Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 13 I Can't Wait

Chapter 13 I Can't Wait
Her daughter is her life, and now she's gone?

Yuan Zihan was terrified, trembling all over, her mind went blank for a moment, she couldn't imagine losing her daughter.

You know, now that Qin Feng is back, their family will be reunited.

"Sister Zihan, I don't know who it is. I have called the police, but I can't get through to your number." The female nurse said in a deep voice with a slightly stiff face.

"My cell phone is broken. Xiang Shan, do you have a spare cell phone, can you lend me one?" Yuan Zihan asked hastily.

She planned to take a look at the police station after getting her mobile phone, and then retrieve her daughter Zhao Yashi.

"A spare phone? Wait, I'll find it for you right away."

The female nurse's name was Wen Xiangshan. When she heard Yuan Zihan's words, she immediately nodded and walked out of the ward.

Yuan Zihan tried his best to calm himself down, even though he was already mad inside.

She didn't have any money, so it was impossible for her to go out and buy a new mobile phone, not to mention that all the mobile phone shops were closed at this time.

And watching Wen Xiangshan walk out, she realized that her feet were already dirty. After all, she spent a lot of time looking for Qin Feng at the Hongtai warehouse, walking around, and it was like this. On a rainy day, it is impossible not to keep your feet dirty.

When Yuan Zihan came back from washing her feet in the bathroom, Wen Xiangshan came to the ward with her spare mobile phone.

"Thank you, Xiang Shan."

Yuan Zihan picked up the phone, her eyes were red with emotion, and tears flowed down her face.

The Yuan family has always rejected her, regarded her as a dog, and considered her daughter to be a villain. She has suffered endless grievances in the past five years.

But she was very fortunate, not only the middle-aged woman she met at the warehouse, but also Wen Xiangshan in front of her. Wen Xiangshan had also helped her a lot in the past five years.

There are still many good people in this world.

If it was normal and she lost her daughter Yuan Yashi, then she might collapse, but now she can't collapse, can't fall down, she must find her daughter back.

Because, she was waiting to be reunited with Qin Feng's family.

When Wen Xiangshan saw Yuan Zihan crying, she couldn't help feeling flustered, and quickly comforted her: "Sister Zihan, don't cry."

When Yuan Zihan heard this, he quickly raised his hand, wiped away his tears, and nodded to Wen Xiangshan: "I don't cry, I don't cry. By the way, Xiangshan, after you called the police, was it someone from the Tuoluo Street Police Station? I'm going to the Tuoluo Street Police Station now."

"Sister Zihan, I will accompany you. I have already asked for leave. Human life is at stake. I will work with you to find Yashi."

Wen Xiangshan said in a deep voice, she knew that if she didn't help Yuan Zihan, no one would help Yuan Zihan.

She couldn't understand the situation of Yuan Zihan and Yuan Yashi very well.

But what she didn't understand was that Yuan Yashi was obviously still ill and was waiting for surgery. Who on earth kidnapped Yuan Yashi?

Thinking that the kidnappers might be targeting Yuan Yashi's body organs, she was both terrified and indignant. After all, many criminals like to do the gray business of selling kidneys.

But Yuan Zihan's mother and daughter are pitiful enough, she must not watch Yuan Yashi have an accident, otherwise she will have a disturbed conscience.

Yuan Zihan was extremely moved when she heard Wen Xiangshan say to accompany her.

The two immediately left the ward and went to the Tuoluo Street Police Station.

It's a pity that the people at the police station have already left work, and the person on the night shift heard that they were missing, so they couldn't send people to investigate. They just asked the two to go back and wait for the news.

"No. Hurry up and find someone, isn't there surveillance? Check the surveillance!"

Yuan Zihan was very nervous, and quickly reminded the level-headed police officer in front of him who was asking.

"We have already checked the monitoring, but there is no monitoring on one section of the road, so the clues are broken. Now we can only wait for the kidnapper to show up. After all, we don't know where he went to hide, and it is already late at night. No, my colleagues are not here, and they all have other cases to deal with, I hope you understand."

The flat-headed police officer quickly explained.

"No, I can't wait. Go find it now, otherwise Yashi will be in danger, she is still sick."

Yuan Zihan said excitedly.

She was not willing to go back. Going back and waiting for news was almost tantamount to waiting for death. She didn't want to be like this, because the family was about to be reunited.

Wen Xiangshan saw it, and quickly pulled Yuan Zihan back.

"Sister Zihan, let's go back first, we have to trust the police station, they will definitely solve the case."

Finally, Wen Xiangshan pulled Yuan Zihan to sit down on the steel bench in the hall.

"Xiang Shan, what should I do? What should I do? Who are they? Yashi is only four years old. Why did they take Yashi away?"

Yuan Zihan's face trembled with excitement, and when she leaned against Wen Xiangshan, her body was also trembling.

Wen Xiangshan didn't know who it was, and she didn't dare to tell her guess, but she knew that the most important thing at the moment was to find someone.

"Sister Zihan, why don't you go back to your Yuan's house and ask them to help, send some people out to recruit people, this is not the way to go."

Yuan family?

Yuan Zihan's face froze, and a wry smile appeared on her ruddy thin lips. The Yuan family now regards her as a burden, not to mention Qin Feng making such a fuss tonight, it may be difficult for the Yuan family to help.

"The Yuan family won't help me. I borrowed money from the Yuan family during the day, and I went to Jiayan's birthday party at night, and they threw me out..."

When Wen Xiangshan heard Yuan Zihan's words, she couldn't help but frowned. This Yuan family is a small wealthy family, and they won't even borrow 30 yuan for surgery?Are you going to throw someone out the door?
This made her indignant, she gritted her teeth, immediately took out her cell phone and made a call.

But since it was already midnight, the phone rang for a while before it was connected, and a middle-aged man's voice came from the other end.

"Dad, can you send someone to help me, my sister Zihan's baby is missing, she is only four years old."

Seeing Wen Xiangshan call her family to help her find someone, Yuan Zihan's heart warmed.

She also calmed down, took the spare phone Wen Xiangshan had given her, and started calling to ask someone to find Yuan Yashi for help.

After making three calls in a row, she suddenly remembered that she remembered Qinglong's number, but since she saved it in her mobile phone and not in her phone card, she didn't have a phone card.

And she didn't remember the number, so naturally she couldn't call it.

"Qinglong. I need to contact Qinglong. I want to take my mobile phone for repair."

Yuan Zihan secretly decided that after Wen Xiangshan finished calling, she immediately told Wen Xiangshan that the Qinglong number was saved on the phone.

"Sister Zihan, let me take you out to find those repair shops. The repair shops on the street should not be closed at this time."

Wen Xiangshan quickly suggested to Yuan Zihan.

Afterwards, the two left the Tuoluo Street Police Station.

Wen Xiangshan also quickly found a mobile phone repair shop on Tuoluo Street.

However, just as Yuan Zihan handed over the phone for maintenance, the spare phone rang.

Seeing that it was an unfamiliar call, she hesitated for a moment, but still connected.

A middle-aged man's voice came from the other end of the phone: "If you want to save your daughter, come to Tuoluo Xinghui Park. Don't bring the police here, or you will bear the consequences."

"Who are you? Why are you arresting my daughter?"

Yuan Zihan asked quickly.

But the other party didn't respond at all, and hung up the phone directly.

Wen Xiangshan looked at Yuan Zihan in surprise: "Sister Zihan, is the kidnapper calling? Then let's notify the police station immediately..."

"No. You can't notify the police station, but the other party said that if I bring the police station over, the other party may tear up the ticket."

Yuan Zihan shook her head, she couldn't let the other party tear up her ticket, she agreed to have a family reunion, if something happened to Ya Shi, she would have no face to face Qin Feng.

"Then what should we do now? If the two of us go there, I'm afraid it will be dangerous. Otherwise, wait, I'll give my dad a call. "

Wen Xiangshan quickly suggested.

"Wait, don't call your dad yet. If the other party finds out that you have notified your dad, they may tear up the ticket."

Yuan Zihan still shook her head, her forehead had been twisted into the word Sichuan.

After thinking for a while, she continued: "Well, let's go there first. However, you follow, and I will go to see them alone. If something happens to me, you will call the police and inform your father."

(End of this chapter)

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