill Qin Feng, he is courting death.

Team leader Takeda was shocked to see Qinglong's amazing attack, but he didn't dare to sit still, and swung the Taidao, slashing at Qinglong fiercely.

"Shadow Slash!"

With a yell, Team Leader Takeda moved left and right, and swung the sword in his hand towards Qinglong quickly. Ordinary people could only see the shadow of the sword shining in front of him.

But Qinglong was unmoved, and swung the Mitsubishi Army Thorn, rushing forward with force, and kept hitting Team Leader Takeda.

"Impossible. When did Xia Guo have such a powerful master?"

Team Leader Takeda was shocked. He didn't expect Qinglong to be able to break his Shadowless Slash, which made him feel very frustrated.

Suzaku rushed to Qin Feng's side, quickly glanced at the white powder on the corpse next to him, and his eyes darkened instantly.

"These white powders are poisonous, and Mr. Dai must be sent for treatment immediately."

After speaking, Suzaku immediately took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Doctor Jiang, something happened to Mr., you come to Beituo District immediately, we will take Mr. to Dongfang Hotel in Beituo District now."

While talking on the phone, while walking towards a black SUV, Suzaku started the car with trembling hands.

Baihu and Xuanwu carried Qin Feng to the back seat of the off-road vehicle.

Suzaku said with a pretty face trembling: "Xuanwu, you stay with Qinglong to figure out what's going on here."

When Xuanwu heard this, he nodded quickly, but instead of helping Qinglong, he walked towards the warehouse compound.

Suzaku started the car nervously, then asked Bai Hu to support Qin Feng, and immediately drove the car away.

Team leader Takeda saw Qin Feng being taken away, he was very annoyed, and yelled at the off-road vehicle: "You can't take him away!"

If Qin Feng doesn't die, their East Sang Kingdom will not be able to compare with Xia Kingdom in the future. Besides, I heard that Xia Kingdom has recently released a number one Warlord, who is very powerful.

But when he saw Qinglong's murderous appearance, he knew that his biggest enemy was Qinglong.

Qinglong was not polite at all, his attacks were fast and ruthless, every move was murderous, and he was aiming at the fatal hits on Team Leader Takeda everywhere.

Team leader Takeda was able to fight dozens of moves at first, but after fifty moves, he found that his strength could not keep up with Qinglong's.

Qinglong seized an opening in Team Leader Takeda, and the Mitsubishi Army stabbed sharply.

In the blink of an eye, the army stabbed a big hole in Team Leader Takeda's right abdomen, and blood spurted out instantly.

"You..." Team Leader Takeda was terrified. He wanted to swing the Taidao horizontally, but just as he swung the Taidao, it was cut in two by Qu Qinglong's army stab, and it fell out of his hand in an instant.

Qinglong withdrew his army thorn, but thrust it forward quickly.

Team leader Takeda couldn't dodge, his eyes widened as he watched the military thorn stab into his throat, and he froze instantly.

Qinglong withdrew his military stab again, clenched his fist with his left hand and hit Team Leader Takeda's heart with a heavy punch, and followed Team Leader Takeda towards a wall.

Then, he hit Team Leader Takeda against the wall, and even the wall collapsed.

As for Xuanwu, after rushing into the warehouse compound, he came out covered in blood.

Seeing Xuanwu, Qinglong waved his hand and gestured to Xuanwu, and then the two checked and searched the corpse on the ground.

Then the two got into the black SUV and left here together.

Because both of them are also very nervous about Qin Feng, and they don't know what Qin Feng's situation is now.

But they didn't know why Qin Feng came here, and they also forgot Yuan Zihan who came with Qin Feng.

Yuan Zihan ran all the way. She didn't know how many times she fell, but she didn't dare to stop. After falling, she immediately got up and continued to run.

She didn't hide on the side of the road until she was out of breath and really unable to run anymore.

Several motorcycles passed by in a row, but she didn't dare to show her head because she found that the owners of the motorcycles were all men.

After finally waiting for a tricycle, she found a middle-aged woman in the car, and rushed out to intercept the tricycle.

Then, Yuan Zihan took a tricycle to a small village near the highway.

Only then did Yuan Zihan think of calling the police, but when she took out her mobile phone, she found that her mobile phone had been damaged by water.

So Yuan Zihan borrowed a mobile phone from a middle-aged woman to make a call.

After several police officers came over, Yuan Zihan took them to the gate of the warehouse compound of Hongtai Warehouse.

However, when Yuan Zihan rushed over, the gate of the compound had already been cleaned, and there was not even a corpse.

Several police officers suspected that Yuan Zihan made a false alarm, educated Yuan Zihan, and all got into the car and left.

Yuan Zihan yelled, telling several police officers not to leave, looking crazy.

"I beg you! Brother Feng is still here, please don't leave."

But they still left, because in their view, there was nothing abnormal here, on the contrary, they felt that Yuan Zihan was more like a crazy woman.

What's more, half of Yuan Zihan's face was disfigured, and the whole person looked more like a monster. It was already midnight at this time, how dare they stay here.

Yuan Zihan watched the police officers leave, she roared a few times, and quickly turned to look for Qin Feng.

But unfortunately, the warehouse door was closed tightly, she couldn't get in, and the warehouse door was all cleaned up, there was no sign of Qin Feng at all.

"Impossible! Brother Feng is here, Brother Feng is obviously here, why is he missing?"

Yuan Zihan was very excited, she bit her arm and tried to calm herself down.

The middle-aged woman who accompanied Yuan Zihan saw Yuan Zihan's appearance, and hurriedly stepped forward to warn her: "Why don't you come and look for it tomorrow? According to what you said, I also think there is something strange here. Those people I can't smell it, but I feel that there is a clear smell of blood in here."

"Yes, yes, the smell of blood. There were a lot of people here just now, aunt, monitor, can you take me to find the monitor here?"

Only then did Yuan Zihan think about monitoring. This is the section of the industrial zone, and there are still monitoring systems installed on the road.

When the middle-aged aunt heard what Yuan Zihan said, she immediately nodded to Yuan Zihan, and then took Yuan Zihan to find a monitor.

After spending half an hour, Yuan Zihan entered a processing factory not too far from Hongtai's warehouse, and found the monitoring of this processing factory.

Then Yuan Zihan discovered that Suzaku's off-road vehicle had passed this section of road.

So Yuan Zihan guessed that Qin Feng should be taken away by Suzaku.

But without the monitoring at the door of Hongtai's warehouse, she didn't know what happened to Qin Feng. She just vaguely felt that Qin Feng should not be dead yet.

The middle-aged woman also watched the surveillance with Yuan Zihan. She saw a large number of cars coming in and out, and she was sure that Yuan Zihan was not lying.

Yuan Zihan felt relieved that Qin Feng had been rescued, and said goodbye to the middle-aged woman.

After getting in the taxi, Yuan Zihan didn't know where to go, so she went straight back to Beituo District People's Hospital.

"Sister Zihan, you are back, Yashi is gone."

Yuan Zihan just entered the ward, but saw that there was no shadow of her daughter on the bed in the ward, but a young female nurse was waiting for her.

"What did you say that Yashi disappeared?"

Yuan Zihan looked at the young female nurse with a face full of panic. She didn't expect that after running all day today, she came back to hear such bad news.

"Sister Zihan, at nine o'clock in the evening, someone sneaked into this room, hugged Yashi and left." The young female nurse quickly explained.

"Why did they take Yashi away? Who are they?" Yuan Zihan panicked and asked in a trembling voice.

(End of this chapter)

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