Chapter 14
"But, isn't it dangerous for you to do this?"

Wen Xiangshan looked worried, she thought Yuan Zihan was putting herself in danger.

"I have to go to the danger. I have to know what happened to Ya Shi. So, Xiang Shan, you are my only hope. You must do as I say."

"Also, if you want to come back here to get your phone, you must inform Qinglong saved in the phone, he should be my husband's friend."

"If you can contact him, then my husband will definitely come to rescue me."

Yuan Zihan said tremblingly, she is not ignorant of the danger, but she has no choice.

No matter what, she had to know what was going on with her daughter. If the kidnappers were alerted and she was not sure of rescuing her daughter, then her daughter would be in danger.

Now, she went alone, leaving her hope on Wen Xiangshan.

Of course, there was another reason, and that was that she didn't want Wen Xiangshan to be in danger.

"Okay. Shall we go now?"

Wen Xiangshan had no better choice, but nodded in agreement, because she didn't want the other party to tear up her ticket either.

The two walked out of the mobile phone repair shop and took a taxi to Gyro Xinghui Park.

At the gate of the park, Wen Xiangshan got out of the car alone, and tried to call back the phone at the gate, but the phone couldn't get through at all, so she sent a message.

The phone rang suddenly, and Yuan Zihan saw that it was an unfamiliar call, so she immediately connected it.

The middle-aged man's voice was still on the other end of the phone: "I saw you, just wait."

"Okay, I'll wait for you. Please, don't hurt my daughter Yashi." Yuan Zihan begged quickly.

The phone was hung up, and Yuan Zihan couldn't help feeling nervous while pinching the spare phone.

After a few minutes.

A black van drove over and stopped in front of Yuan Zihan, the door was opened immediately, and three strong men got out of the car.

One of them, a tall and thin man with a short crew cut, glanced at Yuan Zihan, slid his throat, clicked his tongue twice, and his eyes showed a hint of teasing.

Yuan Zihan looked at the three of them and asked nervously, "Who are you? What did you do to my daughter, Yashi?"

The short crew cut man sneered, his face full of amusement: "If you want to know how your daughter is, then come with us."

When Yuan Zihan heard this, her face trembled slightly, her eyes looked at the man with short crew cut in horror, she gritted her teeth and said, "I won't go, you must let me see how my daughter is doing."

The short crew cut man froze for a moment. Seeing Yuan Zihan holding a small stone in his hand, he couldn't help frowning.

Naturally, he didn't want to be beaten by Yuan Zihan, so he squinted his eyes, then took out his mobile phone and made a video call: "Mouse, she wants to see that stinky girl."

Then, he handed the phone to Yuan Zihan.

Yuan Zihan took the phone and saw Yuan Yashi lying on a sofa at the other end of the video, subconsciously called out: "Yashi."

"Did you see it? Come with us." The short crew cut man snorted coldly.

"I'll go with you, but I hope you can let my daughter go. My daughter still needs surgery." Yuan Zihan said with flushed eyes.

The short crew cut man didn't pay attention to Yuan Zihan's pleading, he turned around and got into the black van.

Yuan Zihan could only follow into the van.

But before getting into the car, she couldn't help but glance at the direction where Wen Xiangshan was hiding.

"Xiang Shan, you must help me find Brother Feng."

Yuan Zihan thought to herself, she had made up her mind, even if these people were going to kill her, she still hoped to see Qin Feng come over before she died, and then watched Qin Feng rescue her daughter.

After half an hour.

Yuan Zihan followed the short crew cut man and they changed three vans, and then arrived at Longtan Garden Community in the eastern suburb of Beituo District.

This is a new apartment complex, and the pre-sale of houses just started a few days ago, so there are not many people living here.

Yuan Zihan watched the car drive into the front yard of the community, and she felt more and more uneasy.

On the way here, the short crew cut man and the others didn't say anything, even if Yuan Zihan wanted to ask something, he couldn't ask.

As the car stopped in front of a building, Yuan Zihan continued to ask after getting out of the car: "What are you bringing me here for?"

"Just follow along, don't talk too much, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude." The short crew cut man warned.

Yuan Zihan frowned, and didn't dare to say anything more. She followed them all the way to a house on the top floor, where she saw Yuan Yashi lying on the sofa.

However, Yuan Yashi was already asleep. Seeing that Yuan Yashi's breathing was calm, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know what's wrong with Young Master Gu, but such an ugly monster has to be brought here." A strong bald man sighed.

"Shut up, if Young Master Gu hears your words, I guarantee you will be beaten." The short crew cut man snapped.

"Yes, Brother Wei." The bald man nodded.

Yuan Zihan looked at this man with a short crew cut called Wei Ge, and she glanced at the entire hall, there were 11 people here, and it was impossible for her to run away even if she wanted to hug Yuan Yashi.

As for Wei Ge and the others talking about Young Master Gu, he didn't know him at all.

"Brothers, please let our mother and daughter go, I don't have any money."

Yuan Zihan thought about it, and begged Wei Ge and the others.

"Cut!" The bald man looked at Yuan Zihan disdainfully.

"To shut up."

Wei Ge scolded Yuan Zihan, and then said to the bald man: "The four of you are on the night shift, we will rest first, don't let anyone run away, or you will know the consequences."

The bald man nodded quickly: "Brother Wei, don't worry, we will never let her run out of this hall."

Seeing Wei Ge running to sleep in the room, Yuan Zihan felt a chill in her heart.

So she didn't continue to plead, but hugged Yuan Yashi tightly, curled up like a cat and lay on the sofa.

After running for a day, she was already sleepy.

Oriental Hotel.

After Suzaku and the others brought Qin Feng over, they directly brought him to an imperial suite.

Not long after, a helicopter boom sounded.

1 minute later.

The door of the imperial suite was pushed open, and a short-haired woman in a waist-length Hanfu embroidered with pink lotus flowers walked in with four female bodyguards.

And this short-haired woman is the female doctor Jiang Zhiling, with a round face, pretty and cute, tall, with fair skin like jade, and she has a fairy air all over her body.

Jiang Zhiling walked in, saw Qin Feng lying in the first bedroom of the suite, his expression changed suddenly, and he hurried to the side of the bed.

"What's going on? How could the emperor be like this?"

Suzaku quickly explained to Jiang Zhiling, and then asked, "How is the emperor?"

"The emperor's master is not life-threatening, he just fainted, and his physical strength is a little exhausted. He was seriously injured, and he was forced to exercise, and he had some minor internal injuries."

Jiang Zhiling narrated slowly, and then said to Suzaku and the two: "By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jiang Zhiling. Are you the guards selected by the emperor two years ago?"

Suzaku nodded, and quickly said: "That's right, I am Suzaku, and he is White Tiger. Besides, Qinglong and Xuanwu are still there to deal with the killer."


Jiang Zhiling made a pretty face, and said with a cold snort: "The Emperor Master has cherry blossom powder on his body, and the white cherry powder, which is a drug for fainting, is in it. Only Dongsang ninjas have this thing."

Suzaku gritted her teeth, thinking of finding the body of a masked man in black in Hongtai's warehouse, especially Team Leader Takeda who was trying to kill Qin Feng, she also instantly became murderous.

"That's right, there were Dongsang ninjas back then."

"This is strange. The Emperor Master has never had any disputes with their Dongsang Kingdom. Their Dongsang ninjas dare to deal with the Emperor Master and use this special powder. It's too much."

Jiang Zhiling's face was full of sullen anger. She would never forgive anyone who dealt with the emperor, because the emperor was the person she respected the most in her life.

Without thinking too much, she took out her cell phone and made a call.

"The emperor's master is seriously injured, Great Elder, please gather the disciples of the emperor's master in Xia Kingdom to Dongfang Hotel immediately."

An old man's nervous voice came from the other end of the phone: "Master Di is seriously injured? What's going on?"

Jiang Zhiling quickly told the story.

"Damn it, their Dongsang ninjas dare to deal with the Emperor Master. They are courting death. I will notify the Emperor Master's disciples right away."

The old man on the other end was indignant, and then hung up the phone.

At this time, a female bodyguard approached Jiang Zhiling and reported, "Ye Wushuang is asking to see you outside."

Jiang Zhiling frowned slightly, and waved to the female bodyguard, "Let her in."

(End of this chapter)

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