Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 307 You Have Been Deceived Part 2

Chapter 307 You Have Been Lied To
"What did you say?"

Lu Lisha turned her head to look at Qin Feng with displeasure on her face, but panic flashed across her eyes. How dare this kid question her?

"I said, you are not the vice president of Xingyuan Real Estate. Isn't it obvious enough?"

Qin Feng chuckled and squinted at Lu Lisha with a provocative look.

"Take them down."

Lu Lisha's heart trembled, she felt that Qin Feng was very strange, so she tried to take down the four of Qin Feng, including Qin Xiaoyu, immediately.

For these four people, she no longer needs to be polite. For the sake of 2000 million, it doesn't matter if they kill four people.

The able-bodied men were ordered, and they rushed towards Qin Feng and the others in an instant, and their eyes were especially fixed on Pei Xiaoyao and Qin Xiaoyu.

They were very excited at the thought of catching two beauties here.

With a flash of Qin Feng's figure, he swept out with a flying foot, and directly kicked the four strong men who rushed forward first.


Three of the four strong men were kicked in other directions, one of them flew towards the back of him, and the two companions behind him were hit by him and smashed to the ground.

The rest of the able-bodied men were shocked when they saw it. They didn't expect Qin Feng to make such a powerful move.

Lu Lisha and Sun Xunxue were also stunned.

But Lu Lisha quickly came back to her senses, and she sternly shouted at the rest of the strong men: "What are you still doing? Hurry up!"

The rest of the strong men continued to rush towards Qin Feng. They thought that as long as they caught Qin Feng, everything would be over.

However, Cao Shirong and Pei Xiaoyao also followed Qin Feng and attacked the strong men.

Qin Feng did not rush forward, but guarded within six feet of Qin Xiaoyu.

"How could this be?"

Lu Lisha was astonished, and watched helplessly that all the people she brought were knocked down by Qin Feng and the other three.

Sun Xunxue was dumbfounded at the same place, and she was still in a daze. She never thought that such a scene would happen.

Qin Feng saw that all the strong men were knocked down, he suddenly dodged and rushed towards Lu Lisha.

In the blink of an eye, he was behind Lu Lisha, grabbed Lu Lisha's arms, and took them off.

"Ah ah ah..."

Lu Lisha was terrified and wailed continuously, and she fainted immediately.

Qin Feng let go, threw Lu Lisha to the ground, and snorted softly, "We are from the sports school, so these trash want to deal with us?"

With that said, he turned his head to look at Sun Xunxue: "You have been deceived!"


Sun Xunxue came back to her senses, nodded quickly, and said with an awkward smile: "Yes, I was deceived. I didn't expect that Sister Sha was a fake. They are really disgusting. Well, go and do what you have. Leave it to me here."

"No. We've called the police."

Cao Shirong said lightly.

"Call the police?"

Sun Xunxue looked at Cao Shirong in surprise. She never thought of calling the police, and she didn't see Cao Shirong call the police. What's the matter with calling the police?

Moreover, this cannot be reported to the police, because the woman whose hands were removed by Qin Feng is not Lu Lisha at all.

"Isn't it necessary to call the police? You beat someone, so run away quickly. Otherwise, it would be bad if the police station arrests you."

Seeing Sun Xunxue's kind persuasion, Cao Shirong couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "If we make a mistake, it would be a good thing to arrest us."


Sun Xunxue was angry, she never thought that Cao Shirong was not afraid of being caught by the police.

Qin Feng walked aside and made a phone call, "Let someone come in immediately."

Sun Xunxue didn't know what kind of phone Qin Feng was calling, but she was in a panic.

"How is this going?"

Dean Zhen Xingchang's voice suddenly came over.

Seeing Zhen Xingchang, Sun Xunxue quickly waved to Zhen Xingchang: "Principal, it's too bad! They fought here and they still refuse to leave. Come and persuade them, at least they are donors of our orphanage."


When Zhen Xingchang got out of the elevator, he saw Lu Lisha and the others lying on the ground, but he still pretended to be calm and walked over.

"Yeah, they're fighting. We've been strictly investigating recently, so I kindly persuaded them to leave, but they refused to leave. I just don't know what to do!"

Sun Xunxue said with a troubled face.

"Oh, you can't fight here, you're arrested for fighting, you really... leave now, I'll take care of this place."

Zhen Xingchang quickly persuaded Qin Feng and the others, and waved to Qin Feng and the others.

Qin Feng chuckled, then turned to Qin Xiaoyu and asked, "Do you think we should run away?"

Qin Xiaoyu gritted her teeth, shook her head and said, "Knowing the law and breaking the law is wrong. If we are right, then there is no need to run away."

Qin Feng nodded slightly, turned his head to look at Zhen Xingchang coldly, and said with a sneer, "Sorry, my cousin told me not to run away."


Zhen Xingchang frowned, and glared at Qin Xiaoyu: "Xiao Yu, what are you messing around with?"

"Who messed around? These people are fake real estate vice presidents, so people from the police station must come and arrest them."

Qin Xiaoyu's pretty face froze, and she shouted sharply.


Zhen Xingchang didn't expect Qin Xiaoyu to refute him, this was beyond his expectation, he thought Qin Xiaoyu would speak for him.

Sun Xunxue took a look, and quickly made a rescue: "Xiao Yu, you should take your cousin away quickly, we will watch and deal with these people."

As long as Qin Feng and the others were tricked away, she would immediately take Lu Lisha and the others away through the back door.

Unfortunately, Qin Feng didn't give Zhen Xingchang and Sun Xunxue this chance at all, he shook his head.

"We'll just listen to my cousin and stay here until the police come over."

Zhen Xingchang's face froze, but he was already very annoyed, but he didn't want to get mad at Qin Feng and the others, because he had just received a donation from Qin Feng and the others.

For a moment, the atmosphere froze a bit.

Sun Xunxue gritted her teeth, stepped forward with a gloomy expression and pulled Zhen Xingchang aside.

"Dean, what should we do now?"

"Don't worry, I know someone from the police station here, and they won't do anything to Sister Sha."

Zhen Xingchang replied in a low voice, then raised his eyes to look at Qin Feng and the others, and a ruthless look flashed across his eyes for an instant.

His resentment towards Qin Feng and the others grew deeper and deeper.

A car sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

A row of cars stopped, and one of them got on a red Maserati, and a young woman in a white OL business suit got off, with a pretty face and a perfect and proud figure.

Dozens of bodyguards in black suits came out of other black vans, and they closely guarded the young woman's side.

The young woman strode towards the entrance of the front hall of the orphanage building. She glanced at the people on the ground, and then looked at Cao Shirong.

"Young Master Rong!"

Cao Shirong nodded to the young woman, because this woman is the president of Xingyuan Real Estate, Lu Yunshuang.

"President Lu, is this person the vice president of your group?"

Cao Shirong pointed to the unconscious Lu Lisha on the ground.

Qin Feng had already taken out the silver needle in his hand, and then threw it towards Lu Lisha.


Lu Lisha woke up instantly after being hit by the silver needle, but when she wanted to get up, she couldn't stand up because her hands had already been removed by Qin Feng.

Both Zhen Xingchang and Sun Xunxue's expressions changed. They thought it was someone from the police station who came over, but they didn't expect that the person who came over turned out to be the president of Xingyuan Real Estate.

"This person is not the vice president of my group. The vice president of my group is a man. I haven't appointed a woman yet, and there is no such person in my group."

Lu Yunshuang shook her head immediately.

"Oh! So, she's really not from Xingyuan Real Estate? But, just now she claimed to be from Xingyuan Real Estate, and she said she wanted us to hand over the winning 2000 million."

Qin Feng laughed.

Lu Lisha came back to her senses and looked at Lu Yunshuang. She was also stunned and panicked. People from Xingyuan Real Estate came over?
"She is not from our Xingyuan Real Estate. I think this matter must be dealt with by the police."

Lu Yunshuang frowned and looked at Qin Feng, then shook her head quickly.

"We have already called the police. These people are really hateful. They pretended to be people from Xingyuan Real Estate."

Cao Shirong snorted softly.

Lu Yunshuang nodded to Cao Shirong, then looked at Zhen Xingchang, frowned and asked, "Master Rong, are they..."

"They are all from the orphanage. Unexpectedly, these people dare to cheat money from the orphanage. When the police come, they will be taken to the orphanage and shot."

Cao Shirong glanced at Zhen Xingchang and the others, raised the corners of his lips, and looked at Lu Lisha and the others with a playful expression.

When Lu Lisha and the others heard this, they were all flustered. They wanted to grab 2000 million by force, and they also wanted to kill people, but they never thought that they would be shot.

"No, I don't want to be shot, please, let me go."

As a strong man begged for mercy, the others also begged for mercy.

But Lu Lisha turned her head to look at Zhen Xingchang, and said in a trembling voice, "Dean, let them let us go."

(End of this chapter)

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